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oak tree

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From: Cindy Rizzo
Lemont, IL
We moved into our home 2yrs ago(new const.) and have an oak tree next to our driveway. We did not cover the roots but instead have a large swale around the tree with a drain. Last spring we notice the leaves growing in sparatically along the braches. Mostly at the tips but getting bare in the middle. Same thing this year. Do you have any idea what the problem can be? We love the tree and don't want to see it die. Thank you.

Extension Message
From: Sandra Mason
State Master Gardener Coordinator
Champaign/Ford/Iroquois/Vermilion Unit
Cindy, It's great you didnt cover the roots. However oaks are very sensitive to root disturbance and soil compaction. Just driving a truck over the root zone can eventually kill roots. Also the swale changed the water dynamics in the root zone. Plus they hate any limestone that may have been associated with the driveway. I would suggest contacting a local arborist and get the tree on a good maintainence program of watering and fertilizing. good luck, Sandy

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