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Morning Glory Spinach

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From: Jean Hitch
Champaign, IL
I just returned from a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia where I became fond of a vegetable called "Morning Glory Spinach". I believe the botanical name is Ipomoea aquatica. Can it be grown in East Central Illinois? If I grow it in my garden, do I need to worry about it becoming invasive like the common morning glory that invades so many farmers' fields? Any suggestions as to where I can buy seeds? Thank you!

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Jean, so good you asked this question before planting. Ipomoea aquatica is on the Federal Noxious Weed List. so do not plant it. there are plenty of good leafies to plant that do not invade. Malabar spinach is a spinach alternative as well. so happy you asked this question. first. i wish more gardeners would be as thorough. Sandy

From: Jean Hitch
Champaign, IL
I'm also very glad I asked. :) My first clue was that the seeds weren't offered by any of the major US seed houses.

Malabar spinach is a great suggestion. I'll enjoy harvesting salad greens that can withstand summer heat in East Central Illinois. Do you have any other suggestions for summer leafies?

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