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From: viki johnsn
Champaing, IL
Voles are destroying my yard and garden. I live next to a vacant lot, and I think that is where they are coming from. I tried live traps, and caught a few, but they mulitply faster than I can catch them, and they do not like the bait in the trap now. I am using a poison bait, but they move to another part of the yard, I cannot keep up. HELP! My plants are being eaten from below, especially day lillies.

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Hi Viki, they certainly are pesky and multiply like mice. and they can eat all winter as well. you can hope for a hungry hawk or owl. or I would suggest mice snap traps baited with peanut butter and oatmeal. put the traps inside a coffee can (to keep other critters away) and place the can in the run. this website also talks about physical barriers. http://web.extension.uiuc.edu/wildlife/directory_show.cfm?species=vole good luck and happy hunting, Sandy

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