Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit

Champaign County


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Herb Day from Madiem Kawa (1) Reply. 12/26/11
Are they poisonious to animals? from Dianne Marstin (1) Reply. 09/11/11
What Fruit tree is this? from Gloria Meyer (1) Reply. 08/29/11
Oak Tree Info from Tripp Wilson (1) Reply. 08/27/11
roblem with an oak tree from francis wilson (1) Reply. 08/27/11
Ever green tree losing needles from Theresa Keleher (1) Reply. 08/20/11
Clematis and plastic siding from Bob Peck (1) Reply. 05/24/11
oak trees from Lynn McCoy (1) Reply. 05/21/11
hard maple feeding too heavily? from Joy Bell (1) Reply. 05/20/11
Removal of state flower from property? from Jennifer Marcelica (1) Reply. 05/19/11
Roses from margie esparza (1) Reply. 05/19/11
pine tree from Robyn Lyon (1) Reply. 05/17/11
Peach trees from Jack Whetsel (1) Reply. 05/14/11
Hard maple tree from Alice Strobel (1) Reply. 05/14/11
redbud trees from Tom Lester (1) Reply. 05/06/11
plant spacing from C M (1) Reply. 05/02/11
asparagus from Marilyn Litwilller (1) Reply. 05/02/11
pumpkins from Kirstin Miller (1) Reply. 04/30/11
Cherry Tree from Christy Ihnen (1) Reply. 04/29/11
Garden Pond ? from Mark Briggs (1) Reply. 04/21/11
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