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sugar maple

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From: Janis Hooper
Mahomet, IL
Hi; I have two sugar maples in the backyard that were very healthy last summer. This summer since their leaves started to develop I have noticed that about 1/3 of the tree shows leaves that are curling and dropping off, and additionally looks like webworm damage (without evidence of any insect problem) so that the leaves are stripped down to the skeleton. Can you explain what might be happening? Make suggestions for action I can or should take? I'm guessing there is a fungus of some sort in the root system, since it is affecting the south side of both sugar maples, and does not seem to affect the three silver maples nearby. Thanks for any help you can provide. Janis Hooper

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
HI Janis, It would be better if you could bring a sample into our office. withthe info you have given I suspect a couple of things, leaf tatters, anthracnose or verticillium wilt. it's hard to say without a sample or if you could email some good pix of leaves and overall tree symptoms. sandy

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