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Watering Perrenials

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From: Vicki Cobb
Orland Park, IL
How long and how often do you recommend watering perrenial beds? In the days of extreme heat--90 degree and plus--what is the rule of thumb for watering? Also, does it hurt to water too long (45 to 60 minutes) at one time? Please answer these questions for watering grass also.

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
With watering it is best to water slowly so the water has a chance to infiltrate the soil. A rule of thumb is an inch of water a week but for some perennials such as ferns and for some sandy soils that may not be enough. Any palnts that were planted within the last few years will also need more water. with lawns it depends on whether you expect it to green up or stay dormant. here is a great website that goes into more detail about watering lawns.

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