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What to plant on slopes and weed control

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From: Sandy Howie
Oakwood, IL
We live outside Oakwood IL in a subdivision called Leisure Time Estates which is on ponds. Our lot is long and narrow but also has 3 sides of water. Two of those sides are very sloped, there are rocks already down by the water (rip-rap?) but I would like to know what would be best suited to plant on slopes, in clay like soil. I have also started some ivy on the side that is shaded but probably havent planted enough yet as the weeds are trying to take it over. Also, what are the favored things to plant in Illinois that do really well, especially those that have color or flower. Since we live by the water, what would you recommend for weed killing? We use Roundup when we know it is not going to rain for a couple of days and when it is not windy (still trying to conquer the poison ivy as well). Thank You, Sandy Howie

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Sandy, might try daylilies on the slopes. they are tough plants. Remember to use Round up and all pesticides according to label directions. Round up is not labeled to be used in water. A similar product called rodeo is. It's difficult to give you more specifics without seeing the site.Perhaps you could send pix.

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