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Evergreen Trees w/ disease?

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From: Jason Jones
St. Joseph, IL
I have two large evergreen trees and several smaller ones in my side yard. One of the large evergreens has a TON of balls growing on the stems. I remember last year I saw an orangish slimey material coming off the branches. Now my tree is completely full of all these balls. Any idea what this is and how I can get rid of it? Some of the needles are turning brown and the branches are dying.

I also have bag worms on some of my smaller evergreens. When can I spray for bagworms? I have a three year old, newborn, and dog - Is there anything that is both safe for my family and gets rid of the bagworms and balls?!


Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
HI Jason, usually we dont worry about spraying for cedar apple galls on Junipers/red cedar. It can be undsightly but doesn't really hurt the tree. Bagworms on the other hand can kill the tree. you can pick the bags off now then mid June and again in late June spray with BT sold as Dipel and Thuricide to control the young bagworms. It's a safe product. As with all pesticides, be sure to use according to label direcitons.

From: sheri halloran
demotte, IN
not sure what i have on my tree it looks like a small pine cone with worms inside there are hundreds of them all over the place on my porch stairs and tree. The tree is getting verry brown. are these bag worms?

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