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moths in the cleanest home

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From: Nancy Gershman
Chicago, IL
I have EVERYTHING airlocked and no arts and crafts projects anywhere involving edibles. Yet these small moths keep coming, even with the pheromone-projecting hangers the exterminators put up.

The majority show up in the bedroom, not in the closet, but along the walls. We are absolutely stumped by all this. No more than 1-2 moths appeared each day before we hung up the pheromone treatment. Now, it's one moth every 5 days or so.

The moths are small, in a palette of browns and beiges, and have three horizontal banded areas. I'd be happy to send you a digital pic if you would be willing to identify these moths for me.


Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Hi Nancy, From your description I imagine they are Indian meal moths. The larvae (little white caterpillars) travel away from food sources in order to spin their cocoons to pupate and become adults. Generally this is a fairly quick process but they can overwinter and not emerge til now. Probably what you are seeing are the last bunch of larvae that finally pupated. If there is no food for the female to lay her eggs they will not continue the cycle. sometimes it takes time for the last ones to become adults. here is a fact sheet that may hlep. remain vigilant in keeping all foodstuffs in glass or rigid plastic containers. good luck, Sandy

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