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Flowers that rabbits won't eat

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From: Tammy Ireland
Southport, FL
We have a serious rabbit problem and we need to start our landscaping for spring. I need a list of flowers and shrubs (perinnels and annuals) that the little rabbits won't eat. So far, I know they don't eat impatience and marigolds. Winter prooved good,,,,,,,,for the rabbits. They ate over a thousand pansys. Your welcome rabbits. (Oh yeah, they're belly's are full). I'll appreciate all the help you can give. Thank you. Tammy

Extension Message
From: Christine Martinez
Horticulture/Master Gardener Program Coordinator
Champaign County Unit
Tammy, Those rabbits can be pesky! Although there is no definitive list of what rabbits won't eat Ohio State University Extension has a fact sheet on plants that are heavily and moderately damaged by rabbits. This list will hopefully help reduce disappointment by helping you avoid plants that rabbits will eat: http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1031.html Again, there isn't a list of what rabbits won't eat because if they are hungry enough rabbits may eat what ever they like. Good luck!

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