Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit

Champaign County


Questions per page:

Question Title Date
When to treat for Japanese beetle larva from John Schreiber (1) Reply. 08/05/06
compost unit from Jeannette Elliott (1) Reply. 08/04/06
Blue Hollies from Diane Matallanes (1) Reply. 08/03/06
ash trees from Sarah Babbitt (1) Reply. 08/02/06
Yucca seed pods from Joyce Livesay (1) Reply. 08/01/06
Milky Spore from Larry East (1) Reply. 07/30/06
Mandavilla from Peggy Christenbury (1) Reply. 07/29/06
Straw-like grass/weed from Todd Pavlik (2) Replies. 07/26/06
wasp nests from Anna Beederman (1) Reply. 07/25/06
bark on tree from Bill Magro (1) Reply. 07/23/06
Holes around ash tree from Ron Szoke (1) Reply. 07/19/06
Japanese Beetles from Steve Burdin (1) Reply. 07/17/06
Seeding Lawns from David Wetherell (1) Reply. 07/07/06
seed on cherry from penny shepherd 07/07/06
ash trees from Mike Korpics (1) Reply. 07/06/06
powdery mildew on cucumbers from Heather Munson (1) Reply. 07/05/06
japanese beetle control from STEVEN RUSSELL (1) Reply. 06/28/06
Dying Fruit Trees from Thomas Pikus (1) Reply. 06/26/06
growth and development from Jami Himmelfarb (1) Reply. 06/19/06
Red-Headed ash beetles from Timothy Pavlik (1) Reply. 06/05/06
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