From Bulb to Bloom
one paperwhite narcissus bulb
container with soil
ruler or yardstick
we found this baby plant inside a bulb, let's see if it
will grow and what it will look like when it grows up. Bud
promises that it will bloom with large, sweet-smelling white
flowers. Let's see if he's right!
Fill a container with soil so that when the bulb is
planted 1/3 of the top is above the top of the container.
Place bulb in the center of the container.
Fill in around the bulb with soil, gently packing it.
After you have finished potting the bulb, water it
Use the posterboard to make a growth chart for the
paperwhites. After one week, measure the growth every
Place your bulb in a sunny window, and water it when
the soil is dry. Turn containers every day when plants
start growing, so all sides of the plant get equal light.
After the flower blooms and fades, remove the flower
stalk. The grasslike outer leaves will continue to grow.
Questions about bulbs
Did your bulb grow the same amount each week?
Did your bulb grow differently than you thought it
How long did your narcissus flower bloom?
How does it smell?
Your paperwhite narcissus is a bulb, of course, but there
are some plants that look like bulbs, but are really bulb
imposters! You'll learn more about them in Mystery