Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit

Champaign County


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
Fertilizer from Donna Testroet (1) Reply. 08/10/08
bagworms from Karen Duvall (1) Reply. 08/04/08
pruning mimosa tree branches from norma brookshier (2) Replies. 08/02/08
swarms of flies from Jeana McAllister (1) Reply. 07/28/08
purple ash tree from sherry Kerjake (1) Reply. 07/25/08
Petunia dying from Chuck Gura (1) Reply. 07/17/08
Ants by the Koi Pond from Debbie Hirschi (1) Reply. 07/16/08
bores from Debra Egan (1) Reply. 07/16/08
Ants in the vegetable patch from wendy Ritchey (1) Reply. 06/21/08
Beetles from Marcia DeClerk (1) Reply. 06/20/08
sunflowers from Cathy Smith (1) Reply. 06/18/08
Green Beans/weeds from Joan Herron (1) Reply. 06/09/08
peoines from Wanda Hager (1) Reply. 06/06/08
mandevilla from Susan Owen (1) Reply. 05/21/08
Squirrels from james Mikrut (1) Reply. 05/18/08
Tomatoe Worms from Teri Frerichs (1) Reply. 05/17/08
Thistles from Rodney Lake (1) Reply. 04/30/08
new and old shrubs from karen rex (1) Reply. 04/27/08
kid friendly weed control from Kristine Cochran (1) Reply. 04/27/08
mandelvilla from patti spacone (1) Reply. 04/25/08
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