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From: Corinne clough
champaign, IL
We recently bought a Little Lamb Hydrangea from a local nursery. It has been in the ground for nearly two weeks and is looking very unhealthy. Last weekend, the leaves began to shrivel and had some holes on them. Now all the leaves are close to falling off and the flowers are beginning to shrivel. I took a sample of the leaves to the nursery and they thought I was probably watering too much. They also thought it could be from overhead watering. I have backed off on watering, but it just continues to get worse. Any thoughts??

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Hi Corinne, hydrangeas can be a bit tempermental. they hate to dry out and hate really wet soils. If you know you haven't let it dry out at any time it could be a root rot from too wet soils and might be even worse if you have really clay soil. Best way to know if it needs watering is to feel the soil around it. plants can wilt even though they have water if they have a reduced root system. You did the right thing by alerting the nursery where you purchased it. I hope it is on a guarantee. If it doesnt start showing some new growth soon I imagine it will need replacement. good luck, Sandy

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