Here are your goals and key ideas to learn in Case #3!
When you finish this case, you should be able to:
Talk about the importance of seeds.
Tell what is needed for a seed to germinate.
Describe the differences in seeds and tell how they
Describe nonflowering plants that produce seed-like
structures (mushrooms, ferns).
Describe a seed's structure and what's needed for seed
List seeds that are used for food.
While you're solving the mysteries, pay special attention
to these key ideas:
Seeds can remain alive over a long period of time,
but they only grow when there are the proper conditions.
Some seeds have special structures that let them move
from one place to another.
Seeds have different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns.
Seeds have special needs that must be met to germinate.
Seeds have specific parts.
Now go on to the Facts of the Case!