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Lawns and grasses

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From: Mark Roessler
Champaign, IL
I have seen a few questions on here regarding lawns and grasses and some notes/replies about soil testing or bringing samples into the Extension. I am wondering what would either of those two things would tell somebody that is trying to repair their yard. Our yard is over 1/2 weeds (creeping charlie or violets?), very bumpy (hurts to walk in your bare feet), and patchy. We live in an older neighboorhood with old established trees, but suprisingly, the shadiest part might be in the best shape (nice grass and no wees). I am trying to decide if we should continue to "maintain" our problems or start anew. About this time over the last few years we have aerated and slit seeded and I usually apply the Scott's 4-step system throughout the year, but it seems to be a losing battle. Any information on what steps I should take first would be appreciated.

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
HI Mark, sounds like your lawn is in need of renovation. good news is thsi is a good time to do it. I would recommend killing off the weeds with a non selective herbicide such as glyphosate sold as Round up and others. then wait a week for stuff to die then apply a couple inches of compost from the Landscape Recycling Center on east university avenue in Urbana. you might want to till in if under soil seems particularly clayey or hard. then level out the area and reseed. keep watered. check out this website. it may help. good luck, Sandy

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