Kiwi, Hardy (Actinidia arguta)-Hort Answers - University of Illinois Extension
University of Illinois Extension

University of Illinois Extension

Hort Answers


Kiwi, Hardy
Actinidia arguta

Leaves of Hardy Kiwi
Leaves of Hardy Kiwi
Produces small edible fruit on female plants if both male and female plants are present. 
Full sun to partial shade. This vine tolerates a wide range of soil conditions. Heavy pruning is suggsted. Prune in winter, cutting stems back to 8 to 10 buds. 
  • 'Issai' has perfect flowers so only one plant is needed to produce fruit.
Mature Height
25 Feet (This is an extremely vigorous vine and may outgrow it's support.)
USDA Hardiness Zone
4 - 7 
Bloom Color
Not of Interest
Bloom Season
May - June
Soil Conditions
Moist, Well-Drained
Exposure/Light Requirements
Full Sun
Partial Sun/Shade
Method of Attachment
Foliage Color
Fall Foliage Color
Pests and Problems

Environmental Damage

Additional pests and problems that may affect this plant:

No common serious problems.
Additional Notes

Fruit is produced on the current year's growth, so yearly pruning will be beneficial to fruit production.

This vine is woody and deciduous.


Related Resources
Home, Yard & Garden Pest Guide
Illinois Commercial Landscape and Turfgrass Pest Management Handbook
U of IL - Distance Diagnosis through Digital Imaging
U of IL - Plant Clinic