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treee & ph soil test

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From: mel x
zion, IL
hi, I have planted 2 empress trees this spring and after many net researches i'm a bit puzzled about info i have fount about this tree; initialy I've read only positive things about my tree such as year roung blooming, nice for the environment since has big leef formation, deep root sistem and so forth, then on most forums ppl are saying that it's quite the opposite of all the know info - only blooms in spring or in hot summer years 2ce a year and on the following year no bloom at all, seeds making nighborhood "disaster" by reseeding , shallow roots etc ; I would greatly apreciate some advise on how to treat this tree. Also I would like to know were I cand send for testing my soil (what type of testing will they provide)

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Mel, not sure where you are located but for us in central Ill Empress trees (Paulownia tomentosa also known as Royal Paulownia) tend to be uncertain as to whether they will flower. they flower on last years wood so are often killed in winter or by late frosts. they are along the same lines as catalpa with large leaves that can be messy. the dense shade makes it hard to grwo anything under them. they are considered a pest in the east as they have escaped culitvation. I do not recomemend it for all these reasons. It has been overly hyped in Sunday newspaper supplements. I would check with your local extension office or yellow pages for soil testing. good luck, sandy

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