Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
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Champaign County


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Sudden Redbud die-off from Linda Gilbert 05/04/24
House finches eating Autumn Joy Sedum from Joyce R 07/23/23
Birds eating sedum from Shirlie Pinkham 09/02/22
Privet Hedge from William Gravenkemper 07/26/22
Finches,sedums from Linda Mosier 05/16/22
House finches nibbling my autumn joy sedum from Sharon Newbill 03/12/22
Sedum from Carol Ann Forgas 11/20/21
Mandavellia care from Paula Scott 08/07/21
Sedum from Carol Ann Forgas 05/27/21
Birds on my Autumn Joy sedum from Patti Kolek 05/08/21
Birds on sedum from Linda Virgili 08/24/20
Sedum from Julia Winfree 07/19/20
Rose of Sharons not thriving from Patty Cetin 06/10/19
Gardenia tree from Mary Cran 09/22/17
Lavender from Richard Olson 09/21/17
Purple Loosestrife from Ish V (1) Reply. 07/25/17
bald cypress from Danny Noland (1) Reply. 11/12/16
golden privet/leggy from terry bell (1) Reply. 08/16/16
Composting worms from Jason Blick (1) Reply. 07/26/16
Chayote squash in IL? from Eva V (2) Replies. 06/28/16
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