Carrots (Daucus carrota var. sativas)-Hort Answers - University of Illinois Extension
University of Illinois Extension

University of Illinois Extension

Hort Answers


Daucus carrota var. sativas

Freshly dug Carrots
Freshly dug Carrots

Carrots require full sun, deep well-drained loose soil particularly the long rooted types, can tolerate wide range of soil pH, and needs adequate amounts of potassium in the soil. Work the soil into a fine seedbed by breaking clods for good germination. Control weeds by pulling and hoeing if possible. Give plants 1 inch of water per week as carrots that develop in dry weather have fibrous roots that are of low quality. Cover exposed roots with loose soil to prevent green shoulder developing on roots.

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  • Danvers Half Long
  • Bolero
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Planting Time

Very cold hardy vegetable, plant seeds as soon as the ground can be worked in spring. Plant every 2-3 weeks to ensure continuous supply of carrots throughout the growing season. Plant in midsummer for fall garden, and continue harvesting into early winter.


Harvest Time

Carrots are ready for harvesting when roots are more than ? inch in diameter. The roots continue to size when left in the ground. Carrots for the fall garden can be picked until first frost. Store carrots in cool humid environment with temperatures just above freezing.


Planting in rows that are 12-15 inches apart by digging shallow trenches where carrot seeds are drilled and covered with a very thin layer of soil (1/4 inch). After germination thin the seedlings to 2 inches apart within the row.


Soil Conditions
Moist, Well-Drained
Exposure/Light Requirements
Full Sun
Pests and Problems

Environmental Damage

Insect Damage

Additional pests and problems that may affect this plant:

  • Root Maggots
Additional Notes


Related Resources
Home, Yard & Garden Pest Guide
U of IL - Distance Diagnosis through Digital Imaging
U of IL - Plant Clinic