Label your viewer
Write your name, the type of seed and the date of
planting on the side of the cup.
Make the viewer
Line the inside of the cup with black construction
paper. Crumple up some paper towels, one at a time,
and fill the cup inside the construction paper with
them. Cut the top edge of the construction paper so
it is even with the top of the cup.
Plant the seeds
Slip each seed between the cup and the construction
paper until it is an inch to an inch and one-half
below the top edge of the cup. Pour water into the
center of the paper towels until the construction
paper is wet.
Watch the miracle!
Set the seed viewer on a sunny window sill. Check
at the same time each day to see what is happening.
Chart the growth and development of the plant. You
must keep your paper towel moist for the seeds to
germinate and grow properly!
Here's another idea! Try these different
Find out if seeds need light to germinate.
Will lima bean seeds germinate in the refrigerator?
Do seeds need moisture to germinate?
Now take a look
at the inside of a seed... |