The Great Plant Escape
Soiled Again!

Case Brief

Here are your goals and key ideas to learn in Case #2!


When you finish this case, you should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of soil and how the things that are in it relates to its ability to support good plant growth.

  • Tell how plants adapt to soils that aren't perfect.

  • Describe the relationship between soil and plant life.

  • Recognize that there is a lot of important activity going on where the roots of plants are located.

  • Use new vocabulary words such as nutrients, soil particles, texture, structure, organic matter, topsoil, and subsoil.

  • Describe what types of living organisms can be found in and around soil.

  • Use observation and classification to identify components of the soil.

  • Recognize other things that can be used in place of soil.

  • Describe the importance of soil "critters" and how they break down organic matter.


While you're solving the mysteries, pay special attention to these key ideas:

  • Soil makeup is important in keeping plants alive. We can change soil composition in ways that will help a plant's ability to survive and grow.

  • Microbes, solid particles, chemicals, and living plant material all work together to produce a balance that supports a variety of life forms.

  • Soil is made up of three basic units: sand, silt, and clay.

  • Composting is nature's way of changing organic wastes into plant food that is used to keep many living things alive.

Go on to the Facts of the Case.

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Home Case 1 - In Search of Green Life Case 2 - Soiled Again! Case 3 - Is It Dust, Dirt, Dandruff or a Seed? Case 4 - Plantenstein Is the Suspect! Case 5 - Mysterious Parts That Surprise! Case 6 - You've Learned the Mysteries of Green Life Glossary Links Case Brief Facts Activities Teacher's Guide Credits The Great Plant Escape