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pests eating flowering plants

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From: Mary Eddy
Urbana, IL
This year, some pest ate the leaves on 6 columbines in our flower bed. This prevented the smaller plants from flowering, but the larger plants did flower--without the usual setting of leaves. Now, I've notice that some pest is eating the petunias in our flower boxes on the house. I don't know if they eat the flowers, but they are eating so much of the leaves and stems that the don't have a chance. I can't see pests on the leaves. Can extension help identify the problem?

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
HI Mary, It's tough when the culprit is not obvious and there are lots of critters that chew on plants. I would suggest digging around a bit in the soil to see if you can see any critters. also be sure to look on the undersides of the leaves. We have had reports of a sawfly larvae eating on columbine and sawfly larva tend to hide out in the heat of the day. you might also place a piece of cardboard near the plants to see if slugs congregate under it during the heat of the day. Sometimes it's CSI in action to find the criminal. hope this helps. Sandy

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