University of Illinois Extension

What You Should Not Do

  1. Don’t be loud.
    • If you are loud, the dog may become scared of you.
  2. Don’t run up to the dog.
    • Running directly at a dog may scare it. 
  3. Don’t hug the dog.
    • Even if you have a dog at home that likes to be hugged, many dogs do not like this—especially if they do not know you. 
  4. Don’t pet the dog on top of the head.
    • Many dogs do not like to be petted on their head if they do not know you.  Remember, pet the dog on the chest, side or back.
  5. Don’t look directly into its eyes.
    • This makes dogs very uncomfortable.
  6. Don’t pull on its hair, tail, or ears.
    • This may hurt the dog.  Always pet a dog gently and carefully.