Here are your goals and key ideas to learn
in Case #1!

When you finish this case, you should be
able to:
List the important things needed for plant growth.
Help in the growth of a living organism.
Demonstrate knowledge and use of words related to seeds
and plants.
Read to find answers to questions.
Describe and record observations.
Listen for answers and new information.
Describe how plants grow and what they need to grow.
Make guesses about lettuce and its growth (time, size,
color, etc.)
While you're solving the mysteries, pay special attention
to these key ideas:
Plants are made up of different parts. Each part has
a certain job. These parts can also help us to identify
You can eat certain plant parts. They are important
food sources for both humans and other animals.
There are seven basic requirements that plants need
in order to grow properly: temperature, light, water,
air, nutrients, time, and room to grow.
Plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors for food,
shelter, clothing, medicine, energy, and pleasure.
Go on to the Facts of the Case.