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From: beverley nusekabel
lawrenceburg, IN
can i get some info on flowers that rabbits will not eat that will grow in my area

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Beverley, I have never seen a research based list of what plants rabbits don't eat. In my experience they seem to never eat daffodils. They have their favorites such as anything in the rose family including apple trees and raspberries. They love blueberries and euonymus plants. If food is scarce they will try just about anything. They will also pick on anything new. They seem to ignore the same plant as it gets bigger or for perennials the next year. They do love tulips and crocus every year. Your best bet is to cover plants with wire fencing until the plants get bigger. Here is some information from the University of Nebraska on rabbit control. Good luck.

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