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small moths in the house

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From: S. Nevins
Urbana, IL
Hi, This summer we seem to have an invasion of small (half-inch) brownish moths that show up all over the house. They do not seem attracted to anything in particular; they just seem to be hanging around. Once you kill one, another shows up in a day or two. My neighbor has them too. Is this something widespread, like the invasive ladybugs, or more microlocal?


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From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Hi, seems like we are always going thru some kind of invasion. yours sounds like indian meal moth. The adult moths often fly around lights at night. Here is a website I wrote about them. May want to check out some pix online. good luck, sandy

From: Bill Curtis
Plainville, CT
Hi i am a home owner in Plainville,CT and this year i have never had so many moths in my home, u would think something died on top of that once in a while i have something that looks like a white smaller than an half inch worm that i find on the walls. but this problem is so severe that each night i at least kill or catch now with my invented net that i made twenty or more small moths usually white or have a tint of black in them at one point i thought an animal must of gotten down the chimney but after checking that and their was i cleaned it out put moths balls in the lower half where there is a door and check frequently now but have i have an outbreak due to that? please help. Bill

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From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
HI Bill, we can get insects from unfortunate dead animals but typically those would be beetles. since you have moths I wonder about Indian meal moths. as I mentioned in this thread they are common. the caterpillars will crawl up walls to find a place to pupate so they can become moths.The adult moths often fly around lights at night. it is a matter of figuring out what is infested and removing it, anything grain based from corn meal , flour to seed craft projects. vacuum cabinets, put grain based items in freezer or in glass or plastic containers. May want to check out some pix online to see if your moths match. good luck, sandy

From: Glenda carter
Dolton, IL
I live in Dolton,IL In the heart of the winter and I have an invasion of moths. They general are affixed on the ceiling of my food pantry. I don't know how to get rid of them?

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