This answer was provided by an IDNR district wildlife biologist: To deter hawks away from the coop- Remove perch sites near coops, if possible. Put chickens in chicken tractors when in field. Keep the chickens in an enclosure with a "roof" made of wire or a strong nylon net secured by bungee cords that will cover the chicken run. The bungy cord makes the net easy to remove. A shelter about a foot high may allow chickens to escape aerial predation. Hay - Molds and Dust in alfalfa/grass hay and fine materials in saw dust can cause respiratory problems with chickens. I recommend wood shavings or straw for chicken bedding. Remove chickens from coop and restrict access. Remove all loose hay and soiled materials, clean coop with warm soapy water and add bleach (bottles of beach should have mixing instructions - approx. 1 fl. oz in two gallons?).This should disinfect and clean. Wash walls, floors, nest boxes, feeders, roosts and water containers. Rinse all item with cold clean water. Allow all items to dry completely. Put down new bedding (straw or wood shavings). Allow chickens to access. Chickens with respiratory infections (sneezing) may be treated with terramycin (antibiotic) powder (400 to 800 mg/gallon? See package for dosing instructions and mixing) in their drinking water. Farm and Fleet or TSC has packets of this product on hand.