View Messages

Return to Family


Cucumber beetles



Economic Development




Identy Theft


Rose Hip

Eskimo raspberries



erosion control

Low Maitenence Gardens

Bomagillie Tree

raised bed

Weeding English Ivy bed

Common Names

Brocolie and Purine contents






Pruning Maples


Shelf-like Fungus on Elm

Weeding and seeding

bird flu

bird flu


bare ground weed control

Bradford Pear Trees

Lead in garden soil


Monical Discount Cards

carpenter ants

seed on cherry

identity theft

Green Ash trees



beef rations



mandovillia horticulture

When To Start Pansies Inside


Bees Hut

New pond dam

Raspberry bush doesn't produce

Plant selections for windy sites

Recipe for swedish tea ring

Safe canning recipe for Salsa Verde (tomatillo)?





red cedar mulch

Rabbits eating plants






AFTER-school programming


Horse Weeds

scarlet maple



Prairie flower?

Black Slime

bugs on plants



Bradford Pear




mapel pruning


Mutinus Elegans



Local Dairy Products

Balcony Shrubs & Grasses

Unscented plants



Poisonous to horses

well water testing


cash rent

OHSA Training

yellowing of st augustinegrass


Goats in Piatt Co.

when does sap fall

Brown Patch

Tuber Rose Cooking??

Pasture lease prices

custom rates

Easy way to shell pecans



Establishing a Farmer's Market

berm building in community



Continuing lawn failure

need gardner

strawberries in a hangin bag


trumpet vine


Cactus ID


petunia beds

Red like rust

tree boring insects

Problems with lawn


Is milk good for the garden?

amarilla bulbs

Where to buy pear tree

Buds, but no bloom

amarilla not blooming


elephant ears


tree spray

need plant selection advice


Soil under trees

st augustine

new lawn

Rabbit problems


Getting my kids involved in 4-H

inch worms too?

stop styrofoam

red bugs on Yucca's



plant swap

Horse Pasture Managment

St. Augustine Grass

Green Beans

Japanese Maple

worms on evergreens

Saint augustine grass

June peas

application during rain

Golden Privet

St Augustine grass seeding

Tree Investation

Japanese Beatles

pink mandevilla


Japanese beetles

harvesting detail of glad flower


Miscanthus / Switchgrass

Fir Trees

Blackberry pruning

Mandavilla plant

Mimosa tree

Miss Utility?

cooking classes

cost of plant

Amaryllis reblooming




Weather Watcher



Growing Miscanthus

Steer weight in

park project


Apple Identification

Moon Walk 2009

Pruning Shrubs

Urban Chickens

hakone grass

fruit tree selection




parkway weeds

fruit cocktail trees


Social Service meeting

Mimosa Tree


Impatients in KY

vegetable planting chart/table

Special Use Valuation

Need a recommendation for a pasture grass

putting green


Movin and Cookin Class

Grass Fed Beef


tulips bulbs

Magnolia Bush

worms on evergreen bushes

private well water testing

State Homemakers Camp


apple cedar rust hosts


carpenter ants

black red raspberries


ash tree

oak trees


lilac bushes

replacement cost

kwanzan cherry insect

Turpintine Smell in a Bottle



Babysitting Clinic


Brown insect scale


Substituting for grape leaves for crisp pick

Cleaning after water damage.


early leaf loss in basswood

Crepe Myrtle

Termites or?

Rental Rates

Weed identification

sweet williams


Recipe 1979 Pork Producers


knot tying

Plant Identification

banana tree

type to grow


Calla lily



Dwarf Mugo Pines



Natural grasses/wildflowers

tom scano

Rabbit & mole control

Pine needle mulch

mole eradication

Big Bees


Rust Disease on Blackberries

Ground Cover

Entomosporium Leaf Spot on Bradford Pear

strawberries dying

Citrus Trees

Ivy bed

oak tree


Emerald Ash Borer



European Elderberry

Goat show


dogwood tree

Japanese beetles

Violets in grass

shasta daisy

willow trees

Rain Barrels

freezing watermelon

drainage ditches


squash plant bug


Weed yellow nutsedge

Pears Rot on Tree

Spiky crab grass?


green house azalea

rabitts and horses


black spots on pecans

Pine tree died/replacement

ants in my staghorn fern


Custom rates.

outside the box

outside the box



soil erosion

brown needles

Arbor Vitae


flowering bulb name??

Garden Ponds



Fruit trees damaged by rabbits


Citrus peels in compost


Japanese beetles

Help Identify Flower


Multiflora Rose

St Augustine dying

organic farms

work retreat

Hicks Yews

vine id help please

Grass Seed

Seed mix for wet detention area

red fox

green tomato chutney recipe for canning

Brown needles/dying?

Shrub Identification

Magnolia tree problem

leaves on citrus plant

BPicea pungens 'Fastigiata' Columnar Colorado Blue

endless summer hydrangeas

Best Large Evergreen

burrowing animals


Pollination of fall peas

rental rates

Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'

possible contaminants

Beekeeping in Steph. County


Jade Plant

info. request.


soil erosion

Goose nesting season



Early mowing - bag clippings?

Flowering tree

Bark Beetles

Snake ID

Ornamental Trees

fungal growth on bush

Hibiscus - insects?

Dieing Burning Bushes

Water Garden Plant Lists

no zucchin

Custom Baling

corn gluten


Attracting bees and night time pollinators

what is this

Dying Trees

bloodgood maple

chicken illness

very small sour cherries

Leaves turning brown

tent caterpillars

Small black bugs

asian woolly aphids

little flying black bugs

Drought conditions/ Hostas

Beek Request follow up

non-blooming blackberry plants

Boston ivy

Apple Tree Codling Moth


Dog and Patchy Lawn

weeping willow tree fungus

Yellowing amarilla leaves

Baby bunny

Insecticidal Drenches

plugging lawns

Qick death on Emerald green Arborvitae

ants in flower pot

Chickens not laying eggs

Dahlia Bulb Killers

New Planting

Veg planting guide

hen of woods mushrooms

Alberta Spruce

Grapevine pruning

Mealy Bugs

green moss

Food Forest


Worm Composting in Chicago

Decorative Trees


Zoysia grass



Mallard duck

Eggs Stink!

House Moths

Apple Research

Mallard Hen Nesting

Weed Identification

Maple Trees

Curly dock

custom farm rates


City Farmer's Market Industry Data


identify vine

sump pump

Majesty Palm Problems

unripened fruit

What tree do these leaves come from (2 pictures)

holes in yard

holes in yard

White Pine


Hydrangeas don't bloom this year

Brown Bugs

cluster redberries

how to rid manmade lake of algae

land value


Mulberry tree/bush

Plant Spacing


Can you help me identify these bushes?


azalea seeds


farm rentals

crimsom maple /bark peeling

Leaning Arborvitae

wild turkey behavior

Bulk Fruit

Red Oak Trunk Sizes

red fox kits

self watering container

Walnut tree 30yrs old


Tibetan Cherry Tree


squirrel fur

What is it

Eastern king bird

Thuja green giants

spider plants

Container Gardening

Mulch Placement

rabbits eating hollyhock

adding to fee hunting

Current Farm land values per acre


Janed gold arborvitae

Emerald Arborvitae Dying


invasive perennial rudbeckia

Oleander (Yellow) Aphids, Milkweed Beetle

Woolly Worm as spring pet

What is this

Emerald Arborvitae

Slime Flux

send a picture

Starting from scratch

Dying Arborvitae

Dying Arborvitae

Answer my flipping question

Answer my flipping question




not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

not a real question

no subject

new question

my new subject hooray

a boring subject

no subject

My cool follow up

is a follow up

brown cedars

brown cedars

Gnats all over indoors

catfish sore spots

Ash leaf drop


testing emails

I'm a Black Walnut Seed Buyer -- Contact Me (NJ)

test files



test uploader















test upload


Nightly Skunk Spray - Please Help!


groundhog trap permit

How to obtain trap permit for groundhogs

canning salsa verde

test image detection

test image array

test image array


snakes in basement

burrow in yard

13 lined ground squirels

large bat colony in abandoned property


snapping turtles


Tree Squirrels

rabbit in the shed

White Bat

scat ID

Willy worms


Deer mice




fish in northern illinois

Arborvitaes "coning up"

squirrel hurt by my dog


Squirrels losing fur

Robins in winter

Squirrel losing its hair and badly limping


feeding native wildlife


Green Giant Arborvitae


2016 squirrels missing fur



Fungus on lilac bush




Sick turtle

olive green foliage

Deer, deer, deer!!

Snow White Critter

Hair loss

Farm land value

Mimosa transplant information

Permit Needed


Thirteen lined ground squirrels



cedar tree

Roadside planting

Tree service chips

pond nests


Gnats in living room!

Root damage to conifer

Injured bird

compacted soil

Replaciement for Austrian pine

emerald green arborvitae

New lawn

Canadian geese in backyard

Gnats outside get into my home

green giant arbs dying from bottom up


Corkscrew willow bark

Bradford Pear

Bradford Pear

Multistem Serviceberry

My trees are dying

transplanting dwarf mugo pine shrubs

big black cat! 100 lbs or so


Scat in attic

12 or more Geese eggs

Wildlife and Urban Traffic

Ducks in a bust parking lot

jumping worms

Shady Lawn

Ducks nest with eggs


Baby squirrel


River birch with only leaves on top


Death of burning bush

Red Twig Dogwood

Raccoon Feces


Emerald arborvitae



emerald green arborvitae

Hair loss

fairy rings

fairy rings

squirrel ears

Duck nesting on rooftop

Nesting Canadian Goose On Rooftop

Wet roots


ground squirrels and gopher snake

ground squirrels and gopher snake

den of foxes

snake id

baby rabbits

White Rabbit

Raccoon on Property

Neighbor Killing Squirrrels

Cedar rust treatment on my apple trees

Mallard Nest Protection

identifying a snake


Bird Mites

Bird Mites


Post on permitting

centennial replacement sign

Dead Mice in Basement

interpreting soil test

I don't know what kind of bird is nesting at our h

Peeling red maple

Used Tea leaves on arborvitae

strange animal

Pond Water Lillies

Yellow grass

bird nests


Little wormy things on pillow

Emerald trees

bird nests


sick squirrel

Harassing Squirrels


Pine sap?

sick (?) Cardinal

dying zoysia lawn

Dina Doll Plant

dog vs. goose

Something eating my leaves


agressive squirrel and nest

China Doll

please help needed

Lizard Identification


Pine sap

toad or frog

Wild Rabbit Identity

Animal Control euthanize orphan babies?

Emerald Arborvitae's

verticillium wilt

Neighbor poisoning red fox

Deer being tag in IL

Privet Hedge Stains


Oops forgot to attach verticilliam question pics

5 week old squirrel

burrowing animal

burrowing animal


Found injured bunny, part of abdomen open to air

Emerald Green Arborvitae



Deep Boring animals

Chipmunk lost its fur

Bobcat Populations

House tree

Squrrels eat buckeyes

Cypress Trees

red twig dogwood

doe harvested 10/1/2016

Need Deer Expert in area

Need Deer Expert in area

Red-twigged Dogwood

What is this rodent??


strange colored wood pecker

mangy fox


Black bellied fox squirrel

animal i.d.

absence of deer

oak trees

farm land value

weasels and mink

Snow Goose

Black Sqirrels

Wildlife relocation

Dead squirrel


Sweet potato vines

Bold Coyote

squirrels losing hair

Squirrel hair loss



Is this Squirrel sick?


Deer Populations

possible CWD deer

animal never seen before anywhere









What's a minimum number of trees for timber sale?

Help with rodent id


Cleveland Pear Pests

Weed ID

Aloe Vera plant

gray squirrels





feeding birds and squirrels

Raising A Fawn

Bushes Dying

discovered owl

Yellow jacket s

Squirrel with fur loss


Mink in suburban Chicago???

Rabbit carcass

Harry Lauder

3 baby racoons

Muscovy Ducks

Climbing frogs

Canada Geese Attacking

NIGHT nectar feeders


Snake infestation

Odd-colored female mallard

Snake Identification

EHD Reports?

Killing fur bearers

Leucistic Opossum?

fisher near West Salem IL

Autumn Blaze Maple

Baby rabbits

hard maple tree bark


timber rattlesnake

Rose of Sharon issues

dying tulip trees

Hunted bunnies

Sick or Injured Crow

Baby Deer

evergreen bush turning brown

Coyote or fox


declining number of squirrels in our yards

3 week baby squirrel with hair loss on his chin

Neighborhood skunks


fox squirrel acting weird

When to plant into Floodland

A strange picture

Bird Feeders

goose with an injured wing

Who is killing off the birds?

Black pumpkin/squash leaves

red beetles


Strange animal

Baby turtles


Gardenia tree



Coyote with mange

Is salt dangerous to squirrels

Swedish Tea Ring/Cinnamon Rolls recipe

Incorporate a fence between a row of Arborvitae

disease of squirrels

hibiscus tree


test question

test question

Gnat invasion

Coffee Grounds

opposum droppings


Squirrel hair loss

Squirrel death

Tiny bugs on window screens


China Doll Dry Leaves

Rose of Sharons not thriving

Bamboo sucklings

Arborvitae Problem


Cocoa Bean Shell Mulch

Baby squirrel with bumps on his skin

European Pear Rust

Raccoon problem


frog in window well

Fire Ants in Belleville, IL

Master Gardener Program

Squirrels missing hair


damaged weeping atlas cedar


Dragging my pet squirrel

Jumping worms + mulch

Cheery tree leaves

Ground Squirrel

Maple Tree bark coming off on chunks

deck clean up


Squirrels missing fur

White squirrel

Black Fungus Gnats



5 orphaned Eastern cottontails in my front yardn


Update: Flies and ants on aspen trees

Squirrels that have something

native honeysuckle

Finding dead squirrels

squirrel living in staghorn

Hair Loss

Linden tree

Birds on sedum

Trees and shrubs needed for new church

Orphaned bunny


Black large cat with a panther look


Creek/stream restoration

gray squrril


Fusarium Fungus


Unexpected Guest


New Home Owner Support

Very leggy China Doll

squirrel with wound on neck

Birds on my Autumn Joy sedum

Dead Baby Rabbit




Tiny bugs browning arborvitae on one side

Leaves curling and some turning brown

Geese with a broken wing

Traffic Updates

Redbud Split Trunk

IL Timber Tax on Salvaged Trees/Logs?

injured squirrels

Sap from Pine Cones

White worms on bee balm

Mandavellia care

LAwn problems

Spider ID


Hair loss with clear slime

Black squirrel

Squirrel behavior

Injured goose

planes spraying toxins disguised as vapor trails.


2 squirrels possibly alive after nearly drowning


Raw Pack Canning

House finches nibbling my autumn joy sedum

Evergreen for an Arbor


Peach tree with maybe Canker


Cigarette beetles and Ridex

Green giant damage

Old wood on Endless Summer hydrangea

sick/injured Mallard Drake

Linden Tree Problem


Linden Tree Half not leafing out

Linden Tree Half not leafing out

Turned brown

wildlife rehab

Worm/caterpillar eating sour cherry tree

Hair loss

Worm/caterpillar eating sour cherry tree

Hair loss


Nursery Pots

White pines dying

Did I just burn the lawn


Split in young redbud bark

Vegetation control around black walnut saplings

Privet Hedge

Evergreen browning

Soil Sample


Pruning help?

Tree sap

Birds eating sedum

Same thing


Canadian geese

Dying tree

tree sap


Dying raccoons



Black walnut trees


Request.for Red Bud seedlings

Sell my trees

Sick adult squirrel

weeping katsura

White Pines again

Are mimosa trees invasive ?

Are mimosa trees invasive ?

stunted leaves without blooms

Removal of Bats

Aging trees near room addition

Injured squirrel

Canadian goose nest attacked during night

Giant green thuja

tree sprouts in the lawn

Duck laid first egg on playground

Caring for a tree peony with a split trunk

Canadian gees


River Birch tree

Small black bugs in my ridx



North Side Arborvitae’s turning Brown

Getting rid of geese in my backyard

Rose of Sharon Bush

tree watering--new


Mallard eggs

Maple tree bark

Baby Bunnies

Fungus gnats in HVAC system

hickory with bored holes

Hollyhock buds not blooming

House finches eating Autumn Joy Sedum

Peace Lilly

Birch fertilizer

Endless Summer Hydrangeas

Endless Summer Hydrangeas

Stumps removal after logged for veneer

Mushroom Compost and Rhododendrons

feeding squirrels

Established Arborvitae turning brown

Skunk issue

Cocoa Bean mulch larvae

Oak sapling care

Rabbit nest in yard

Sick gray squirrel

Fairy dust

Crystallization of sap I think at the base of the

Linden with bacterial canker

Duck Injured

Brown crusty stuff on bottom of pot

Black Walnut fruit

Damage to Yard-skunks?


Techny Arborvitae Browning

Pin oak chlorosis

Fungus gnats

donations to feed wildlife

China Doll plant


Kill Black Walnut

Pee Gee Hydrangeas

Cost basis of timber

Dumps4free OmniStudio Consultant Questions


Pitch pine trees for sale or best offer

Rid X bug

Tax incentives

Forestry Mulching

timber program




SAle of walnut and white oak

Chestnut production

Baby rabbit laying on its side in grass along side


Growing Azaleas

Rid-X Bugs called Drugstore Beetles

Watering & Potting Soil

Leyland Cypress

Dwarf Japanese Maple Branches Gray

Nest enclosed within 6 ft high solid wood fence

Fungus Gnat infestation with no plants

Fungus Gnat infestation with no plants

How To Get Nutanix NCSC-Level-1 Certification

Mallard Momma nest

Scholarships for International Students

How would flooding affect black walnuts

Bunny burrow

Bunny burrow

Potted seedlings



Wild onions

potted hosta

Scarlet Oak Leaves

Sudden Redbud die-off

Green Giant Arborvitae

Newborn bunny

yellow leaves



Baby Rabbit


Orphaned House Sparrow baby

Potato bugs

pocket option

Grey Squirrel

Cacao mulch maggot

bald squirrel


Red Tailed Hawk

folllow up

rock wren?

Tiny brown hardshell bugs in Rid-X

What is this on my corn?

Boost your skills by using PeopleCert ITIL-4-Incid

Magnolia Leaves Curing

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Ultimate SAFe Architect Exam Prep: Download Your P

+91-9636763351 black magic specialist

propagating branches

CWNA-109 Exam Dumps: Your Key to Certified

Hair loss on tail

Locust tree

Forest management plan

White Pines

Ukranian Call girls in Ajman Dubai +971567465563

Isabella - 0567465563Italian call girls in Dubai

Honey Licust losing baby pods

Thinning black walnut stand

[Post to this category]
Extension Message
From: Alessandro Bellina
Graduate Assistant
Extension Web Development

From: Marilyn Miller
Naperville , IL
What is the best way to control cucumber beetles? Each year about this time just when we are to begin harvesting cucumbers, we get overrun with beetles. It is almost like they appear overnight. I have read that they over winter in th soil. Is there some product that can be used in the off season to help with this problem and what is the best method of control during the season? They also attack the beans, swiss chard, and basil.

From: Becky Kass
Evanston, IL
Does the UI Cooperative Extension have speakers for events?

I have our end of season meeting for the Evanston Community Gardeners in November and would love it if I could get an expert to speak to us about controlling the Western Corn Root Worm Beetle and/or the Cucumber Beetle.

We have over 200 gardeners in our program at four different sites and all of our sites suffer from the Beetles.

Thank you.

From: Erica Francis
Fresno, CA
What is supernatant?

From: Pamela Parrish
De Land, IL
Hi, I am a trustee on the De Land board. I was at a meeting in Monticello lastnight where I learned that you offered "Mapping & Strategic Planning with Economic Development". We in Deland are extreamly interested in this service, we are a dieing community reaching out for help. Is there anyone who can send us information on Mapping & Strategic Planning with Economic Development? We love our little town and would like for it to stay on the map. Thanks so much, Pamela

Extension Message
From: Alessandro Bellina
Graduate Assistant
Extension Web Development

Extension Message
From: Christopher Tidrick
Director of Information Technology
Office of Extension and Outreach

Extension Message
From: Christopher Tidrick
Director of Information Technology
Office of Extension and Outreach

From: Barb Eaton
Statesboro , GA
Can this material be made available for classroom use?

From: Julie Dickinson
Indianapolis, IN
I would like to start a small boysenberry farm but, do not know if they can grow well in the midwest. Can you tell me where to start on research?

From: Louise Green
Carbondale , IL
A couple of years ago I purchased an abundance of PINK rose hip as filler for bouquets. Where would I find these and how do I grow them. Thank you

From: Karen Moore
Onarga, IL
The Gardener's Choice catalog features an Eskimo raspberry (rubus x stellarcticus). It says it is a bush that is prolific, thornless, super fruit) that costs $7 per plant.

Does anyone know anything about this plant?

From: Kathy Crosby
Slidell, LA
Our preschool has an area on the playground for a flower bed. What would be a safe plant/s to use that is non-poisonous as a plant and flower?

From: liz wucko
johnstown, PA
I found asparagus on sale for 99 cents----can I freeze them? If so how do I do it? Thank you for any help you can give me.

Liz W

From: ed short
moline, IL
need some solutions for soil erosion

From: Angela Boehm
Palatine, IL
I am looking for a list of flowers, roses, shrubs ,anything that thrives on neglect. A sunny area and a shady area. I appreciate your advice. Thank you, Angela

From: Gail Hindley
Nunica, MI

From: Susan Sarkauskas
Batavia, IL
I want to make a raised bed out of untreated cedar, for vegetable gardening (beans, tomatoes, carrots, radishes). I would like to preserve the wood's color, or at least keep the wood in good shape. Are there products I can apply to the exterior walls of the bed? The interior walls?

And is there something I should use to prevent termites from attacking?

The plan is an 8Lx4Wx2H-foot container, with 4x4-inch posts sunk 3 feet into the ground.

From: Roland Phelps
Pennssauken, NJ
Mr. Hort Corner: I have a well established English Ivy, bed 10ydsX5yds, that is over run with weeds. I keep pulling them out but they always return. Is there a weed killer I can use to controll them? Is there a good fertilizer that I can apply to my ivy that will produce robus growth to strangle the weeds? Any help you can give will be appreciated. Regards, Rolly

From: Abhi Singh
Los Angeles, CA
Hi, I want to grow the following plants at home. Their scientific names are: 1) Mesua Nagassarium 2) Dalbergia Sissoo 3) Anthocephalus Chinensis

Can you please tell me their common names and where can I buy these?



From: Jorge Santana
Brooklyn, NY
I would like to know if brocolie, as cauliflower, is hign on putines???


Extension Message
From: Alessandro Bellina
Graduate Assistant
Extension Web Development

Extension Message
From: Alessandro Bellina
Graduate Assistant
Extension Web Development

Extension Message
From: Alessandro Bellina
Graduate Assistant
Extension Web Development

From: 1 2
3, IL

From: 4 5
6, AL

From: Lynn Kangas
Beach Park, IL
I've got two types of maple trees, one being a sugar maple. Can I prune the trees anytime of the year?

From: Lynn Kangas
Beach Park, IL
I'm noticing an awful lot of white type small moths on the grass in the early morning hours. I've been told they could be laying eggs in the grass. Is there a safe way to eliminate the problem as I have dogs and do not want to put anything on the grass that could cause them - dogs - harm.

From: Bonnie Cawley
Flossmoor, IL
I have a very large, very old (50-60 years) elm tree that lost a significant branch in October 2000 when we had snow while the leaves were still on. The branch split from the main trunk and left a 2-3 foot slash-like wound in the side, about 20 feet or more up the trunk. It seemed to heal, and the canopy and branches seem ok. However, I noticed a large black shelf-like fungal growth last winter. It is now larger, and creamy in color. There appear to be 2-3 'shelves' and they are larger than before. Is there anything to be done? Will this invasion kill the tree? (Sorry - I initally posted this under Bulbs accidentally...)

From: Joe Zaffino
Philadelphia, PA
I recently moved into a home, and immediately realized that the lawn, which is approximately 3000 square feet, was 90% weeds (broadleaf, crabgrass, and other weeds). The remaining 10%, which is grass, isn't enough to give it a nice look.

Here's my question:

I need to kill the weeds, but I'm not sure if I should overseed first, and get the grass seed to beging growing, then treat the lawn for weeds, or do I use a weed killer first, which would wipe out the 90% of the lawn, then seed afterwards.

Is there a system with steps for revitalizing a lawn? I know Scotts is one of the biggest lawn care companies and that they do have a 4 step seasonal application, which strenghtens an already existing lawn, but basically, I need to wipe out 90% of my lawn, and I'm not sure how to approach it.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Joe from Philadelphia

From: marilyn cearlock
hammond, IL
I have 5 chickens, that are pinned. I am not letting my children near them because I am afraid they will contract the flu before we realize they have it. I know the symptoms, I think. I have read up on web sites, WHO, and CDC and msn had a helpful timeline. We are still collecting eggs to eat. Because I have read that the flu doesn't get in their eggs or their meat. They have no symptoms but I am so worried that I have even considered getting rid of them. Regular birds, (no ducks) get in and feed out of the feeder. I am worried that with the birds going south that we will end up with it from Canada.

Do you have any thoughts, or suggestions? I don't want to over-react but don't want to just ignore what's going on.

Thanks Marilyn I can also be reached at 217-763-6282 eve 217-875-1440 #308 9-5

From: marilyn cearlock
hammond, IL
I have 5 chickens, that are pinned. I am not letting my children near them because I am afraid they will contract the flu before we realize they have it. I know the symptoms, I think. I have read up on web sites, WHO, and CDC and msn had a helpful timeline. We are still collecting eggs to eat. Because I have read that the flu doesn't get in their eggs or their meat. They have no symptoms but I am so worried that I have even considered getting rid of them. Regular birds, (no ducks) get in and feed out of the feeders. I am worried that with the birds going south that we will end up with it from Canada.

Do you have any thoughts, or suggestions? I don't want to over-react but don't want to just ignore what's going on.

Thanks Marilyn I can also be reached at 217-763-6282 eve 217-875-1440 #308 9-5

From: Joshua Piatt
Lee's Summit, MO
why dont we get rid of our bills and start using coins for all our currencys?

From: rick nehrkorn
rock falls, IL
hello, i have been asked to help in the weed control on 6 baseball diamond infields, which are all crushed lime... is there a pre-emergent that could be used to suppress the weeds in these areas? or am i limited to round-up every so often? thank you for your time, rick

From: Georgia Way
League City, TX
About 4 years ago, we planted Bradford Pears for their beautiful blooms in early spring before the tree leafs out. The trees we purchased had flowers on them, are healthy, growing and oding well, but I have not had a single flower since. Is there something we need to do to them to get them to bloom or is because we are so far down south and do not get enough cold weather or what???

From: Beth Jenkins
Chicago, IL
I just had my soil tested for lead and was given a result of 120 mg/Kg-dry for my tomato bed and 71 mg/Kg-dry in my herb bed. What is an acceptable level of lead in the soil of a vegetable garden?

I am pregnant and have a small child, so I'm worried about the presence of any lead at all.

my daughter used to be in 4-h before and found it was not for her then... now she is into horses and would like to enter 4-h shows this summer and needs to enroll to be able to participate. could you please send me the info on this.

thank you, claire barnhouse

From: Tammy Helfrich
Hammond, IL
Hello. Last year I purchased Monical Discount card through the 4H program. I was just wondering if you are selling them again this year. If so, I would definately be interested.

Thank you for your time.

From: janice tyree
monmouth, IL
ash tree with carpenter ants how to get rid of them

From: penny shepherd
ore city, TX
how long will it take to come up

Beaumont, TX
i keep getting mail addressed to my ex-wife and adult children. i am re-married and live in a different town. they have never lived here. my wife and i have lived here for 3yearsand just started getting this mail.

i am afraid that they are using my name for something that will ruin my credit. what do i do?

From: WI, WI WI
I planted three green ash trees about two weeks ago and have watered them about once a week, unless it rains. Since then, they've been losing their leaves from the bottom up - browning and falling off. The trees are about 6-8 feet tall.

Is this something to worry about, or is this typical transplant shock?


From: reto messmer
taos, NM
i remember our teacher telling us that strawberries are not berries, botanically, but belong to nuts, is that true?

From: curt vosburgh
schaumburg, IL
I make cornhole/bean bag games as a business and use small kernal,white popcorn to fill the bags ($1.00 per pound). I want to use a cheaper corn purchased by the bushel but heard that mice will eat field corn. Can you help me? What is the difference between white and yellow corn,processed corn,dried corn....etc,etc. Thanks Curt

From: terry funston
galena , IL
i am looking for a highly palatable recieving ration for stressed calves weighing 300 to 350 lbs. i would like the ration to contain a yeast culture. i would also be feeding dry grass alfafa mix hay. thank you terry funston

From: terry funston
galena, IL
will someone please answer my last question? thanks terry funston

From: prozac prozac
London, Texas

From: shirley feierstein
boca raton, FL
How can I make a mandovilla vine survive in a north location -especially over summer periods. It is in a pot with good drainage, watered daily. ??

From: Angela Nemec
Hartford, WI
It's a time old question, when to start pansies/violas inside. I'm thinking February but is that too soon? They also say on the packages to start them in cooler temperatures, would the basement work until they sprout and then move them to a slightly sunnier spot?

From: teresa davis
sweet home, OR
I have 5 - 30 year old rhododendrens which are about 8' tall with trunks at least 6" in diameter. I need to move them to place a patio there. How, when and can I move them before May of 2007?

From: Vinayak H Angadi
Haveri, IN
How make beehive in easy meotheds. I am INDIAN,Please send message

From: Kevin Kapelski
Smithton, IL
I have a new pond dam that was seeded @ 400#/ac with turf-type tall fescue last October. The soil is heavy clay. A thin stand of grass germinated during the fall. The pond is about three feet from being full. I would like to use vegetation to hold the soil on the face of the dam. What steps should I take (fertilization, seeding the same or other varieties of vegetation, etc.) to acheive well-established vegetation down to the water line?

From: Bruce Elliott-Litchfield
Urbana, IL
Several years ago I planted a Latham red raspberry bush. It has grown and spread tremendously, but it has never produced berries. What do you suggest?

From: Sue Paulin
Rochelle, IL
I am looking for a list of plants that would be suitable for planting in a windy or very open site. Thanks so much.

From: Suzette Mathias
Urbana, IL
I was in 4-H a quite a few years ago and had a recipe in the yeast bread book for swedish tea ring and I won a ribbon for it and I was wondering if anyone can send me that recipe please and very much appreciated.

From: Todd Wilson
Decatur, IL
I have a (long- sorry!) question about canning Salsa Verde (tomatillo salsa). I have been using the Tomato Salsa recipe I got from the local U of I ag extension office for over 20 years, putting up over 100 jars of mild and hot versions per year. In the past few years, my wife and I have grown tomatillos for the sole purpose of making our own version of the Salsa Verde that we love from our local Mexican restaurants . The base ingredients to our recipe are not that different than what we use in the "safe canning' tomato salsa recipe, but we have always put the finished product into the freezer. One reason is because we have also used the few "safe" Salsa Verde recipes we have found from various canning sites. These all call for a larger amount of acidification than standard salsa- Ball companies site ( asks for 1/2 cup of bottled lemon juice and 4 tablespoons of lime juice for just 4 half-pints of canned tomatillo salsa! I made this one once, and the end result was more like tomatillo pickle relish, without the sweetness. We couldn't find anyone who like the Ball version, and we never made it again.

My real questions is this- if the average ph of a tomattillo is around 3.5, and a tomato is around 4.5(from research I have done on the Internet, using only government studies and the like), why can't we use the Tomato Salsa recipe and substitute our tomatillos for the tomatoes? As much as we enjoy eating the frozen stuff, we are going to need a bigger freezer if we can't find a safe recipe for water bath canning our green salsa ( I plan on doubling the amount of tomatillo plants I grow this year)!

Thanks you for your time,

Todd Wilson

From: David David
Deerfield, IL
We have found aproximately fifty small flying insects by a kitchen window today. While they are in the kitchen there is no food in that area or plants, just cabinets holding dishes or pans etc. There is also other windows in the kitchen but I have not seen any of these insects by them or anywhere else in the house except by that one window, I have tried to see where thay are coming from but to no avail. They seem to appear magically in the air about six inches away form the counter top.The insects are about 3/8 of an inch long. winged with a very slender very short waste going into a heavy tail. There bodies are very soft and perhaps short lived. I am not certain of that as there is probably much residue spray on the window and counter top. Can you please help with an idenification and perhaps a plan to rid the house of them.

Thanks ever so much

Dave Wonfrey

From: Dorothy Ray
Elmhurst, IL
We have noticed hundreds of little worms on our evergreen bushes. They are dark grey with a black head. They seem to be "sucking" the bushes dry needle by needle. Will they eventually kill our bushes? Is there anything we can do to prevent this?

From: Christy Ihnen
Rantoul, IL
Can you tell me when is the best time to plant asparagus roots? And any information on asparagus patch?

thank you



From: jeanie ferguson
argenta, IL
we have red cedar mulch around the perimeter of our house. i was wanting to plant flowers and a watermellon vine will the mulch harm these items i want to plant? ty

From: Mary Lou Albers
Macomb Twp., MI
What can I do to stop futher damage from rabbits eating my petunias and also cilantro I recently planted ? (They were chewed down and looked like something stomped on them. I have seen rabbits in the neighborhood. It was alot of hard work not to mention the cost , and I would appreciate any advice)

From: Terri Decker
Champaign, IL
Are there 4-H sewing instructions books available for beginners? I'd like to start teaching my daughter to sew.

From: Gus Badiali
Southampton, NJ
I have a plant outside at my mail box post. It seem to be going limp and losing its blooms. What fretilizer should I use or not.

From: Jim Falls
Hoover, AL
Do you recommend a "natural" cure for voles in yards, gardens, natuarl areas, etc.

From: Lin Anderson
Boiling Springs, PA
My mandavilla which I've had since mid-May is beautifl - full of bright, shiny leaves, vines and lots of flowers buds. But, not one single bud has opened. planit is on a covered deck, receives good sunnlight and water. hat can I do to get buds to open?

From: Jessica Hopper
Remington, IN
What was the first state to start 4-H, and how did it get started? thx.

From: Tammy Duerre
Monmouth, IL
I am interested in starting a technology based after-school program. I am new to the non-profit sector. Do you know of any training programs or workshops i could attend?

From: George Mortiz
LaPlume, PA
i have 3 beautiful hydrangeas plants and i would like to make them a beautiful indoor bouquet but each time i do it the seem to wilt and droop what can i do to prevent that from happening?

From: Jerry Bryan
Sherrard, IL
I have large weeds in my crown vetch. Folks around here call them "horse" weeds. They grow tall with a woody stalk and large leaves. I have seen them a lot this year in nearby farm fields. Is there a chemical I can spray on them (to kill them) that will not also kill my crown vetch.

From: tammy cox
hemet, CA
my trees are dieing how do i find out why

From: Kathy Miller
Orland Park, IL
Are the perennials referred to in your perennial gardening section native to Illinois?

From: Carolyn Smith
Salem, IL
why do japanese beettles smell?(what causes the odor?)

From: Barbara Bray
E. Peoria, IL
I have a flower with green petals and a yellow center. Last year I found them in my garden and threw them in the woods. Now there is a huge patch where I threw them. I do have a picture I am sending to Thank you very much

From: Renee Wiesner
Oquawka, IL
Hello On our property off the Mississippi river, we have a creeping black slime/mold and would like to know what it is and how we can get rid of it. It is mostly in the driveway area which is rocked - when it is very dry (no rain) the black substance dries up - but as soon as it gets wet, it becomes extremely slippery. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you.

From: R. Schwarz
Elmira, ZZ
I'm from Ontario, Canada. I have something on our wave petunias, however it can't be dung or seeds since they move around. They are as tiny as an aphid (even smaller), they're black, & my petunias are infested with them. Originally I thought no damage was being done (just looked awful), however, these little tiny bugs have not only moved on to our potato vines, but they're now causing damage on our potato tree . We've sprayed with insecticidal soap, but it hasn't helped any. These bugs are as tiny as (maybe even tinier) fleas / lice. I don't think they're a flea-beetle (they aren't hard & they don't "spring" [jump] away when you touch them). Any help would be appreciated.

From: suzie budesa
mt. juliet, TN
I purchased bulk seeds from my local gardening supplier this spring. My plants have done well and produced a lot of fruit. unfortunatly the cucumbers are bitter. It is the same whether we pick small fruit or large ones. Is it something in the soil or the type seed? I don't want to plant another crop I can't eat.

From: Lorri Borozan
Naperville, IL
I planted pumkin seeds (as an experiment); two vines are growing and one already has fruit! They are the giant variety. The roots are Ok but the vines have to travel through a patch of Impatient flowers that are also thriving. Do I need to cut the flowers back? THe package says "thin", but I am not sure how. Should I just cut off any fruit that forms after the first 3? Do I trim the big leaves anywhere? Thanks!

From: Marcia Hingtgen
Champaign, IL
My tree is approximately 8 -10 years old and is about 25 -30 feet high, it gets full sun until around 6pm in the summer. We water the yard periodically and I feel it is probably getting enough water. The past two years the tree sprouts new green leaves and flowers. Soon after most of the leaves turn reddish as if it is going into fall. I really didn't think it would come back after last year. The leaves are still on the tree, but are red. Any suggestions? Thank you.

From: Marilyn Fourie
Mississauga, ZZ
I bought a mandavilla last summer and kept it outside at home where it was very healthy with lots of blooms. In the fall I brought it to my office to a large window sill which faces south. It has continued to be be extremely healthy, growing like the proverbial weed, but without a single bloom. It is about six feet tall and growing so much that I think it's going to choke itself out. The only food I have given it is African Violet (liquid) food that is supposed to be for all blooming plants. I've tried nipping all the growing ends but it just sprouts dozens more. P.S. - I was surprised that the tag that was on it when I bought it said it "prefers partial shade".

From: Leslie Stearns
Long Beach, CA
I live in Long Beach CA and my tuber roses have never bloomed. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to add to the soil? I have very alkali, clay soil. Thanks

From: tara decker
hillsdale, NY

Looking for the name of a perennial. Zone 5, 6ft tall notched opposite green leaves, small blue flower, whate stamen, musty scent. Blooms July/August


From: paula kaiser
galena, IL
i live in northwest illinois.i want to prune my mapel tree.when is it the best time.thank you

From: rachel gifford
higginsville, MO
I would like to start a new mandevilla from my old one. Can I do that, and if so, how? Thanks.

From: Jo Fugman
Schaumburg, IL
I believe i have mutinus elegans or elegant dog stinkhorn mushrooms in my yard. boy are they ugly and boy do they stink. i understantd that they spread by the slimmy film on the tips of the mushrooms. if you scrap the dirt around the mushroom they will be very many white balls just waiting to sprout. how can i get rid of them. you can smell them from across the yard. help!!

From: Jo Fugman
Schaumburg, IL
i have a arrowroot viburnum that was getting too large. i just trimmed it back to about two feet. after i did this i remembered something about never trimming more than one/third of a bush at once. will it come back?

From: Lory Anderson
Graham, WA
Can I safely add tomatillos to the pot when I make and can stewed tomatoes? If so, how many can be added?

From: Jerry Bryan
Sherrard, IL
I am looking for a source for local dairy products - local being mercer county illinois. Do you know of family dairy farm operations that make their dairy products available for retail sale?

From: Pamela Claire
Elmwood Park, IL
I have a 5th floor 15' balcony facing south overlooking a major street with lots of traffic. To provide a bit more privacy (and possibly cut down on the traffic noise) I recently bought two evergreen plants - a small juniper and a "Little Giant Arborvitae" - which I repotted into larger pots with drainage holes and saucers, and two dwarf fountain grass plants in 1.6 gal pots with drainage holes & saucers - and a small blue fescue. I have a few concerns regarding keeping these plants healthy and alive on my balcony, especially through the winter:

1 - As these are in the weather (sun, rain, and soon to be cold), I am watering them generously twice a week, and I also plan to fertilize them and/or use the fertilizer steaks. Should I be doing anything different?

2 - I was told to wrap the plants in bubble wrap and put mulch on top to help them make it through the winter. Do you agree?

3 - I was wondering if I leave them outside on the balcony, would placing them near building, perhaps in front of my sliding doors, is best?

4 - or would it be a good idea to bring them indoors - most likely close to the balcony doors but inside - once it gets really cold?


From: serena Travis
London, ZZ
Hi there, I am looking for some plants that are unscented, quite leafy with only small yellow or blue flowers but am having a hard time finding any. Ideally they will be potted and left outside throughout the winter here in England which is quite wet and cold. Do you know of any plants which match this criteria? Thanks

From: k karnes
pesotum, IL
where is the local mulch recycle in champain county? also: what are the prices ,and how much does it cost thanks for any info kevin

From: jessandra bates
katy, TX
my grass yellowed the completely died.Should I dig in manure ect. this fall to improve the chance of the new sod thriving in the spring.

From: P. S.
W. L., OR
Please advise: I need to know if the "Crimson Century" variety of Acer Platanoides (Norway Maple) is poisonous to horses. The leaves in the pasture where I board my horse are falling, and the concern is these wilted leaves may be toxic. I know this variety is not the Acer Rubrum, nor the Acer Saccharum, which are both known as highly toxic. I spoke with Dr. Robert Wright (DVM) in Ontario, and he said the affects of the Norway Maple are unknown, but to err on the side of caution, and to remove the horses from this pasture until the leaves have fallen and then rake up the leaves and depose of. Please confirm this finding.

From: Cheri Rapp
Urbana, IL
Where/how would I go about having my home well water tested?

From: Lonie B
Owatonna, MN
I have a yellow Mandavilla and i brought it in the house and it started to drop the leaves. They turn brown to black and die and fall off. Is it sappose to do this or is it sick?if sick what do i do to heal it. my red one is just fine.

From: jerry morris
naperville, IL
Can you give me an idea of what the range of cash rent is in Warren County?If not where is the best place to get this information. Thanks, Jerry Morris

From: Jason Jones
Champaign, IL
I'm looking to get the 30 hour OHSA 511 training for General Industry and/or Construction Industry. I thought that I heard the University of Illinois provides this training. Do you know anything about it or where I can go to recieve this training?

From: arlene gayle
minneola, DE
I have noticed about 2 months ago I start have yellow spots over my lawn and some sport are becoming dry and dying. I have put fertilizer and iron on it but it seen to be getting worst and spreading. I am wondering if I have SAD. What can I do. Thank you.

From: Margaret Darnall
Schaumburg, IL
Hi! Don't let my address deceive you - my children have been a member of Boone County 4-H in Illinois for a long time. Our youngest son is now on the new Tech Team in Boone County. We are not quite sure how to "get off" the ground. I saw your pictures on SET workshops. How do you go about setting up workshops like that? We are having difficulties finding people with technological know how up here - and it would be great to somehow offer our Tech Team workshops like that. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Margaret Darnall

From: Molly Tracy
Bement, IL
My children are in Piatt Co. Prairie Kids 4-H, and I thought that you might have links to other resources or clubs that would know of people interested in adopting our "pet" goats. Due to outside activities, we do not have time to devote to these animals and are looking for other homes that may be interested. We have 3 goats, 2 were raised since birth. 2 are de-horned, one is not. 2 males are neutered. The female is not. She is a milk goat and has never been bred. Can you suggest resources or links for finding them a new home?

From: judie dicesare
malden, MA
At what time of year does sap fall from pine cone trees, and does it fall during the freezing cold of winter.

From: Stephen Cooper
Stuart, FL
I am having problem with Brown Patch every year in the same spots. Would it be easier just to remove the turf grass in those areas and replace it with new grass?

From: Creative Chef
Hello, Wondering, do you know if you can use Tuber Rose essence in flavor a rice pudding like jasmine? Or do you know how I can find out? Thanks, FireFly Creative Chef

From: Janna Heuer
Urbana, IL
I'm investigating pasture leasing. The price examples I've found are without any or all the necessary units for complete understanding. Through the extension website I've found leasing costs listed from $41-$100+ none specified the that assumed per month? year? I'm assuming they are all per acre even though it's not usually specified either. Can you clarify? Thanks!

From: Paul Routh
St. Joseph, IL
Where can I find farm machinery custom rates online?

From: Donna Barnes
Martrin, GA
I have been told that you could take pecans in the shell and place in boiling water for a short period of time and when you remove them they are very easy to shell. I don't know how long to boil them or if this is even true. Do you know the answer to how long or a better or easier way of shelling the pecans. Thank you, Donna


From: Wolf Ziegler
Gibson City, IL
Quicken for farm operation manual

From: Kathy Johnson
Alexis, IL
What all is entailed in starting a Farmer's Market, on the Roadside and in a Community? Are there state regulations, paperwork, etc that need to be completed? Not sure where to start with this issue.

From: Karen Abbott
Thornton, IL
I hope that you can make some recommendations for our community, or suggest someone who can. Our village, Thornton, Illinois, just south of I-80 near the Illinois/Indiana border, is planning to put in a large berm. This will be to beautify an area that separates a busy road from an expanse of grassy field used for festivals and a farmer's market. Our committee's plan suggests a berm that will run east/west for approximately 290 feet, then turn north, for another 240 feet. Our question is this...What type of materials would you suggest for the foundation (i.e., good soil/growing medium on the top few feet, with less expensive material for good drainage underneath)? Secondly, what plants are recommended for this structure (including ground covers, bushes, trees, etc.)? We are concerned about costs of course, but our overall goal is for a one-time expenditure that will last, and look good. I am hoping for a structure that will be drought resistant, erosion resistant, and still be attractive. Can you help us? Thank you very much for your time and expertise.

K.A., Member, Planning & Development Commission Thornton, Illinois


From: Marjorie Seaman
Urbana, IL
My husband and I just sold our home for a substantial sum of mone and we need to know where we should put it to get a good return on it? We are retired and own our new home free and clear and don't owe anybody any thing.

Do you have any suggestions?

Marjorie Seaman

From: bob zimmerman
River Forest, IL
I have had a large portion of my lawn reseeded every fall for the past three years. This past fall, several inches of organic top soil was mixed into the existing clay, a fescue/blue grass seed combination was set down, and a layer of hay added to keep area moist. The seed took off, and the lawn looked great into late fall. This spring, the lawn is just a large area of mud, with no indication any of the seed that grew last fall will grow now. What am I doing wrong?

From: Belinda Madewell
Henderson, KY
I am looking for a master gardner, to help me in my garden. I recently lost my gardner, who had worked for me for the last 5yrs. to a full time job. I will pay up to $20. per hr. for the right person. I will need someone for approx. 15hrs per month. They must have good references and be able to work independently. Do you have any leads for me? Thank you

From: Staci madden
chicago, IL
I just purchased a strawberry bag kit, being a first time strawberry grower, i need to know when should i start planting these? and do i hang in direct sun or semi sun? just a warm place like tomatos? how often should i fertialize etc? just some quick help for a ever lasting strawberry filled season.. thanks

From: Lin Mapstead
Bakersfield, CA
I planted hollyhawk tubers last year. This year I know they are supposed to bloom and I can see the blooms on top of the stems, but they are vertical not horizontal is this normal or are they lacking something? Please help I have waited a long time for these and the ones around town that I see don't look like this. Thanks, Lin

From: Mike Maher
Crystal Lake, IL
I have a trumpet vine that is right next to my vegetable garden. The runners are a night mare! They wind around everything. If I use Round Up on the runners, will it also kill the main plant? the neighbor might not be pleased.

From: Ann Adkesson
Warrensburg, IL
I have heard of a plant called "morning, noon & night" plant (brunfelsia[?]) that is extremely poisonous to cats and dogs. Do you have any information about it? Thank you!

From: Mark Newton
Champaign, IL
I bought this cactus at the Mom's Day Horticulture sale this past weekend:

Can someone help me identify it?

Thank you.

From: Andrew Popp
Santa Ana, CA
I am surprised at how many white Amaryllises I have ...and I don't know what's happened to all my Minervas. Can Bulbs cchange colors?

From: Chris keener
cooks, MI
what can we spray with that will keep the bugs down in our petunia beds we have a large project and our bed are about 4 feet by 12 feet we have 25 of these. weeds too....???

From: Robert Lemley
Orlando, FL
My amarilla blubs have a red that looks like rust at the top where the leaves come out. Is there any solutions that you can soak the bulb in to get rid of this? Thank you

From: Jim Matt
Saint John, IN

I have 13 Austrian Pines in my rear yard. Last year, I noticed 1 had been infested w/ a wood boring insect. I’ve attached a picture of the bore holes which contain sap and wood dust. I treated vigorously with a product called Carbaryl throughout last summer and the boring seemed to abate.

This spring (Mid March) I inspected all trees and found no further deterioration or boring. Last week, I went out to inspect my mulch beds and noticed that the trunk boring had gotten much worse. Then I went to the next tree . . . and the next. In all I think about 9 of the original trees have some degree of infestation or bore holes. This seems to have happened literally “overnight”

All my trees were planted in the last 3-4 years. I have yearly used tree spikes to fertilize and have kept watered during very dry times. All the trees are in a large mulch bed in the rear of my property (100 X 60).

I’ve read horticulture articles which indicate the use of a product called Dursban (chloropyrifos) or Lindane. Not sure where these products are available.

I am not prepared to start cutting down all my trees in the back. As anyone could imagine, this would be depressing and very expensive.

My wife and I spend an inordinate amount of time and effort in this garden and try to do the right things with respect to mulching, fertilizing and watering.

The pictures I’m sending of the bore holes are from last year, as are the overall “impression “picture of the rear yard.

I would appreciate any direction and/or advice regarding reducing the impact of the beetles, and fertilization of the trees. Most articles state that the tree’s resistance to borers is increase with healthy plants. With our recent winter/spring trauma, I’m not sure how much more we can do to keep the trees healthy.

Thanks for any help or guidance you might provide.

Jim and Audrey Matt 8691 Tapper Street Saint John, Indiana 46373 219-588-2249

From: Peggy Bowler
Westyfield, MA
I am located in Western Mass and at the beginning of the fall I had a beautiful lawn but now it is full of holes. Also I have a lot of yellow spots and bare ground. My lawn was treated with fertilizer and some of it greened up but it still doesn't look as it should. What should I do?

From: Phyllis Tranbarger
Coatesville, IN
I received an Amaryllis plant in a pot at Christmas time. It has bloomed and is now in a dormant stage. When should I plant it outdoors? Should it be in sun or shade? Thank you.

From: L S
Davis, IL
I just read that milk (dry or liquid) is good for the garden and is an effective fungicide. Do you agree? I wonder if it could improve my tomato bed...

why have my amarilla bulbs deterated this year--I've had them for years--they have orange colored rusty areas and rotted places--puncher holes in the bulbs----no insects found--I do not dig up every year--could it be a fungus in the soil??

From: Jeff Howard
Urbana, IL
The Extension website recommends the Seckel and Moonglow varieties of pear tree for our area. I am having a difficult time finding these varieties locally. I would prefer not buying a bare root tree through the mail. Are there any tree nurseries in the area that sell these varieties of tree?

From: Kim Mai Guest
Topanga, CA

Does anyone know why my climbing America would have tons of buds for weeks and never seems to progress to blooming. The buds are still pretty small. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

From: Pam Ford
Palatka, FL
I moved about 100 bulbs from my family home after my mom died and I water and fertilize as needed. I have had them two seasons now and since I live in Florida I leave them in the ground year round. I have beautiful plants but they don't bloom. I have others that I have in a window box all year round and they bloom so what is the difference.

From: Andrew Popp
Santa Ana, CA
Do Bulbs eveer change the color of their flower?

From: kay taylor
griggsville, IL
i havent planted my elephant ear bulbs.should i plant them right away and how deep should i plant them

From: k taylor
griggsville, IL

From: Dan Phillips
Mt. Pulaski, IL
I cannot find concentrated spray for home fruit trees. Always before it was easily found in any large garden center, even Walmart. Now I cannot find it any where. This is under different brands and used on most fruit trees beginning at bud swell on some and continued every 10 days up to nearly harvest. What's up?

From: Carol Robin
Winfield, IL
I am helping a girl scout troop restore a bed at their school in West Chicago. Du Page County. The bed was made in an open area between two large pine trees and a another large tree. I think the site is mostly shaded with sun only on the outer edges of the bed. Can you suggest any low maintenance plants for this site? Native plants for would be nice but I don't know if they can take some shade. Are there any grasses or other tall plants can take shade? Would Hosta, Sedum Autuum Joy and Cone Flowers be a good choice? Thank you!

From: Carolyn Catlin
Kimberling City, MO
I received a new mandevilla plant for my birthday, but there was no instructions for caring for it. I have never had one before, can you give me advice for the So.West Mo.area? Does it need to be brought inside before frost?

From: Rob Kinnear
Harvard, IL
I have a maple tree(40 yrs. old) in the front yard. When I bought the house 8 yrs. ago, there was grass growing under the canopy of the tree. 3 yrs. ago the grass died. The tree was trimmed to lift the canopy, then I tried reseeding, didn't take. Last year I put down top soil and planted grass specifially for shade. The grass grew until the 1st mowing then it died. I have a small area of Blue Rug planted below the tree, 10 feet away. What might be causing the grass not to grow?

From: steve jones
pensacola, FL
my grass started beautiful green. the lawan care people cut it for the first time this season and then it all has started turning red and yellow at the ends. they did not cut it short, as i was here to make sure it was left long. can you help

From: tony ash
cleveland, OH
just planted a new lawn, how long does it take for grass to start showing, and when should the straw be removed

From: Linda Leonhardt
chicago, IL
How can I get rabbits from feasting on my flowers, and vegetables? This year they're worse then ever, and I hate to see all my hard work going into their tummies. Is there a safe way to remove the pesky critters. Thank you.

From: kris maher
crystal lake, IL
what can I use to rid my strawberry plants of grass and broad leaf weeds and not harm the plants?

From: Lori Watson
Hindsboro, IL
I would like to know how I get my kids involved in 4-H? Do they sign up somewhere? Anything would be helpful. Thank You Lori Watson

From: Frances Shaw
Aurora, IL
Our neighbors have found the same grey worms with black heads feeding on their evergreen bushes. There are hundreds of these little worms or larva and perhaps even thousands. What are these things?

From: Jeanne Helm
Oreana, IL
Why do families and restaurants keep using styrofoam?? It is filling our landfills.

From: Pat More
St Louis, MO
Casandra, I was wondering if you found out what the red bugs are. It sounds like the same problem I am having.



From: bria jackson
philly, PA
do all roses have thorns on them!

From: Kathy Valdez
De Soto, IL
Is there a group/ organization of people that share healthy plants by the means of trading? I have got many plants to trade and would love to get more in return.

From: Dena McCulloch
Gladstone, IL
I purchased approx. 6 acres and currently it has tall grass in some areas, quite a few weeds and some really over grazed areas. Sandy soil, one small wooded area of brush, small cedars, oaks, cactus and poison ivy.

I have 2 horses and a mini donkey.

What is the best way to get adequate grass to let them graze approx. 12 hours per day?

I don't intend to harvest any hay since it is such a small acreage.

Should I have it tilled up and replanted? Should I mow it off and spray to kill weeds, then overseed?

What is the best pasture mix to plant?

Any help would be appreciated.


Dena McCulloch

From: Frank Hutchins
Dallas, TX
I had St. Augustine Grass planted in my back yard by a landscaping company on April 29, 2008. Initially, it started out fine (getting green & growing real nice) and all of a sudden within a couple of days, it was thinning (brown). I had ChemLawn to come out and look at and they said maybe it was too much early on watering, etc?? DO NOT DO ANYTHING right now but start watering no more than 45 minutes one day a week (preferably in the AM). I was watering after 6 PM every other day for about 30 minutes and of course we had several rain showers during this time.

Could this be the problem?? I have noticed in the past when I sod back there it was the same problem. Landscape company checked for grub worms and there were NONE present.


From: Joan Herron
Findlay, IL
Do you know of a herbicide spray that you can use on green beans to kill weeds & grass or especially grass. I have used Seven for the little black bugs. Any information you can give me would be appreciated. My phone # is 217-756-8641 or cell 217-855-6616. Thank you!!!!

From: Brandon Budnick
Westland, MI
Hello there,

Here at Holliday Park we have a Purple leaf Japanese Maple that we've had for 8-10 years now, 12" up from the ground the trunk is 3.5" - 4" thick. It was a very healthy tree when we purchased it years ago. This year it seems to be dormant though. It shows sign s of life, as in it has budded this year but will not bloom. I can not detect any signs of insect damage There is evidence of frost damage on one side of the truck closer to the ground, could this be playing a role in the trees dormancy? Also last year the tree did absolutely fabulous as well as every year before.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as we have no idea what is wrong with out beautiful tree. Thank you in advance for any help.

Brandon Holliday Park

From: kathy huss
scandinavia, WI
I have worms on several of my large evergreen bushes. They are about 3/4" long, greenish gray with a black head. They seem to wave in unison. They do not have a sack-type nest. What can I do to get rid of them? Will they kill the bushes?

From: nick georges
norfolk, VA
This will be my fourth season of st augustine grass after orginally pulgging my lawn. Last year I experianced a deep green thick lawn.

This year, a mostly faint green color has evolved in an area of the lawn that has a somewhat steep grade down hill to the sidewalk. The contrast between the grass on top and on the declining hill are most apparent.

What could have caused this and how can I return the hill area to it's deep green color?

From: Catherine Bleem
Havana, IL
Where is DelMonte picking June peas in cental IL?

From: Jeff Hoffen
Northbrook, IL
Hi, We use a friendly Chemlawn service and the attendant was applying a spray during the rain to our bushes and shrubs. I questioned him and he said this is fine. Won't the rain (which was moderately heavy) just wash the chemicals off? Chems were for mites and scales we live in a suburb of Chicago. Chems used were Tempo,Pre-M,Forbid Thanks

From: J H
Milford , OH
I just planted a 18 Golden Privet plants to create a privacy screen. Will they make it in FULL sun. It's not too late to move them if I need to.


From: tim murphy
st augustine, FL
My St Augustine lawn appears to be seeding? Is this normal? I don't see the same thing next door. It makes the lawn even more stiff instead of the lush green we all desire. Can I, (should I) do anything to prevent it?


From: Keith Bettenocurt
East Freetown, MA
I have an 80ft tall Oak tree very close to our house and it appears as though the base of the tree (approx. 7'-0" up) has been infested with some type of bug. The tree in many areas has discolered and it has a very bad odor. It looks like there are bugs going in and out of puss like areas. Do you know if there is anything I can buy to kill these bugs and is the tree in any danger? I appreciate any assistance you may be able to give. Thank you

From: Kim Cochran
Homer, IL
How do I control or get rid of the japanese beatles that are destroying my fruit trees?

From: Fadel Alnatsheh
Cleveland, OH
I live inzone 5. Can I planted in my garden and keep it all Winter out side?

I have a possum and maybe a baby or two hiding out on my porch that has tarps covering my extra home goods. Will spreading moth balls around the area get rid of them?

From: Upasna Gupta
Savoy, IL
Hi, Last week I saw some ants eating my roses in groups. I searched online and found that they are most probably Japanese Beetles. What should I do in order to protect my roses from these pests? Please help.

i am makhdoom ahmad from pakistan,lahore.i want to harvest glad flower on my land.kindly provide me all information regarding seed,harvesting procedure,how much time it takes to be ready for market,regarding market of glad flower,how much profit we can earn and what are precautions for this crop?

From: Linda Ablin
Tucson, AZ
I would like to plant flowers around a new fountain being installed. We live in the desert of southern arizona. The rabbits are eating everything.

From: Dennis Goldenstein
Gifford, IL
Do you have information about anyone growing these items for fuel usage? Does anyone pelletize it for use in a corn stove for example?

We have noticed worms that are making webs in some of our fir trees. What would be the best insecticide to use to get rid of the worms. Also, will they eventually kill the tree?

From: Steven Gibbs
Roseville, IL
I put out 9 blackberry plants this spring and they have done really well. I was told to clip the top end of the berries when they reach about 5 feet tall. I did that, now it is putting laterals out (one to two per stem). Do I just let the laterals grow or do I trim them back after they get so long. Some are already 3 to 4 feet long. Thank you, Steve

From: Gene Packett
Tavares, FL
I live in florida and have this yellow plant,it has been really beautiful with blooms,now it is being attacked by catapillars.What can i safely spray it with not to damage the plant,thank you

From: helen crouch
forney, TX
Hi..I have planted a 10' Mimosa tree this summer and I need your help..All the flowers have fallen off and the limps are dry & cracking.. I have a water bag on it thaT it fill almost every day because the nursery told me they need lots of water...what can I do to assure a healthy mimosa tree? thanks helen

From: Luke Scharf
Urbana, IL
Is there a service in the that can show me where pipes and wires are buried on the lot of our recently-purchased house?

I've been enamored with the idea of putting in a geothermal heating/cooling system to replace the existing natural gas furnace and conventional heat-pump, but I know this is often infeasible on an existing home. Knowing where I can and can't dig would help to settle the question. :-)

Thanks, -Luke

From: Erin McCarthy
Champaign, IL
Hi I am a college student looking for some community cooking classes to learn to prepare food. Do you know of any 4-H club in the university area that addresses this type of home ec. education I am lacking?

From: naicy joby
ras Al Khaimah, ZZ
Dear Sir, What will be the total cost of setting a plant for ethanol production from sugar molases(60% sugar content,75tons/day) . Already existing sugar producing plant of 3,000tons/day

From: Mike Adams
Wausau, WI
One thing I don't see mentioned in ANY of the replies here is that amaryllis are very heavy feeders and forcing them really stresses the bulbs for indoor bloom in winter. For this reason, see to it they are adequately watered while outside in the summer, and use "bulb booster" or bone meal to nourish the bulb (scratch it in around the bulb once planted and place a teaspoon in the planting hole to mix in before placing bulb. Get them out EARLY and make sure they are located where they get the MOST sun so take advantage of the heavy feeding they will do with the water and fertilizing. This WILL make a difference in whether your bulb blooms in subsequent seasons. I've been culturing them for 20+ years and this is the most important and best recommendation I can make. ALSO -- the rest period IS indeed an important element of the re-blooming cycle. Good luck to all; feel free to contact if you have questions!

From: Mike Adams
Wausau, WI
I have become enthralled with the varieties of CLIVIA plants; there are several varieties of bloom and of green leaves. They are a bit exotic and purchasing a blooming size plant can easily run $75 and up. I've purchased mine at around $20 (younger) and my patience has paid off with glorious blooms that last a long time. My question is how to best propogate. They have extremely unusual wormlike roots; yet I see lots of items on eBay for seed. How successful is propogation by seed and what recommendations can you offer using this method?

From: Kathy Maher
Crystal Lake, IL
When we cleaned up our trial garden, we noticed the bulb-like roots on the snapdragons. What are they? Are they just food storage facilities. Can those be saved and planted next year?

From: Dirk Poppen
tea, SD

From: Kathy Schnepper
Mahomet, IL
I saw you on TV tonight and would like to track the amount of snow or rain in our area. How do I do about getting the weather gage and how do we report what we get?

From: Terry Myers
Stronghurst, IL
i need to know custom farm rates for 2008

From: dayna wilde
rockwood, MI
is it safe to marinate mushrooms overnight with onions, tomatoes,peppers?

From: Karen Lopilato
Orinda, CA

I am a math and science teacher, and I have been reading about the trials growing miscanthus as a biofuel.

Besides being a teacher, I have an Agricultural Economics degree and worked at the UC Davis Agricultural Extension office many years ago. I also have a number of acres available in a climate that sounds like it would be conducive to growing miscanthus or some of the other new biofuel plants being researched. I thought it would be interesting to participate if possible.

My questions: Are there any studies being conducted where individual growers are trying out these new plants? Is there any information for the individual grower on how to start planting them? Is there a role for small growers to get invovled in these studies?

Please let me know if you have any information. I would be interested in joining the effort if possible.

Thank you very much for your time,

Karen Lopilato

From: Robert Wilson
Tolono, IL
What is the steer weight in date for junior steers at the stock pavillion

From: Elizabeth Martinez
Chicago, IL
My name is Elizabeth Martinez, I am 20 years old and am studying environmental Science. I'm currently starting a project where i turn empty lots into green gardens. My first question is what kind of trees do you recomend for a garden that gets partial sun and what time do you recomend the planting time. For example early spring etc. Also,if there is anyone who would be interested in helping my project voluntarily i would gladly appreciate it. I have one lot where an abandoned church was demolished and now i plan to make the city more green and fruitful so people can enjoy green again.

Thank you Sincerly Elizabeth Martinez

From: cindy kidwell
eldon, MO
How do I fertilize tame blackberries? How do I lime tame blackberries?

From: Rita Pearman
Georgetown, IL
Can you tell me about an apple which I believe is "Tinata"? Cooking/eating, etc?


From: Sandra Roesler
Champaign, IL
Will there be a Moon Walk event for the Spring of 2009?

From: L S
Davis, IL
Hi. I used to prune my spirea, potentilla, etc (summer flowering shrubs) in late Feb. The past couple years, tho, they've been buried in snow. So I pruned them late last year (March), and they put up all kinds of sucker growth and were just leggy and weird all season. Coincidence? Or was that from all the water we got?

I wonder if I should dig them out of the snow to prune them! Or prune in November next time maybe? Thanks.

From: Tammy Heere
Urbana, IL
Can you tell me if it is legal to keep chickens in your backyard in the city of Urbana? If it is, can you tell me the number of chickens allowed and if roosters are also allowed? Thanks for your help.

From: Alan Muller
Seattle, WA
Is hakone grass poisonous? My cat ate some and became very sick. Thank you.

From: michael ivanovich
oak park, IL
Hello, and thank you for having being so accessible and helpful.

My wife, Amanda, would like to plant fruit trees in the zone between our house and our neighbor's house.

The zone is about 12 ft wide and 40 ft. long, and has full sun on the south side of our house. Both houses are 2-story brick bungalows.

It would seem that the trees would provide shade and privacy in the summer and fall; fruit for eating and baking; and not create too much shade in the winter.

We want an absolute minimum of spraying chemicals.

Is it possible that there would be room and proper conditions for apple, pear, and peach trees?

If so, what varieties would you recommend? And what could be plant under the trees that would be beneficial to the trees and minimize water and maintenance?

Lastly, we have in our back yard a space for planting grapes. The garage's south wall spans 25 ft of back yard; I've had a small strip of garden along the wall. I think i can plant some grape vines to grow up from the garden and along the wall. What varieties of seedless grape do you recommend?

Thank you again for your generous time and expertise.


From: Muriel Scroggins
Lynnville, TN
My mother has a beautiful mandevilla that just went dormant inside, I noticed over the weekend I was removing dead leaves and tons of ants started coming out of the pot, is it ok to put it outside while it is dormant, should I repot?

From: Barbara Pillow-Sidibeh
Chicago, IL
Which flowers are more ozone tolerant?


From: Rose Anichini
Chicago, IL
We would like to repair and maintain two parkways which have gone to weed for many, many years. Our thought is to begin now when nothing has yet grown, but we need a plan. How can we best get rid of those deep-rooted weeds in an environmentally safe and economically prudent way? What kinds of low maintenance alternatives are there to beautify those parkways and keep them weed-free? We are not experienced gardeners so any information you can pass on to us would be most helpful. Thank you.

From: John Yankulov
Baltimore, MD
I have seen trees offered in some catalogs that have multiple fruits on them. Are they for real? If they are for real ; how long before they bare fruit?

From: larry senseman
frederick, MD
my cherry tree that has produced well in the past started having a mildew problem a few years back and last year was a total loss --the tree still seems to be thriving but all the fruit bunches are covered with a gray mold and the descriptions for blights as coryneua and botyutis don't seem to exactly fit --any help would be welcomed

From: Diana Belknap
Galesburg, IL
Do you know if Warren County has any social service or interagency meetings on a regular basis? If so, do you know who a contact person would be?

thank you.

From: Beverly Davis
Bay St. Louis , MS
I have a 4 year old Mimosa tree - it survived flooding from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (brackish water) also sustained flooding from Hurricanes Gustav & Ike (also brackish water) it now has some sort of fungus (gray in color in a bristle-like flowery form) growing on its upper branches - some branches have died but there appears to be some life in it. Can you offer any suggestions? Sure hate to lose such a wonderful tree!

From: susanne oaks
urbana, IL
I would like to find out what the requirments are to sell a home food product, to stores ect. in Champaign County Il. it would be made in my home. If this is not the right place for this question please let me know who to contact. Thank you.

From: Ivonne Ramirez
Radcliff, KY
I recloated to KY from FLA a year ago and have been anxious to try my green thumb at planting impatients here. I grew beautiful ones in FLA but now the conditions here are different. I noticed that where I want to plant these impatients, the soil is extremely moist (not good drainage?); the sun shines in the spot in the morning but not in the afternoon. I used to plant the impatients in their containers straight into the ground and they grea beautifully... shall I try the same in this very moist spot? Thank you in advance!

From: karen montgomery
winnebago, IL
Could you send me a vegetable planting chart/table too for 61088? I'm interested in what a family of 4 needs to plant, & yields, not all the spacing info., etc. Thanks, Karen Montgomery

From: Marilyn Roley
Metamora, IL
I would like information about requirements for special use valuation for a farm in Champaign County.

From: Ken Keefe
Mahomet, IL
I've recently moved into a house that includes a two acre pasture in the back. When we moved in, there were overgrown weeds and various brush. The brush made it almost impossible to even walk back there, let alone enjoy it with my family and pets.

I'd like some suggestions for what I can plant back there that will require little maintenance, but still allow us to walk around and enjoy the space. I hope to one day plant several dozen trees in this space to create my own little arboretum, but that will probably be a few summers down the road.

Aside from that, I have no real restrictions on it. I already have plenty of mowing with our main lawn, so I definitely would like to avoid something that would require weekly mowing or maintenance. Ideally, I'd like something I mow maybe once a month at most and mow a little path through it regularly for us to walk along.

Thanks for your help!

From: Michael Internoscia
Fayetteville, GA
Currently our yard has Bermuda grass. How difficult is it to replant Bentgrass seed in a section of the yard that will be designated for a putting green. This is what is recommended from golf enthusiests? Any other suggestions?

From: bob fair
petersburg, IN
when do i trim back? how much do I trim off? how do I start new/from older plant's?

From: Cheryl Long
St. Joseph, IL
Hi, I am interested in enrolling my 2 daughters for the Movin and Cookin class in St. Joe, beginning June 19 through July 31. Can you please advise if I am able to register them online? I spoke with a person at the 4-H Office today, they are mailing me a form but I would like to register online if possible. Thank you, Cheryl Long 333-9859

From: Alan Adler
Austin, TX
For the Austin Texas area, particularly west of Austin, what are the best grasses to plant for a grass fed beef operation? What rotation ideas might work the best?

From: Carolyn Douglas
Rocky Rapids, TN
How often should I water it and how much light does it need?

From: Luralene Tarter
Vandalia, IL
I received two fots of tulips , in bloom for Easter, can I store these in basement and then plant outdpprs in fall or should I chick them? Thank you

From: margaret lowe
lexington, NC
I have two magnolia bushes in my yard. They acutally bud out in the spring with no leaves but just small shaped magnolia flowers. They then grow the leaves after blooming and grow rapidly upwards to about 20". They die out each fall and come back each spring. The flowers are white and about 4-5" in diameter. Would you happen to know what kind of magnolia bush this is. Also, would you happed to know how I could root some pieces for a friend?


From: Jane Grundhoefer
West St. Paul, MN
I also have the same worms that you described. Wondering the same questions. Will they damage the bushes? Do we need to get rid of them?

From: Jim Nixa
Champaign, IL
How can we get our private well water tested for nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, herbicides, etc.? Also, how would we go about checking/replacing water filter?

Thank you,

Jim Nixa

From: Carol Froeschl
Champaign, IL
When is the State Homemakers Camp in Monticello in July - also any info you have about the camp. I am the HCE Chatter editor and would like to put the dates and info in the June issue which I will be taking to printer on Monday or Tues.

Thanks Carol Froeschl

From: Nancy Johnson
Champaign, IL
How do we keep pigeons away from our 8th story condo (near West Side Park and downtown) deck? Recently a pair have frequented our deck and they are trying to make a nest. Thanks in advance. NLJ

From: Dan Niven
Champaign, IL
I want to plant some narrow, moderate sized (10-15') evergreens as a privacy screen, preferably ones that attract birds. Red Cedar might be good except that I have a few apples that are vulnerable to apple cedar rust. I have not been able to find a comprehensive list of cedars that are hosts. I know the Juniperus species are hosts, but I'd like to know if I will be safe with Thuja or Chamaecyparis. In particular, I was thinking one of the Thuja occidentalis cultivars such as Emerald or Techny would be good. Do you know if these can serve as hosts for this disease? Thanks!

From: garett page
benbrook, TX
my mandovilla is getting rather large and i am wondering if i can trim off a stem and replant it and will it root and grow another mandovilla plant?

From: Sue Wiese
Lake Park, IA
How can I get rid of carpenter ants in a mature ash tree? Thanks

From: Kathy H
Lockport, IL
Something is killing my Black Hawk raspberry plants. The branches and leaves are eaten from the top down and the berries died. I don't see anything. I thought I would get a good crop this year but now I don't think I will get many.


From: Carol Lisai
Chester, VT
I am a nursing student at Vermopnt Techinical College taking a microbiology course. The multiple choice question was asked:Looking at a white cottony growth on a culture through a microscope revieals it is muticellular. What conclusions CAN NOT be made: 1 has cell walls & plasma; 2 has DNA; 3 is microscopic; 4 is bacterium. I chose # 1 (not all microorganisms have cell walls. Do you agree?

From: laurie wright
lk zurich, IL
we recently noticed alot of leaves dropping from our otherwise healthy looking ash tree. We have treated it in the fall with myochrodate and spring with a root fertilizer ~ and have had a plentiful wet spring ~ any ideas ~ thank you !

From: tina branco
warren, PA
I noticed small furry yellow, red, and orange balls on the leaves, they are very hard. also i found large white furry balls a little larger than a golf ball, with little spikes seeming to poke out of them, when i took one down and cut into it, it looked like large tan eliptical seeds attached to a stem which was what was poking up through the furry white mass, it was a stiff mass, not watery or moist at all, i have never seen anything like it, do you have any idea what it might be? thank you,,, tina branco

From: donald Fore
Mountain home , AR
When should one prune the blackberry vines and how much to cut off,d

From: M Dillon
Palatine, IL
The leaves on one of my (5) lilac bushes are turning yellow and wilted. Is this a disease, and should I be concerned that the others will get it, if so?

From: p. schmid
butler, PA
what would be a fair replacement cost be for a 30' norwegian maple tree

From: L Mac
Could you identify what pest is attacking my tree? You can see tiny grey bugs on second photo. We have three so I would like to get rid of it as soon as possible. We try not to use chemicals so if there is any less harmful solution, I'd love to know.

As ever, thanks.

From: Lorraine Spinella
Malden, MA
I came across an old bottle that was filled with turpintine. I'd like to keep the bottle, but it has such a strong oder of turpintine. Is there anything that I can wash or soak this bottle in to get rid of this smell?

From: Stephanie Scott
Mahomet, IL
We are new to the area and were wondering if you had a Cloverbud program? Thank you!

From: Judy Harrah
Hanson, KY
When do I trim my tame berries after they quit bearing. I have a lot of new runners. I need any information that you can give me on them

From: Jean Holmes
Hammond, IL
My daughter is going to be 11 in September. Can you tell me when you will have the next babysitting clinic?



From: Joyce Bartz
Pickett, WI
I have a constant battle with purslane in my vegetable garden. To dig them all out and carry them out of my garden is getting to be impossible so need a better way to combat them. Hope you can help me.


From: Renee Reich
Wilmette, IL
Our grapefruit tree has a brown scale infestation. We have battled it for years with malathion spary in the past and more recently with systemic insecticide. This summer, though giving systemic treatment, a new infestation has appeared and looks severe. What would be the best treatment while it is onside on our patio for the summer?

From: Rodney Lake
Urbana, IL
What are accepted products and procedures for treating moss in small farm. I want a product that is safe to the fish and the environment. We have numerous mosquitos and the only stagnant water is that where the moss is. I hope that eliminating the moss will also help eliminate the mosquito population.

From: Kenneth Miller
Attica, IN
The majority of crock-style pickle recipes I have seen (and many for the "canned" type) call for grape leaves to keep the pickles crisp. I don't know where I'd find grape leaves locally, but I've been told that hops are very closely related to grapes, and I have hops growing in my yard. Can you tell me if I can substitute the hop leaves for the grape leaves in these recipes?

It appears as though the leaves are edible as there are recipes for hop-leaf-tea and stuffed hop leaves on the Internet. I know finding the proper amount to use might take some experimentation, but I'm willing to try as long as I know it is safe to do so.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

From: Barbara Schurter
Champaign, IL
With the resent downpour, we had water in our lower level. We had Servpro come the same day and pull up the carpeting and they dried it out and sprayed the bacterial spray. It still smells a little musty to me. What can I wash the floor with before we lay new carpet. Walls were dried with little to no moisture damage.

I have a lot of Rhododendron wood that has been cut for my use in the fireplace.

I have read in different places that burning this is dangerous as it is toxic.

What is the real answer?

From: inga Karliner
urbana, IL
This year our Amercian Basswood is yellowing and loosing leaves very early, starting in August. We planted this tree 25 years ago, it's been doing very well. How can we investigate if this early leaf loss is a symptom of some underlying problem that we need to fix?

Thank you very much for your help.

From: Debbie Snodgrass
Charleston, WV
I just planted my first Crepe Myrtle. I've always wanted one, and I love how beautiful they are when in bloom. My question is my Crepe Myrtle is still small about waist high. I was walking around it and my leg brushed against one of the branches. My leg immediately started stinging and burning. It became very painful. Also my friend brushed against it and the same thing happened. What would cause this, I have grand children who play in the yard and would not want this to happen to them. Right then I considered digging it up and trashing it. Would love to keep it, but want to know why it burned my leg. My leg is still burning, even after I washed it, and it's been several hours since I came in contact with it. Now when I planted the crepe myrtle did not bother me. Of course I had on long sleeves, pants and wore gloves.

From: Katherine Roberts
Willow Springs, IL
In my basement right below sliding glass doors on the first floor, I am continuously finding medium brown granules. A pest control company was not able to definitively identify the cause upon visual inspection. Can I send a specimen to U of I for analysis?

From: douglas mathys
Green Bay, WI
I work for a utility that has farm land that we rent out in your county. I am looking for a site where I can find out what the current rental rates are in Champaign County. Can you help. Thanks

From: Susan Rubendall
Rockford, IL
Can you help me identify an annual weed that is prolific in the Rockford area. I contacted a master gardener but her identification was not correct. I have two clear photos if are allowed to receive e-mail attachments. If not, here is a brief description. The plant is an annual. It has a very shallow root system. It grows to about two feet on a slender stem -- just one stem per plant. The alternate leaves are so similar to those of phlox, that I find it difficult to distinguish them until this weed develops distinctive little whorls of tiny jagged green "leaves" in each leaf axil. These aren't leaves because they contain the seeds, so I guess they are green flowers. No other flower structure appears. I'd appreciate your help. I'm very curious.

From: sandy noble
north bend, OR
thank you for your suggestions and i will follow up on them.

From: maryann parelius
wauconda, IL
I grew some small pumkins(pie size) that are triangle in shape. The edges are rounded off but they are a triangle shape. I found the plants growing in my compost pile and have never seen anything like them.None of my gardening friends know what they are either. My whole neighborhood is wondering about these. thank you.

From: Tammy Nietfeldt
Sheldon, IL
I would like to find the recipe for the following. In 1979, These pork chops won First place, Brad's Peanuty Stuffed Chops.

Thank you

Tammy nietfeldt

From: Niki Lorbiecki
Wausau, WI
I have a pink one, it was doing great then all of a sudden it was starting to turn brown like it was dying. So I re-potted it to a much larger pot and started to fertalize it, still nothing. It was never outside since I just got in July. And in Wisconsin its not always above 50 degrees, so I have kept it indoors. It sits by my patio door so it does get sun light. I just dont know what to do for it? Should I keep fertalizing bi-weekly?

From: mary mcgrew
champaign, IL
I am desperate for someone to demonstrate a double crown wall knot. Willing to pay for services. Do you know of any knot tying experts that know this knot and can teach others?

From: R Barton
O'Fallon , IL
Can you identify this plant? It's surrounded by oak and hickory trees and receives part shade/sun. I'll send pictures to Greg's email.

From: Jerry Powalisz
Manitowoc, WI
I have a red banana tree, Ensete maurelii with is about 8 feet tall. I brought it in the house to winter it, but it is taking over the dining room. Can I cut it all the way back to the ground in the pot and put it in a cool basement area? Thanks

From: Charlotte Bradfield
Houston, AK
Can you tell me which Lilac Grows best in Alaska? Thank you In love and light Char

From: Allen Beams
Jacksonville, IL
What do I put on the aspargus patch to keep the grass out, I have heard of a spray, but can't seem to find out what it is. Thanks

From: Lulu wang
South Jersey, NJ
Can calla lilies be grown hydroponically indoors? What nutrients would they need.

From: Allyson Saad
Georgetown, IL

Can I successfully grow a fruiting pomegranate shrub/tree in a large pot that I bring indoors for the winter? I live in Georgetown, IL. Is there anything special I need to do to get it to fruit? How often does it produce fruit and about how many per shrub/tree? Does it fruit in the first year?

Thank you!

From: doug Harlan
mmont, IL
TEst message

From: Camille Farina
Mt. Prospect, IL
I planted 2 mugo pines about 11 years ago. At the end of last summer that one had white lines going around the needles in stripes. Alot of the needles have since turned brown and fallen off. What is the problem and can it be fixed. Thank you in advance for your help.

From: lisa dalke
Blue Mound, IL
do you have any composting classes coming up?

From: Barbara Hannon
Decatur, IL
I have a large holly bush near an excavation for a home addition. Can I prune it, how far can it be cut back, can it be moved at this time.

From: Janet Paku
Marseilles, IL
Do you know of any county resource that distributes seeds native to the area for homeowners? I have about 6 acres I don't want to mow so I was hoping to grow some grasses and flowers instead.

TRYIN TO SEE IF THIS IS THE TOM SCANO WHO I USED TO LIVE ACROSS THE STREET FROM - I AM BOBS SISTER AND LOVE YOU!!! WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU PLEASE EMAIL or call us 702 545 0911 we miss you guys and wish you would come visit- so much to tell you- best neighbors we ever had!!

From: Celia Gates
Savoy, IL
What can be done to keep rabbits from eating garden plants such as tulips, etc.?

What can be done to control moles and mice other than trapping?

From: Gloria Vaughn
Decatur, IL
Is it OK to use pine needles as a mulch in a vegetable garden?

From: bob walkup
sylva, NC
how can I control ground moles & or voles

From: Diane Stensland
Urbana, IL
Seem to have a lot of very large "bee type" looking insects. Yellow on top with black bottom. They are at least 1 1/4" long and they seem protective of their territory. I have a picture if there is a way I can send it. Do you think they have a ground nest--I can't find one and they don't seem to be zeroing in on any one spot. They like the various pollens. Thanks

From: Carol Setterdahl
North Henderson, IL
How far away from each other does one need to plant seeded grapes from seedless grape varieties?

From: janis jackson
pawnee, IL
I have rust disease on my blackberries what do I do,

From: carole virtue
hanover, IL
I need a quick growing ground cover for areas by retaining walls, on slopes in the yard, etc to eliminate some of the weed eating. We mow and trim 2 acres so any help I can get would be appreciated. I was thinking of something in an evergreen variety.

From: Janet Blair
Savoy, IL
Hello: I read online that I need to spray my Bradford pear every 7-14 days--do you recommend a specific fungicide? Also, how do I spray the entire tree when it's 25 feet high? I have two other Bradford Pears that are planted about 10 and 20 feet away, and their canopies are fairly close, one close to the infected tree. Please, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. JB

From: Jodi Doyle
decatur, IL
I need help determining what is happening to my strawberries plants. THey start out looking wonderful, green, growing vibrant plants. Then I start finding leaves dying. It appears the stem has a small area on it where it looks like it has been burnt half way across, then the stem dies. This even happens to the new runners. What is happening and how can I stop or control it?

From: Julie Mascenic
Bourbonnais, IL

I have several citrus (grapefruit) trees grown from seed that are six years old and between one and three feet tall. I am unsure of how to prune/train them. Given that they are potted, would trimming the roots be beneficial for them?



From: Mary Romanick
Huber Heights, OH
Can I use Poast on my ivy beds. Thanks

From: Marcy Binkley
warrens, IL
i have a 15 year oak tree and it has some round hard thorny balls on the limbs of the tree, never have seen these this normal or do i have a fungus growing on my tree and if so, is it harmful..or could it be acorns forming???

From: Rachel Rosio
Hebron, IL
what do I have to do for my fair project

From: Al Davis
Mahomet, IL
I'm viewing the EAB University program on the use of pesticides. They suggest using a soil drench as soon as the EAB appears in the county; has it appeared in Champaign County? Would you advise beginning the use of a drench? Would you recommend a product such as Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Insect Control? Is there a downside to the use of such a product? Thank you for your help.

From: cheryl blankenship
decatur, IL
what causes holes in my hosta leaf. they just started getting holes in the lesf. they are in full sun

From: Joe Puzzo
Shalimar, FL
Can you tell me the maximum salt tolerance palmetto st.augustine sod can handle from irrigation water.I have 1400 ppm in my well water.Thanx,Joe

From: Margaret esparza
rock Island, IL
My friend has one of these shrubs & needs information on proper pruning, ie, when how much etc.

From: Doug Glosser
Blakesburg, IA
this is Doug Glosser I have june 26th marked on my calendar and it says goat show in Il and that is all I have not recieved any thing in the mail and I usuallly get something 2 weeks before a 4-h show on the ABGA web site I am not down for a show that weekend hope you can help

From: don navis
decatur, IL
how can i keep ants off my hummingbird feeder? i have it hanging from gutter on house with long wire. thank you HELP!

From: Kathleen McReynolds
Decatur, IL
I planted a white flowering dogwood tree this spring. I have noticed some of the leaves are yellow or pinkish in color with the ends of some are turning brown. Also they are curling. I don't know if the tree is getting too much water or not enough or if there is a fungus. Any suggestions as I would hate to lose the tree.

From: MARCIA Willhite
Decatur, IL
What is the recommended control for Japanese beetles? They are eating up my apple tree and my hibiscus.

From: Fred Jebe
Blur Mound, IL
What can I use to control wild violets in my yard? Weed-B-Gon works well for almost everything else. How about for clover too?

From: Cris Hahn
Athens, OH
Something is girdling the stem daisy and coneflowers about 2 inches below the bloom. Can't find a borer inside. Any ideas of what might be causing this and how to control it.

From: richard la rocco
bolingbrook, IL
I have a 1/4 acre lot and I need some shade. Can this size lot accomidate 3 weeping willow trees. Half of the lot is taken up by our home. Thank you

From: Michael Longstreet
Decatur, IL
I was at the Golden K meeting today when the Master Gardner talked about needing a list of people for another rain barrel class. I would like to take the next rain barrel class.

From: Molly Doolittle
Freeport, IL
Is it possible to freeze watermelon for winter use? If so, how is it done? Thank you.

From: Julie Speelman
Williamsport, IN
Does East-Central Illinois currently have any two-stage dithes installed?

From: Bonnie Hubbard
Decatur, IL
I am the leader of the Bits N spurs 4-h club. I am wondering who is the 4h person for us to contact on that Myla is gone? I would like to know when the next leadership at night is. I was new last year and missed the leader meeting due to other problems. I do not want to miss any this year. I need to understan who thing are done.

From: margaret esparza
rock Island, IL
bugs killing plants within days? Thanks

From: Becky Jones
McHenry, IL
First off, my pumpkins are jack-o-lanterns, so the females are VERY obvious. Problem is, I only have female flowers. For sure. Great big orange pretty flowers with beautiful babies right behind them. But no males. I am so confused. I planted my pumpkins near my zucchini. They are producing male flowers blooming at this point. I know cross pollination is supposed to be a bad thing. If this does happen, what’s so bad?

From: Donald Noeltner
St. Jacob, IL
How to kill it from my yard ?

From: Jim Warstler
Georgetown, IL
I have a pear tree which had good fruit last year, This year however some limbs have died completely and others just the ends are dead. Most of the pears are rotting on the tree before they have a chance to ripen even on the live limbs. Thanks in advance for your help.

From: Chris Myers
Decatur, IL
For a couple of years I've been dealing with a thorny issue in late summer/early fall. I've got some sort of grassy plant that comes up around the same time as regular crabgrass, only when it produces a seed head, instead of the regular crabgrass type of seeds, it produces little spikeballs. They look kind of like the ancient mace weapon - a round ball around 1/8" in diameter with little straight spiky thorns on it. The thorns are incredibly sharp, they'll go straight through a regular leather work glove, and just brushing it against them with bare skin will end up with them stuck in your finger/foot/whatever.

Do you have any idea what they are and how to control them? So far I've just been trying to be very vigilant about pulling them out whenever I see them and disposing of them so they don't reseed. A couple of my neighbors' yards have them as well. I've tried putting down Scotts with Halts but that doesn't seem to really help.

From: David Di Mauro
Forsyth, IL
After reading an excerpt from The Tree Doctor: a guide to tree care and maintence, I realized that I lionized my three crabapple trees. Their trunk sizes are 3 & 1/2, 4 and 6 & 1/2 inches in diameter. They are three different varieties. The branches of the smallest tree are sagging the most. Is there anything I can do to correct my error?

Thanks, David

From: Joanne Kelly
Champaign, IL
Last Jan. I received a beautiful azalea in full bloom. It continued to thrive the rest of the winter although it did not bloom again. In the spring I repotted it and put it outdoors. It did well all summer, although some of the leaves turned brown from time to time. Now, in the cooler weather it is putting on new growth. Shall I trim it back before returning it to the house? Is there hope it will bloom again this winter? Shall I repot it into a larger container? What about fertilizing? I have not fed it this summer. Thanks so much for any help you can give me.

From: Deanna Minteer
Keithsburg, IL
I have never been in 4-H and neither have my children. I have started raising rabbits that meet arba standards, 2nd gene mane Lionheads, New Jersey Woolies and Netherland Dwarfs in which I breed and sale, if anyone interested in looking to buy they can contact me through email( and I am also looking for info on how to register myself and children into 4-H and gather information on rabbit shows and horse shows for the surrounding area. Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Deanna Minteer

From: Todd Mcdonald
Medford, OR

I recently came across your website while doing some gardening research. I happened to notice you had an "additional websites" section and wanted to suggest another site for the list that I've used in the past to connect with gardeners/get help with issues - I thought others might benefit from it as well.

Thanks for the the great info!

From: Cindy Hammack
Mt. Carmel, IL
10 year old pecan trees have black spots on the nut. Some nuts are completely dried up.

From: Holly Scholz
Aurora, IL
I had a white pine die this summer. It is in a section of yard that is pretty wet and has clay soil. The other plants nearby are red twig dogwood and a red maple which are thriving. I think it may have been too wet this year with all the rain we had.

What evergreen could I plant there that would be ok?

From: colleen frazier
obrien, FL
how can I get rid of the ants in my staghorn fern without killig it

From: Bill Zombro
Maroa, IL
During the normal growing season I use rainwater for my vegetable garden from which I collect from Two 55 gal. barrells. My question is that I have drained one into a 55 gal barrell in my basement, will the rainwater be "good" to use throughout the winter or should I find another source. Maroa has softwater. Thanks Bill Zombro

From: Darrel Hicks
Monticello, IL
What are the custom farming rates for Piatt County and surrounding counties?

From: Jim Williams
Springfield, IL
Why hasn't anybody ever designed a three sisters planting head for corn production?

From: Jim Williams
Springfield, IL
Why hasn't anyone ever designed a three sisters planting head for corn?

From: Marilyn Hasty
Pekin, IL
David Robson had a horseradish article in the Peoria Journal 2/5/11 edition in which he states that 80-90% of the world's horseradish is processed around Collinsville. He should Google Silver Spring Horseradish to see that SS is the largest grower and processor of horseradish in the WORLD at Eau Claire, WI,

Please forward this info to him. Thank you.

From: Teresa Keith
Richmond, IL
Would any one be able to tell me if there is somewhere local to buy pullets. I understand if that is not an allowed question but would appreciate an answer just so I know. Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.

From: Janet Pozdol
Crystal Lake, IL
What is the best thing to do for soil erosion around water? Is rif raf, retainers and we do not especially want plantings? What is the best thing to do?

From: Dolores Jacklin
Downers Grove, IL
How should I treat an Arbor Vitae with needles which have turned brown over the winter?

From: Dolores Jacklin
Downers Grove, IL
How should I treat an Arbor Vitae (evergreen) which has turned brown over the winter?

From: cindy sansone
scarsdale, NY
I have yellow spots on my parsley plants. I used used it to make meatballs. Is it okay?

From: sandy carlson
rockford, IL
Saw an early spring flower at the Cherry Valley library and want to know what it is. IT is very low growing...has small star like shaped blooms that are yellow and white. It almost looks like it could be a ground cover? Long thing leaves lay on the ground. What is it? THANKS

From: Mark Briggs
Champaign , IL
I have a rather large garden pond (approximately 12' in diameter) and have an algae problem. I need assistance in identifying the algae so that I can treat it appropriately. Can you offer any assistance? Thanks. Mark Briggs

From: June Fuchs
cncinnti, OH
I started tomato seeds @ a month ago and t seeds have germinated but only one set of leaves have developed. I'm using grow lights for 12 hours on 12 hors off in my basement. Any ideas why no other leaves are forming?

From: Bryan Fryer
Stockdale, TX
I would like to know what to do with a spent flower on an Amarallo plant? Should, I cut it off or cut all of the stem off or leave it alone. What the heck is that ball at the base of the flower or where the flower was.


From: Kathy Barclay
Bloomington, IL
I planted 3 dwarf fruit trees last summer, 2 apple and one peach. They were doing well until this spring when something, (I assume rabbits) ate the bark all the way around the trees above the bark wrap. Now there seems to be no life above the wrap. Should I leave the wrap on and cut the tree off at that point? Can these trees be saved?

From: james cox
rising star, TX
I was told the Extension Service has a week long short course in vegetable gardening. I believ it's called Master Gardener. Can you tell me when this will be offered in Brown or Comanche County ?

From: cheryl besenjak
hoffman estates, IL

I am a Master Gardener in Northern Cook County. At a presentation I gave on Square Foot Gardening someone asked a question about citrus peels not being good in your compost bin/pile. I did not know the answer.

Since I want to give an IL Extension answer, thought I should ask here.


Cheryl Besenjak

From: jeff varda
McHenry, IL
Can you recommend what soils and organics I should put into the container for growing hot peppers ? Thanks Jeff Varda

From: connie sullivan
monticello, IL
Japanese beetles are more than plentiful in my dad's house and when it is warm outside they are all over the outside of his house. He is wanting advice regarding what to use in the house. We are not talking about a few we are talking about overrunning his house.

From: Steve Klaven
Madison, WI
I was driving north on Highway 51 from Decatur to Bloomington Sunday 4/24/2011 and noticed purple flowers blooming in between corn rows in several corn fields - the flowers looked like low growing heather. Very pretty purple color - I have never seen that before. Do you know what it is?

From: Leslie Hunt
Sedona, AZ
Our plants are 3 years old in the ground. The first year we let them grow, the second year we had a great yield, this year we have had almost none but skinny. What are we doing wrong? We fertilized with Gurney's asparagus fertilizer.

From: Henry Hanson
Viola, IL
We have 20 acres south of Viola that is infested with multiflora Rose. We would like to get rid of it without harming anything else. What can we use, and where can we get it? Thank You Hank Hanson

From: Michael Haid
Farmers branch, TX
I have a lawn of st Augustine. It's been thinning and now it's dying out completely in patches. I had thought it was a sprinkler problem but isn't. It's getting worse fast. How do I cure it

From: vicki browdy
deerfield, IL
can you please suggest some organic farms that we can visit to learn about organic farming/bee keeping, and also pick our own organic produce?

Thanks Vicki Browy

From: Regan Brelsfoard
Decatur, IL
Hello, I work at Catholic Charities and every year they treat their employees to a retreat. I am on the retreat committee this year and we have to fill the day with fun activities and some team building activities as well. I wanted to try to find someone that would be willing to help us with a small cooking course or something similar to a cook off. We will have about 20 employees and our budget is slim. Richland has a cook off course but we can not afford it. Is there anything that you could help us with?

From: Carolyn Yerrow
Burlington, ZZ
Hi there, I live in Southern Ontario, near Niagara Falls. I've transplanted 3 ft Hicks Yews along my driveway to start a hedge. I've spread a think layer of pine mulch. The conditions are full sun. A couple of the plants are starting to change color. Not the tips of branches, but the whole plant - it is getting lighter in colour. I beleive it will turn brown in a few days. Would this be the result of too much water or too little? Thanks!

From: leslie postin
canton, IL
We have a vine all over the place, that is a volunteer. It has five white petals for each flower and it just smells delightful, but is rather hard to control as a vigorous climber and pops up all over. this happens yearly in many gardens in our town. of course, my bees adore it! but it climbs other plants and thoroughly entwines them. any ideas? thank you in advance, Leslie :)

From: Matt Keeley
Des Plaines, IL
I live in the Chicago area, and I have a 5' by 5' area of my lawn that I plan to patch with grass seed.

I am looking for recommendations on a brand and type of grass seed to use. The area in question is in the sun almost full-time and sees very little (if any) shade.

Thank you, Matt

From: James OBrien
Springfield, IL
Can you recommend or point me to an appropriate website for a seed mix for a wet detention area of several acres size in central Illinois? The detention area is mostly sunny (a few trees).

From: sandy lupfer
north pekin, IL
I recently found your site when researching the red fox I was shocked that you allow the red fox to be hunted down and slaughtered for their beautiful fur, God takes care of his creatures and had a perfect way of keeping each animal population down by nature the animals do that among themselves by hunting each other for food,, That is God way, yet man still believes he has a better way Just take a good look at this world and all the problems ,, the unpredictable weather,,, the balance of nature has be disrupted so much,, it would be very hard to turn it around Man is destroying this land and all the creatures in it,, You are suppose to protect, not charge for a permit to kill those beautiful red foxes I am appalled to say the least

From: Michelle Connor
Elmhurst , IL
Hi, I am requesting a green tomato chutney recipe WITHOUT apples and raisons that I can can in a water bath canner. I hav found many recipes but they all contain apples and raisons. Please help.

Thank you,

Michelle Connor

From: Teresa Phillips
Geneva, IL
I have several Douglas Firs,Blue pruce and arbovitae that are slowly turning brown and dropping nedles. Most of these trees are 12-14 tall and have been established for at least 4 years. The arbovitae were recently planted last spring. I can't see any insects, but is there something I should look for? Is there something I can treat them with? I've seen several dead pines in the area, is there an epidemic? I have thousands of dollars into these guys, can you help me save them? Thank you!

From: Nancy Serafin
Belvidere, IL
We have some large shrubs in our yard, and have no idea of what type they are. in the spring, they have clusters of small white flowers. After the flowering, small white berries form. By fall, they have turned purple. I was wondering if you could give me an idea as to what kind of shrub we have.

From: Lois Barth
Flanagan, IL
Can excessive water kill a magnolia tree? I know they like a soil with a PH of 5 but after watering the sod under the tree with well water for many weeks, the PH is now 7. The installer of the sod said the sod had to be so wet that when we stepped on it the water would run over the top of our shoe. When we expressed concern when the tree started showing stress he said it wouldn't hurt it and to keep watering. This tree is 60 years old and just beautiful. Every spring the whole tree is filled with huge pink blooms and it was nice and green until the watering continued. It is now brown and the leaves are mostly all gone. Could the water have done this.

From: allen green
oak park, IL
leaves on my 5 year old citrus plant, which i maintain indoors, is producing a waxy like subtance on the leaves. This has not occurred before. I always place it outside during the summer months. please let me know if you have any advice. allen

From: Justin Bellas
Bloomington, IL
Good Afternoon- I installed 5- 4ft Picea pungens 'Fastigiata' Columnar Colorado Blue Spruce this past spring and four have since died. This is a special tree that is only developed and grown from Bizon Nursery. . The home owner siad they watered regulary and didn't notice any bugs that may have been attacking the trees. I looked at them today and they where dead as they could be. They where all installed in the same area and one of them seems to be doing just fine. The home owner has had aver 12 other Bizon CO Blues installed all over the property in the past 10 years with no issues. My question to you is with these trees being extreamly expensive the last thing I would want to happen is to remove the old and install the new and this to happen all over again. Is there any chance I would be able to send you a few branches some being bare and some having needles and you could do some research and maybe have some luck at gathering information? I do know that one of the dead trees had a bag worm. Thanks very much in advance for any infomation you can gather for me. If you can send you or someone else the branches please let me know how to go about it. Thanks again! Justin

From: Val Bouso
Spring Grove, IL
Will cutting back my 4ft. Endless Summer Hydrangeas in the late fall ruin my chances of flowers for next year? I am aware that ES hydrangeas bloom on old and new growth however they have become very tall and leafy. I usually cover them with burlap to protect them from the winter and hungry deer but will not be able to this year unless I cut them back.

From: Marikay Witlock
Chicago Heights, IL
Given ongoing climate change, what large evergreens are now recommended for the Chicago Area? I have heard the list is changing based on global warming.

From: Marcia Burns
Champaign, IL
I am a K/1 teacher at a small lab school on the U of I campus. I am looking for an expert to visit our classroom and share information about local burrowing animals. The students have discovered several holes around the building and by a nearby creek, and wonder what animals might be living there.

From: Reta McQuarrie
Winslow, ME
How do I harvest and prepare lavender for use in saschets etc.?

From: Ed Morris
Harmon, IL
How do my fall crop of peas get pollinated? The seed packages say "Plant in late summer for a fall crop." For the third year, now, my pea plants have a good number of blossoms, but no pods. Some have suggested using a soft brush to hand-pollinate each blossom. Still nothing. Is there a preferred time of day to do that? (It seems that four-o-clocks and morning-glories prefer certain times of the day.) Do I wait for a certain color of each blossom? Other characteristics to consider? There were still blossoms on my plants today. Thanks for any help. Ed

From: Christine Jonte
Houston, TX
I own 120 acres in Lee County, IL. It has been leased out for many years, starting with my great aunt and grandmother and then when my parents owned it. According to documents I have located the rental income has been the same since the 1980's. I would like to know what the current rate is for rental property in that county.

There are no buildings on the property and it is strictly farm land.

Thank you.

From: Mary Gignilliat
Chicago, IL
Hi - I have a beautiful patch of Lysimachia/Creeping Jenny/Moneywort in my front yard. By the end of the summer, all that remains are the long, creeping stalks bc the leaves have been devoured by some insect. It looks as if I have tossed cooked angel hair pasta noodles all over my garden. I have been told that it is caused by the black vine weevil, a caterpillar called Monostegia abdominalis or a beneficial beetle called Galerucella pusilla.

Last summer, my Aster divaricatus and my upright Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander' were decimated in the same way at the same time.

Can you tell me what might be the problem and how to solve it? Thank you!

From: Ann Boisclair
Glen Ellyn, IL
Most of our 2 acre "yard" is native grasses and trees. However, in one strip, everything we plant seems to die. We wonder if it gets runoff from a neighbor's pool (chlorine) - and if so what to do about it. Is there a soil test for this (as well as other characteristics that might be culprits)?

From: Tera Miller
Rock City, IL
Hello, I have a weekend home near Rock City, IL, and would be interested in exploring offering an area of my land for a beekeeper who might need a place for more bees. I don't know if this is something beekeepers care about, but if so maybe you can direct me to a starting point? Thank you for your time Tera

From: kimble Funk
Rushville, IL
What information does the Ext. offer for beekeepers?

From: Shirley Busse
Woodstock, IL
I have a 20+ Jade plant that is dropping leaves and branches. The branches arehollow inside when they fall off - like a drinking straw. I haven't changed location or care. What's wrong?

From: J. V.
Dixon, IL
p.s. to be clear, I mean other than your coyote info. page.

From: Ron Zarnick
Roscoe, IL
Is there an e-newsletter that includes suggestions for when to perform Hort actions (fertilizing, insect nest spraying planting, pruning, tilling...) and local calenders of events? If so, how can subscribe to it?

My lot is sloped from the adjoining 127th Street. During a heavy rain, water rushes under my fences and makes crevices in my garden and strips some of the dirt out of my garden. I read that junipers are good for erosion problems. Can you recommend any other low shrubs or plants with a good root system to use to help with the erosion. Thank you.

From: Michael Darwish
Trivoli, IL
When do geese begin to build a nest in central Illinois. I have put up a box that, taking into consideration the lake is down 2 feet, may be too high(44 inches above current pool) and wonder if they will fly up into it. TIA

From: Ciro Lombardo
Edcouch, TX
What is the ideal low - night temparture & the high temperature for days that produces the best tight crown broccoli.

From: Paula Huggins
Winnebago, IL
I am being overrun by gnats. They are not only thick in the yard, but now they are in the house, thousands of them. I dont have any food laying out and I emptied the trash, they are swarming the windows and doors near light and getting in. What can I do to eliminate them from home, and reduce the number in the yard??

From: carolyn platt
I usually mulch my clippings, but thought I heard that the first mow of Spring should be bagged? Concerns of weed seeds?

I am going to mow, and then apply pre-emergent fertilizer (crab grass halter).

Thank you!

From: Susan Wayde
Detroit, MI
I have a beautiful Rose of Sharon tree that fills with so many buds the tree almost topples over but never actually blooms. No signs of pests and this will be its 3rd summer. Full sun Thanks!

From: Mary Rosemeyer
Glenview, IL
I have a white/scotts pine that died due to bark beetles. Can you suggest an evergreen that is resistant to bark beetles? It will go next to 2 other white/scotts pines so they should look similar. Thank you.

From: Bethany Coons
Decatur, IL
We have a snake living under our house that we cannot ID after looking through various IL snake websites. Can you please help us determine what type of snake it is. We took pictures that we are going to email to you directly.

From: Steve Hilton
Leesburg, VA
I have a long driveway that I want to plant ornamental flowering trees alongside. I would like to find a tree that has deep roots (that won't tear up the driveway), and is pretty all year round. It should be disease and insect resistant, winter/weather hardy, and long-lived. I would also prefer one that didn't bear fruit that would create a mess. Is there such a "perfect" species of tree? Thanks!

From: Martin Freed
Evanston, IL
We have a tall, multi-cane bush which is showing what appear to be whitish splotches on the branches. I don't know the name of the bush, but it is common in the Chicago area. This bush, which starts out in spring with white buds and then leafs out in green, now has many leaves which are turning brown. We thought it was a lack of water problem, but that does not seem to be the case. How to deal with this? Thanks in advance.

From: Sandra Henry
Bolingbrook, IL
I have a 18 year-old Hibiscus in an indoor container. It recently started dropping leaves - very quickly. I thought it might be root-bound, so I repotted it. While repotting, I noticed a sticky, clear substance (maybe insect honeydew?) a the the point where the leaf connects with the stem. Emerging leaves appear to be mis-shaped and stunted in growth. Is there an insect I can't see?

From: Roger Komlen
Washington, MI
We had 3 healthy burning bushes planted 5 years ago. For the first 3 years, all was fine. Then last year one of them spouted few leaves in the spring. This year, the other two have done the same. I prune them significantly each fall. Also this year, I noticed a black sooty substance all over below one that had not spouted many leaves. Any suggestion? I have sheered off all branches with no new leaves.

From: Lee Schneller
Camden, ME
Hello, I found your water gardening area very useful, but there are references to plant lists that I couldn't find. I would love to see these plant lists (for example, for marginals) if they are on your website somewhere. Thank you! I'm a master gardener and garden book author in Maine. Sincerely, Lee Schneller

From: Ed Vogel
Hoffman Estates, IL
My plants are very large, they have lots of flowers on them but they don't produce any zucchin. I have grown zucchin s for many years and for the last two years I have had this problem. Am I over watering? Are they lacking a mineral..I do use a 10-10-10 futilizer.Is there a disease?

From: Teresa Smith
Greenfield, IL
Could you please tell me how much to charge to custom bale net wrapped round bales?

From: Teresa Smith
Greenfield, ID
Where can I buy wet corn gluten? What is the price now?

From: mary lou banaszek
downers grove, IL
I just finished weeding my raspberry patch. I noticed that the leaves are turning yellow and some of the canes that were budding have died. I want to fertilize and bring this patch back. It has been going since 1970. I have added plants and have thinned them, the deer or something is eating off the tops of the sticks. what can it be??? and could this be the cause of the yellowing? or do I just need to water now that the weeds are gone...??? thanks for your help..

From: Peter C
Urbana, IL
I'd like to start planting flowers to attract bees and night time pollinators, which I think would be moths. I'm planting moonflowers and night time tobacco to attract moths at night, but I'm not quite sure what to do about attracting bees.

I know that bees prefer native, diverse plant populations over exotic monocultures, but I'm not quite sure what to plant.

From: carrie Phillips
Sonora, CA
i h.ave a shady plant with purple flowers that are called a spider flower. right where the leaves grow from the stem it looks like a spider web that is very white is this a bug or normal

From: Sheila Page
Virden, IL
Hi... Something terrible is happening to my deciduous trees (I'm not sure if they are pine, fir, spruce...or some of all). I first noticed some of the trees along my fence row start to turn brown and it seemed like it was moving one tree at a time...then within a couple of weeks ,whatever it is, it killed 3 very mature pine trees - I mean they are dead! So I started examining them and I made my way to my BEAUTIFUL, taller than my house, pine (I think its pine) tree and I notice that it has probably 100s of little bore holes in the trunk. I'm scared to death it is going to kill this tree that is probably 100 years old. (My house was built in 1863). I have taken pictures and could send them to you. PLEASE is there ANYTHING I can do to keep this tree from dying? I am desperate!!

Thanks! Sheila Page

From: cheryl knox
yorkville, IL
I have a 2 year old Japanese Maple, placed southeast. Prior to our last frost, the leaves were fuzzy looking and I applies a fungicide. Things were looking good. The leaves got frosted during the last frost and lost all leaves. New leaves are budding out now but are curling. Color looks good, trunk seems healthy. What could be happening? Do you think it is bugs?

From: Rosemary Koning
Homer Glen, IL
We took in a stray chicken who must have been an asymptomatic carrier of a respiratory disease as 7 of our 30 hens have died in 10 days, and all but one or two seem to be infected and have stopped laying. I can't seem to find a veterinarian who sees chickens in my area and the local extension office chicken person did not call me back. Online research indicates the remaining flock should be culled??? If that is necessary, then what kind of sanitizing does the hen house and run need before introducing new pullets? My spring chicks are fast outgrowing their pen in the garage! Does anyone know of a vet who will see chickens in Homer Glen, Will county?

From: Estelle Hines
Macungie, PA
Why are the cherries on my sour cherry tree so small this year?

From: sandy owsley
north Pekin, IL
what caues leaves to turn brown from the inside out on a causchanticleer pear treees, is it caused by lack of frtilization, I was told if the leaves are turning brown not to fretize, cause more leaf growth and adds to the existing problem,,, what should I do?

From: Sally Roldan
Caledonia, IL
Have removed tent caterpillars from Baptisia and Lupines. I thought they only attacked shrubs and trees, is this a new issue for perennials?

From: Sandra Darby
Champaign, IL
What are these small black bugs that appear of an evening? They are very much attracted to my wine when I'm on the balcony each evening. Is there some method of eliminating or reducing their appearance?

From: mj hodgins
galena, IL
I think we have them in Galena

From: Caroline Peregrine
DeKalb, IL
I'm experiencing the same black bug problem as the person from Champaign IL. There seems to be more at dusk. We have had the small hard shelled bug other years but this year they are particularly pesky ano greater in numbers. We do not use chemicals on our yard and have raspberries and a small veggie garden.

From: Randy Manar
Jerseyville, IL
It's been 100 + for a week and going to be 100 + for the next week. Need advice on watering times and amount for my several varieties of Hostas. Don't want to fry them and water is kinda expensive where I live. Thanks for any help...

From: Julie Miller
Freeport, IL
Dear Tera, Has anyone contacted you yet on your Jan. 22, 2012 request for possible use of our land for some bees? If you are still interested, in pursuing this, please contact me at the Univ. of IL Extension office in Stephenson County, as we do have some possible contacts of people who would be interested. My contact at our office is:

Julie L. Miller Office Support Assistant University of IL Extension Stephenson County 2998 W. Pearl City Road Freeport, IL 61032

Phone: 815-235-4125 Fax 815-232-9006 Email:

From: Mara B
Oak Park, IL
Two summers ago, I planted three blackberry plants in my backyard. All three summers, the plants have grown tall and wide with lots of green leaves, but they have never had flowers and never grown fruit. After the second summer, I cut down the plants to about 6 inches high in late fall. This didn't impact the growth at all - but still, no flowers and no fruit. Just lots of thorny branches (I have them staked and they lean against a neighbor's garage wall for support). They are about 7 feet high already this year. What do you suggest to ensure fruit next summer?

From: Linnea Thennes
McHenry, IL
We have had ivy in the front of the house for at least ten years. we had a terrible year last year when we lost most of the leaves. We were very encouraged that it was coming back this year and now all of a sudden the leaves are rapidly turning brown at the edges and starting to fall off. some leaves look like they were sharply cut off at the end of the stem with a knife. We did spray about a month ago with Bayer Advanced Multi-Insect Killer for the Japanese beetle invasion. Please help!

From: Alyse Festen
Northbrook, IL
I think I have a codling moth problem on my 10-15 year old apple tree. There are apples falling prematurely and they have holes with something brown filled in them. The tree is fairly large (it hasn't been pruned in a few years) and it looks like many apples on the tree have the spots/holes, too. Is there any way to stop this problem for this season or for future seasons? I would rather not spray insecticides if I had a choice.

Thank you!

From: Katie Turkal
Toledo, IL
My cucumbers are cracking and have a white sugary substance on them. Are they still safe to eat?

From: Amy Dickinson
Champaign, IL
I recently got a dog. I have a 10 x 10 area of grass under a maple in the backyard that has always been patchy as it is in shade most of the day. I've tried sod and seeding it without much luck. I'd like to get a good cover on it that will keep it from being muddy in the fall and winter. Any suggestions for groundcovers?

From: jimmy ruiz
livingston, TX
I have a 2 year old weeping willow tree that all of a sudden has developed a fungus. The leaves have developed some black or dark brown spots on them and are dying and falling off. I also noticed some brown build up mounds on the base of the tree also. how can i save my tree.

From: Wayne Rowe
Jaksonville, FL
I have lots and lots of amarillas in my yard. They flower beautifully. I never dig up the bulb. They just multiply. However, some of them haves that turn mostly yellow during the summer. Others continue to grow really full and green. What causes this?

By the way, I plant the see lack seeds when the pods opens. That's why I have so many of them. They usually bloom after a year's growth. I collect seeds from other yards with different colors and plant them. Makes for a variety. Also beats buying the bulbs....very expensive.

From: A Gal
Deerfield, IL
Injured baby bunny. Dragging hind legs behind him as hops with front legs. Eyes open, ears up. All else looks fine. With sibling, who seems fine, hopping fine.

What can we do?

From: Dana D.
Bolingbrook, IL
HI Can you suggest an insecticidal drench for the root ball of a bananna tree plant. My tree is appox 20ft tall and does not bear fruit. I am unable to replant my tree with new soil as it is so large--and I need to get rid of some insects in the soil. Thanks

From: Joseph Keeley
Champaign, IL
The university of Nebraska has developed a vegetative blue grass (bella Blugrass) and buffalo grass (Legacy) for plugging. Reportedly they develop much deeper roots.

I have not had luck with sod and seed.

Does anyone have any experience

From: Gary Mueller
Mundelein, IL
I have noticed very quick browning and death on Emerald green Arborvitaes recently, it seems to affect all ages and sizes of trees. Some of the trees have had the proper care including sufficient water, though via a garden hose, irrigation system etc. I am very perplexed on what is causing their rapid death. Do you have any answers as to their death ? It seems to be area wide (Lake County Illinois).

From: Rita Kemme
Effingham, IL
My Mexican Petunia has been outside and the soil has acquired "thousands" of tiny black ants. How can I rid the soil without killing the plant before I bring it in for the winter?

From: Jennifer Monson
Urbana, ID
I recently bought a house that came with 7 chickens. They have completely stopped laying eggs over the past month. I think everything is the same as with their previous owners. They have the same food, same routine. Is it bad for chickens not to lay eggs?

From: Jon Palek
Lake In The Hills, IL
I have planted my Dahlia's every year with great success, but starting last year in one flower bed my bulb's grew great, then started to die, this year I have 3 flower beds where the bulb's started great then started to die, when planted, the bulbs where in good condition, even planted a bulb from my dads in a spot that one died, and it too died. Something, insect, is getting into the bulbs and killing them! What is it? How can I kill them? Of my 30 or so Dahlia's only 10 are flowering and not infested by this insect. Thanks in advance for any help.

From: Beverly Gray
Streamwood, IL
We just had to cut down a mountain ash tree due to disease. We need to plant a different tree. It will be between two driveways and near the house so the roots have to go directly down. We would like it to grow no more that 40 feet. Any suggestions.

From: Sarah Haskins
Chicago, IL
Hi there, I would be so grateful if you could send me the more detailed veg document too! I can find other extensions but not Illinois zone 5. Thanks!!!!!!

From: Tami Joyce
Irving, IL
I have an abundance of the hen of woods mushrooms and was wondering if it is safe to can these. Thank you for your assistance, Tami

From: Joyce Boryla
Bloomingda;e, IL
Our two Alberta Spruce trees had orange needles on the south side this year. We thought it might be sunburn (if that's possible), but on closer inspection, we found small black shiny nodules on the crooks of the branches inside. The nodules fell off when poked, but one tree has had significant needle drop and bare branches on the bottom. The orange needles have dropped or the color is more green now and the trees have new growth starting. Have you any idea what this might be and a cure for it?

From: Stephanie Ogle
Oswego, IL
For Somerset seedless grapes, would you recommend spur or cane pruning of the vine? Also, is there any preferred trellis method for that variety? Thank you.

From: chuck dahlem
Carol Stream, IL
My collection (approx 150) of Phalaenopsis orchids could be history if I do not find a way to control the subject creatures! For the last 1/1.5 years I've tried to rid my plants of this pest without success. I've thoroughly treated my plants with insecticidal soap on a regular basis and they keep coming back. I am at my wits end and desperate for a different regiment that will save my collection! Thanks in advance for any advice you may have to offer.



From: Sharon Viano
Marinez, CA
Hi, I have green moss spreading all over my yard where I don't want it. How can I eradicate it?

From: Brad Doweidt
Union, IL
I want to plant a variety of nut, fruit, shrub and ground cover plants in an area to create an edible forest. The varieties I strongly want to grow are Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Pawpaws, Sweet Cherries, Pears, Blueberries, Blackberries, Cranberries and strawberries. While I know for a production point of view linear orchard designs are best but I am looking to make a more "natural" orchard. Can you give me tips of what perennials are not team players and what plants might do well together?

Is there anyone who has some experience with permaculture and alternative farming techniques?

From: Maggie Newman
Dixon, IL
What diseases can enter through the stoma? Are there RPD's I can print off or pick up at my local extension office. Are there insects that target the stoma? Thank you for your time and consideration.

From: Virginia Neihardt
Chicago, IL
Can you recommend what type of worms work best in Chicago (Cook County) for composting and where in the area can they be purchased?

From: leigh mosenfelder
milan, IL
What decorative or flowering trees can handle wet or standing water? I leave near the Rock River and we have standing water when it floods.

From: Mary O'Connell
Chicago, IL
My dog has recently been diagnosed with hookworm (very mild infestation for which I am treating him). Although I walk him regularly and always clean up, occasionally in the winter months he leaves feces in the backyard, which I find when getting the garden ready for spring. What should I do about potential contamination? I have grandchildren and also tenants with young children. Is it necessary to have the lawn resodded? would that solve the problem? Thank you.

From: Jeff Stoffel
Winfield, IL
Hello from Winfield, IL. My front lawn faces South and has no shade. I struggle every Summer to keep it healthy and minimize casualty. I am considering converting the lawn to Zoysia grass, specifically the "Meyer Z-52" strain. Do you know of any locations where I could go see this type of grass before I make a decision? I would also love to hear any tips or suggestions you may have, either for or against using Zoysia in the Chicago suburbs. Thanks! -Jeff

From: Joanne Norgart
Parker, CO
My sister has voles in her garden and has tried to get rid of them. She finds dirt tossed all the time. She tried the electronic sound and has to put underground cages to try to protect plants. Interestingly, they back up to a cow farm and the area used to have a lot of prairie dogs but they mysteriously disappeared about 2 years ago but now voles seem to be the problem.

From: tony mullens
crosby, TX
What causes bloomes to turn brown and die and not make a berry?

From: Toni Oppenheimer
Gallatin, TN
Sorry!! The question is about mallard Duck!! A bad typo,,

From: Heather Vitell
Oak Brook, IL
This is our 5th year doing this project, and the eggs smell horrible! Usually I will notice the odor when the chicks are hatching, but this time I noticed it the day after we stopped turning them. They should hatch tomorrow, but I am worried because they really smell. Is this normal and will it affect the hatch?

From: Gena Simmons
Citrus Heights, CA
Hi There,

We have had a moth infestation for some months, and I don't believe they are Indianmeal moths, since the traps I have used successfully on those in the past have no allure, and I'm not finding signs of them in any food--just fluttering around the house and building black cocoons. Any idea what these might be and how to get rid of them?


From: Karoline Barrett
Southington, CT
Hello. I am an author and hope you will be willing to answer some questions for me re. apple growing:

If an orchard owner wanted to breed a hybrid apple, who would he approach to give the type of apple he wanted? How would the hybrid be created? How long would it take? What exactly are Intellectual Property Rights? Is it a patent on an apple hybrid? If so, who owns the rights, the grower or the person who creates the hybrid?

Why are Intellectual Property Rights important?

I appreciate your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to include any other information you feel would be of value.

Best regards, Karoline Barrett Follow me on Twitter @KarolineBarrett

From: nina pittman
Rochester Hills, MI
I have a mallard hen at work and she will not leave her nest for anything. Not food, water... nothing! There is no sign of the Daddy. We took Mama some water, but she won't respond to it. When we first noticed her she would hiss at the sight of us. Now she looks empty. What should I do? Can I help her? I thought maybe the Daddy was hurt and she was giving up due to a broken heart. Do you think she and the nest will be okay? I hope tthis is normal. Please advise, Thank you.

From: Sheri Madison
Montgomery, IL
Hi. Trying to identify a weed that keeps popping up in our flower beds. Is there a way I can upload a picture to you for help. The weed is a five leaf, broader type.

From: Jim Conlon
Springfield, IL
Hello - I have two mature maple trees in my yard that appear significantly distressed. In past years both these trees have been very hardy and vibrant. This year, both have several branches with limited foilage. I am looking for some help on next steps to prevent their loss. Thank you.

From: Jane Potts
Louisville, IL
Is curly dock poisonous to cattle AFTER it has been put into bales of alfalfa hay

From: kevin murphy
atwater, IL
Would like to have the customs rates for farming are farmland

From: Mona Maas
Elkhart, IL
Carefully pruned raspberries, canes and blossoms looked GREAT. Then tiny berries just turned brown and never did grow. On ALL canes. Lots of new canes growing, and blackberries right next to these are ripening just fine. What happened??

From: Kenneth Tribble
DeKalb, IL
What are the industry data and statistics regarding local or downtown farmer's markets? I am working on an MBA Capstone project for Northern Illinois University's College of Business in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce for the City of Rockton. Our proposal is to develop and grow a downtown city market that serves food, locally grown & organic produce, and musical entertainment. If possible, do you know what or where to find statistics on local farmers markets, such as growth rates of local markets in Illinois, target customer data, customer survey data(such as % who prefer locally grown or organic), attendance rates, average net income, barriers to entry, etc.

hi can you help me in a direction on how to can the peaches (correctly) that we got off the trees this year. thank you Donna

From: Linda King
wagoner, OK
I have a vine growing on my fence that has three leaves and and a tiny flower that is sort of like a sweet pea bloom with a little purple comma shaped center. can you identify?

From: pamela sheldon
mettawa, IL
I just removed 50+ frogs and 2 large salamanders out of my sump pump and about 20 more that were in basement. I dont kwow how to stop them from entering the pump and keeping them outside Help.

From: Gary Patton
Bolingbrook, IL
My grandson sent me an email voicing concern about his Majesty Palm. He states, "I have a majesty palm about 4 foot tall. It was ok the first couple of weeks. Then it started browning. I water it about 3 times a week. Also, I take it outside when I water it and let the water run out the bottom on the patio. Also, I researched online and they said it likes humidity and outdoors. I put it outside the past few days, and it got really bad. I had to chop off like 6 fronds because they died. More are starting to die. The new chutes are just sitting doing nothing. I am worried it is going to completely die. Should I fertilize?" Not being a houseplant guru, I thought I would ask the experts if there is a way to save this plant?

From: Charles DeLattre
Danville, IL
About 5 yrs ago I planted a Georgia Belle white peach. Every year I have a lot of blossoms, and fruit. I prune the tree, and thin the fruit out each year, but the peaches will not get ripe! Never have. They stay green and hard clean up till winter. do I need to cut this tree down and start over?

From: Daniel Stoneberg
Schaumburg, IL
Hi. My grandmother has an unidentified tree in her yard. We would like to know its specific type / hybrid if possible. I have scanned pictures of a couple of leaves from the tree. If I e-mail you the pictures, can you possibly identify the type of tree it is?

I have scanned pictures of the front and back of a couple of leaves. Do you have an e-mail address that I can send the pictures to. Please advise. Dan Stoneberg 606 Oneida Drive Schaumburg, IL 60193 Telephone: 630 671 0901 E-mail:

From: linda morrison
maquon, IL
Holes in yard near where old trees were removed. They don't appear to have tunnels or hills of loose soil; I thought rabbits or squirrels; although my dogs would have had them for dinner. What vermin could it be?

From: linda morrison
maquon, IL
Holes in yard near where old trees were removed. They don't appear to have tunnels or hills of loose soil; I thought rabbits or squirrels; although my dogs would have had them for dinner. What vermin could it be?

From: Chris Gicela
West Chicago, IL
We have a white pine that is turning a lighter green color, has brown needles, and is ozing white sap on the south side of the tree. The back or north side seems fine. Also, there is a black walnut tree about 25' to the north. It is about 6-7 years old and about 30' high. What can be done to help the tree?

From: Martin Narrod
Highland Park, IL
I have spent an extensive amount of time on this website, and the non-extension website. After searching for a feasible way to contact the website manager and was unable to do so. I would like to ask 2 questions.

First: Did you know that while this may be a University's website, that there are countless grammatical and spelling errors, not to mention the inaccurate spelling of myriads of flora and fauna?

Two: I live 26 miles outside of Chicago in Highland Park IL. In a small corner of the town is located a 2 1/2 acre spring-fed pond that was created in 1897 when digging into the earth for clay to make brick, the diggers hit a spring 20-30 feet down which quickly filled. This pond which I have been able to find little or no information of online called FOLEY'S POND, was originally stocked with bass, carp, and goldfish. The wildlife around the area is quite vast, including various migratory birds, mallards, cottontail rabbits, Eastern Moles, wood ducks, various songbird species, kingfishers, red-tailed hawks, Peregrine falcons, great blue heron, red-headed woodpeckers, scarlet tanagers, orioles, robins, cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, short eared owls, snowy egrets, black-crowned night heron, little blue heron, sandpiper, Mississippi Kite, White-Tailed Deer, Fox, Skunk, Opossum, Painted Turtle, Box Turtle, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Large-mouth bass, small-mouth bass, Catfish, sunfish, blue gill, red spotted sunfish, various darters, minnow, bullfrogs, green tree frogs, various toads, garter snake, timber rattlesnake(which totally was shocking), green watersnakes, a kind of orange and red banded snake, a black and white banded snake, coyote, this awesome tree frog I don't know the name of, Brown bat, brown squirrel, black squirrel, gray mice, brown mice, four different kinds of mussels, two different kinds of clams, slugs, snails, earthworms, nightcrawlers, crayfish, monarch butterflies, blue butterflies, yellow and black butterfly, a ton of different moths, and many other insects, grasshopper, cicada, leafhopper, woodpecker, green dragonfly, emerald dragonfly, damsel fly, horse fly, green biting fly, black fly, mosquito, rolly pollies, centipedes, earwigs, daddy long legs, jumping spiders, water gliders, tadpoles asian beetles, black beetles, ladybugs, long eared beetles, stink bugs, leaf insects, stick insects, and red-tailed fox. MY QUESTION IS:

There are about 25 different spiders here at this pond, I can tell about 3 or 4 different species, but there are several I cannot, and of those there are 2 types which are very large, the size of a half-dollar or the top of a coca-cola can(these are not daddy long legs), is there a comprehensive list that tells what every species of Mammal, Bird, Insect, Reptile, Amphibian, Vertebrate, Invertebrate, and Plant is in the State of Illinois?

I have been seeking a list of this sort and/or an entomologist which could visit this pond which is booming with life, if you or someone you know could help I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU.


Martin Narrod 847-274-4040

From: Richard Hartwi
Park ridge, IL
We planted two "everlasting" hydrangeas shrubs about 6 years ago. For about the first four years we had solid green growth but almost no flowers. last year we had a huge number of blooms for the first time. This year almost no blooms again We tried to prune dead wood in the spring. Any ideas? Thank youB

From: Maria Feliciano
Bronx, NY
The brown bug I kill once a day are the size of a nat and they bite and suck your blood.They have a strip under belly.They look like bed bugs but they are nut.I have a rash and I'm wondering if they are the cause.

From: Ingrid Magan
Chicago, IL
Found in wooded area near my home La Baugh woods . looked up image and seemed to be Arum Maculatum ID ed as a european plant. Is it native or now growing in Illinois?

From: Lisa Dhar
Champaign, IL
Our subdivision's man-made lake has become carpeted with algae. The lake is supposedly too shallow to aerate and chemical treatments such as copper sulfate have not been effective (or desirable!).

Do you know of a service that will come out and physically remove (rake up) the algae?

Thank you for your advice.

From: Daniel Cooper
Sylvania, AL
I have 5 acres in macon county with a useable oil pump on it or drill ready to pump oil what is the value of the land

From: Mary Jane Carlson
Crest Hill, IL
I am interested in planting a small ornamental tree near a pool. The yard is small, and obviously I don't want large leaves going in the pool. I like flowering crabs, but I don't want any crab apples. The root base has to remain relatively small. Can you recommend a tree? Also, a landscaper that I spoke to recommended various wild grasses as border near a fence. She wanted to plant 5 plants in a relatively small area. Will that spread very rapidly?

Thank you, Mary Jane

From: Lena Choudhury
Bloomington, IL
There are some Mulberry trese/bushes sprouted in the natural Illinois grass prairie in our property. We have cut them down to the stump several times but they come back with more vigor. What can we do to get rid of these invasive trees? We do not want to kill the prairie plants growing close to the Mulberry trees. We will very much appreciate your help. Thank you.

From: Richard McMorris
Libertyville, IL
We want to employ a combination of red & yellow dogwood shrubs as a screen adjacent to a split rail fence and bike path. What would be the proper spacing to achieve the screen effect but not become over grown. We would be planting 3' container plantings.

From: Mark Patterson
DeKalb, IL
I am taking over a farm operation with approximately 80 laying hens here in N Il. The coop is unheated. Do I need to heat it? If Yes, recommended methods?

Thank you

From: Lisa Downey
Evanston, IL
Hello, I have a few bushes in my yard that I can't identify. Is there a way to send you three pictures? One I think is an oakleaf hydrangea, but it now has individual red berries on it and I'm not sure if it is a hydrangea after all. The leaves are starting to turn red. The next bush is being used as a hedge and is quite tall - 6' or so. It has simple green, smooth leaves and small pinkish white blooms in the summer. It slightly changes color in the fall before losing its leaves. Finally, there's another bush about 6' tall with green leaves with deep grooves along the veins and serrated edges. This would be much simpler with pictures! I would appreciate any suggestions, and I can then compare images. Thank you!

From: Susan Busk
South Bend, IN
I live in Zone 5, South Bend, IN. My dogwood leaves turned brown and fell off late this summer. I didn't notice any creatures or fungus on them. Can I do anything to save it and how do it stop some of the others from having the same problem? Switching to my Hosta problem. This summer I had little holes in my leaves about the size of a pencil eraser-looked like shot gun pellet holes. Are those from slugs and if so the Snail & Slug killer didn't do anything to get rid of them. What can I do? And now to the miserable little green worm-like creatures that come out every spring and totally chew up my "Goldy Locks" ground cover-practically down to the roots. There are hundreds of them and besides being disgusting they eat their way thruough a 3'x4' garden in one day, leaving a miserable ground cover for months. Thanks & God bless you, Susan Busk

From: k mikula
Oakton, VA
I was given some azalea seeds. When should I plant them?

From: Julie Honsinger
Vallejo, CA
I've notice a baby squirrel that is leaning to one side, she looks healthy she is eating and can get around ok. She just appears to be stiff and leaning to one side. Any ideas as what would cause this? Anything I can do?

From: Linda Hewerdine
Dewey, IL
I have 165 acres to negotiate a farm rent in Conduit County, 100% tillable. Can you give me any guidance.

From: roger tillis
columbus, OH
your info was right on, but what do I wrap the tree with?

From: Paulette Frazier
Frankfort, IL
I have an 8 foot arborvitae that has started to lean over the past month or so. It is leaning against a fence so I don't think it will fall over. Is there anything I can do now to help this tree or do I need to wait until the Spring to try to right it?

From: Karen Krause
Brookfield, WI
Last week 2 wild turkeys seemed to be joined at the beak for about 1/2 hr until someone worried approached them & they voluntarily separated & moved on. What does that behavior indicate? Part of mating or affection?

From: Allan Hyland
galena, IL
Hello, I am a winemaker in northern illinois and I have been sourcing fruit from Washington and Oregon and New York as well as Illinois. I would like to switch all my fruit to Illinois. I was wondering if you know of any Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, and Strawberry growers in the northern or central regions of Illinois that I could source roughly 3,000 to 8,000lbs of each of these fruits. I was also wondering about rhubarb.

From: David Ellams
Hi Jay Thanks for getting back to me.

Sorry if this sounds a little stupid but what I need to do is to try and calculate the following.

I need to try and estimate the yield of Quarter Sawn / Rift Cut Red Oak to give a finished size of 1" x 8" x 48" Planks

What I am trying to find out is what is the average trunk diameter and useable trunk height. I realise that lumber and trees vary but I am just trying to get averages.

The job that I am working on is a very large and prestigious development in the UK. And the architects have asked me to estimate the number of trees it will take for the project. Please don't think that this is a joke as the architect wants to Use American Red Oak but is conscious of the environmental impact. The complete project is in the order of 100,000 square feet.

From: Mary Clawson
Windsor, IL
we had a family of red fox( three kits 2 adults) living just north of our home in the country. Now there are only two kits at the den and we can't see any adult foxes. We wonder if the two remaining kits have been abandoned and what can be done if they are abandoned. We have not seen any adult fox at the den all day.

From: Lily Cohen
San Diego, CA
Good morning,

My name is Lily and I love the work you’re doing with your resource pages, I think it’s wonderful! I’m emailing you because Personal Creations recently put together a DIY gardening post and I thought you would get a kick out of it. Take a look and let me know what you think. If you like it, I would love for you to share it on your site and perhaps add some insight into what your spring gardening adventure is.

From: Brad Bradwell
Lake Elsinore , CA
What type of soil fertilizer should I use to feed a 30 yr old fruit bearing walnut tree. Where should the ph be.

From: Helen Davis
Blairsville , GA
Do astilbe blooms change color over time? I planted 6 red a pink ones several years ago but this year all the blooms are white. Do they revert back to white after a period of time?

From: Gerald reidy
Fairfield, CT
I have been trying to purchase this tree for several years. The only sources I have found are in the British Isles and they don't export to the US. If any one of your readers know of a US source, I would appreciate their passing along the information.

From: Larry Clifton
Decatur, IN
I live in northern Indiana, (Fort Wayne) area. How many bales of alfalfa can I get from 1 acre of land? How much is alfalfa selling for per bale? Is it worth my time to plant only 1 acre cost wise? Will I make any profit after seed, fertilizer, ect?

From: Kathleen Hough
Edina, MN
we have a gray squirrel that has summer fur from it's head to just above it's hips, and winter fur from there on down its back legs. This is July in Minnesota, so this seems very odd to me. It looks just like he is wearing a pair of furry pants! What would cause this?

From: Garry Jaffe
Chicago, IL
I found a beetle of some sort living on a milkweed plant. About .75 inches long, orange, with 6 black dots on the head, 4 black dots on it's back with 2 long dots along the sides of the back, plus long black feelers. I kept looking at photos online of beetles, but every time I found a similar photo, the one I clicked on came up with something else. Is it a bad one?

From: Robert Crane
Oconomowoc, WI
Can't seem to find under nesting habits if after the season I should take down the old nests leaving the King birds to build a new nest in the same spot. Currently they have nested two years under my raised deck. Two exposed posts for the nests both have nesting families. Question is should I remove their nests for next year...

From: Rich Smithton
Wellsville, OH
Hello, i have about 15 well established thuja green giants growing as a privacy fence along the front of my house. They are all about 25 to 30 ft high.planted them in 2005. I noticed this morning that 4 of them, their tops about a foot..have started to turn brown. This scenario is different than anything i have read on these..i dont know whether to snip the tops off or what to do, i would hate to lose these. Would it hurt to cut the top off even though they wont have the shape of the otners.

From: Janice Adams
East Peoria, IL
Correction of previous entry spelling of speder plants to spider plants....

From: Nancy Sterk
Crystal Lake, IL
Is there a short list/category of small trees and/or shrubs that can be planted in containers? I know of some, but I was just curious as what you might have to offer.

Thank you for your time!

Nancy Sterk

This is an effort to get mulch moved from 200ft to the Dr. Margaret Burroughs Memorial Garden site. Would you please help us? We are in need of heavy hauler to move it from the 38 th and State location to. 200ft site. Thank you in advance for your positive response to put effort to improve our community .(773)330-3221

From: David Gohman
St. louis Pari, MN
I also have rabbits eating my hollyhock and I use a rabbit repellant. Nothing seems to work other than trapping them and moving them somewhere else! Pretty frustrating

From: joe bessen
gardner, IL
run a small fee hunting operation. Thinking of offering place for small picnics and get togethers that would allow clay shooting and other out door activities we have pig roaster kitchen and bath in our club house. Any thoughts or suggestions? We already run a clay shoot once a month would like to build on that for spring summer and fall months

From: Jim Aldendorf
Vero Beach, FL
Looking for an average value for farm land in the Shelbyvilly Illinois area?

From: Carla Mazzeo
New Paltz, NY
Yes! :( I had milkweeds that came into my yard the last 2-3 years and this year they all died. Looked like they were burnt. Yesterday I walked and came upon a field of milkweeds that had a black mold on them. The ladybugs were turning to yellowish or change in their pigment. Probably why I had a monarch caterpillar in my garden (early) as opposed to the milkweeds that were close by.

From: Marcia Kruse
Palmyra, VA
I just planted 1 1/2 ft. Tall janed gold arborvitae. I live in central Virginia, and our soil is clay. I planted the bushes in a 2-1-1 mix of top soil, peat, and compost. I have been watering every other day probably a gallon of water. October can be warm still here and I noticed the inside of the bushes are brown, while the outsides are green with some new growth on the tops of each bush. My question is, am I watering too much or too little?

From: Carol Manglos
East Syracuse, NY
I have four Emerald Arborvitae that were planted for me 2 years ago. All of them have new growth, but one of them has a whole side that has died. A pile of burned ashes from pellet stove had been dumped on that side, and my tree guy says that is what did it. He pruned one main branch: rest of the tree looks healthy. My question: Will that missing side fill itself in? Thank you. carol

From: Aamir Waudiwala
skokie, IL
what is the wild boar population in illinois and white deer population

From: nancy jones
riverview, MI
This rudbeckia with hairy leaves has taken over garden bed with perrenials. How to not damage bed and still kill or remove them. I tried to paint on weed killer but was not effective to kill plant. Bed is 40 feet long and about 5 feet wide. I hope not to damage other plants.


From: Ivy Czekanski
Chicago, IL
Seems like everyone is trying to plant more milkweed to protect the monarch butterfly! But nobody has any advice on what to do for two pests that destroyed our milkweed last year. Oleander (yellow) aphids formed dense masses on the stems and under leaves, while milkweed beetles ate the leaves and pods. In the end I just had to chop down all of our heavily infested plants. We are a strictly organic garden, what can we do to protect our treasured milkweed plants?

From: Sydney Charron
Armonk, NY
Hi, I read the responses for keeping a Woolly Worm over the winter. We found ours this spring. Will it pupate in the spring? If yes, do we still need to bury it as recommended for the one found in the fall? Do they pupate in substrate, or hang from a twig? Thanks in advance! Sydney

From: Sarah Beavers
Longview, TX
Could you please Identify this native(?) shrub w/4 petaled white flower, center has yellow stamens? It reminds me of a Dogwood. I want to send pic but don't see a place for that. i'll send in a new msg.

From: Ann Kvietkus
Aurora, IL
We had planted 6 Emerald Arborvitae in large cedar containers. We have these three containers sitting on our deck for privacy. We had them done professionally to make sure they took. They were planted in May. They did well until we took the plastic wrapping off this March. The south exposure is brown on all 6 of them and seems to be getting more pronounced. The north exposure is not as bad. I'm desperate as this was a $2,000 investment. Home Depot will replace them, our warranty is up in May. The company that planted them wants another $500.00!! Help!

From: Laura Moysey
Johnsburg, IL
we have a mature Siberian elm that has slime flux. It shades our house so we would like to keep it if possible. Can a tree with slime flux be saved? If so, how. Thank you.

From: Wayne Guccione
Chicago, IL
I sent the question but could not figure out how to email you a picture. Please advise how I would do this.


From: Aisha Basith
Peoria, IL
Hi, I am an AP Biology teacher and would like to do this incubation project. I teach in a small private school which does not have many resources. Can you please help me from step one, for example even where I can get an incubator or where to get the eggs. Originally, I am from lake county, and moved to Peoria because of work. Therefore, I don't know if you have any contacts in this area in which I can talk to in order to do this project. This is a first for me as a teacher, and a first for my students as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please email me with any information. Thank you so much.

From: Sharon Higgins-Cram
Milan, IL
Should we cut off the dead limbs in an effort to save the tree? Two appear to be almost completely brown with just a small portion of green. Others are just the opposite at this point with small brown/dead-looking patches.

Thank you in advance for any advice you may offer.

Sharon Higgins-Cram.

From: Sharon Higgins-Cram
Milan, IL
Should we cut the dead-looking limbs off in an effort to save the trees? Two trees are totally brown with only a very small patch of green while the others are just the opposite with s small patch of dead-looking limbs.

Thanking you in advance for any advice you may offer.

Sharon Higgins-Cram

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: ddddd dddd
dddd, AL

From: ddddd dddd
dddd, AR

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
this is a test

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, AA
I bet this starts its own thread, who wants to bet I sure do!

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, AA
testing testing

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
hello here is my question

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
seriously how did the chrome autofill stuff get worse?

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, AA
a super boring question

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
Here is my cool follow up advice

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, AA
my follow up

From: michael wetzel
Toronto, ZZ
We have a long row or cedar shrubs that we planted near our pool in 2012. This spring a couple have started to go very brown. I am concerned that chlorinated water may be to blame but not sure. Is there any way to save them? Or am I looking to replace?

From: michael wetzel
Toronto, ZZ
We have a long row or cedar shrubs that we planted near our pool in 2012. This spring a couple have started to go very brown. I am concerned that chlorinated water may be to blame but not sure. Is there any way to save them? Or am I looking to replace?

From: E. Johnson
patton, CA
First time living in a mobil home. Clean everywhere, fruit in fridg. Nothing out. Garbage taken out immediately.

Where are the gnats coming from? Did put bleach and pine sol in garbage disposal and other sink drain, but wasn't sure that was the right thing to do. so annoying.

From: Carol Schempp
Springfield, IL
I have been catching catfish in Lake Springfield and recently I have caught a few with red sore spots. What is it and is it dangerous?

From: jo bobell
west peoria, IL
Why is my Autum Purple White Ash tree is dropping leaves like it is October. Most seem to be green.

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
<p>remove duplicates emails</p>

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL
<p>testing emails</p>

From: Tommy Core
Cranford, NJ
Do you have a Black Walnut Tree in your back yard? If so i am looking to purchase the Green nuts from you.

Please make sure to do your research. I do not want chestnuts. They must be in the Hull and they must be green. I will come to your house and clean them off of your property and pay you cash to do so.

If your not local call me and we will work out a deal...(908) 499-0614

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
test uploader

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
test uploader

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

Extension Message
From: Jacob LaGrou
Student Worker
Extension Web Development

staff response

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL

From: Amy G
Chicago, IL
I am experiencing a problem with skunk odor nearly every night! I live in the city, but near the forest preserve, and we have quite a bit of wildlife in the area. Every night at about the same time, the house fills with the pungent odor of skunk. And if I had the windows open to get some fresh air while sleeping, it is even worse! I have carefully checked the perimeter of the house - there is no place to burrow, and the skunks have not taken up residence under my house, nor do I have a deck for them to dig under. I do not have fruits or vegetables growing in my yard. Only grass and bushes. I do not have a grub problem with the lawn, and have not had any issues with the skunks digging up the lawn for grubs. Trash cans are kept in the garage, on the opposite side of the house that keeps getting sprayed. The yard is well-lit all night. I do not have outdoor pets, and neither do my neighbors. I have tried putting orange and citrus juice and peels out as a deterrent. Nothing seems to work! How can I prevent the skunks from coming by and spraying my house nightly?This has been going on for over 2 years, and is a nightly occurrence in the spring/summer/fall. It is so frustrating to never be able to have my windows open in the evening, and still deal with the smell every night when they are closed. What can I do? Please help!

From: Jacqueline Miller
Tolono, IL
We are dealing with coyotes north, south, east, and west of the Village of Tolono. The Village of Tolono Board is torn in two different directions on dealing with this problem. We need someone professional to visit a board meeting on Tuesday September 15, at 6:30 pm to discuss the best way to deal with the coyotes.

Thank you,

Jacquie Miller, Village Board Trustee

From: Marilyn Taylor
Decatur, IL
There a many groundhogs causing havoc iaround our home and we need put a stop to this destruction they are ripping start patio cushions and digging holes and cutting up lattice foundation please call me at 2174132990 and please issue me s permit to tap these animals

From: Marilyn Taylor
Decatur, IL
I am in need of a trap and permit to rid my home of these nuscirnce groundhogs. I am badly in need of this so may I have a permit to do so. Thank you. Marilyn Taylor. 1435 N. Morgan St. Decatur, Il

From: Chery Flowers
St Paul, MN
Was there a response to the question about salsa verde acidity and hot water bath canning?

From: Jacob LaGrou
Urbana, IL
test images

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL
test image array

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL
test image array

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Pearl Dziekan
Louisburg, NC
how do I post a photo here of these snakes to have them identified? Thank You

From: Amy Lovell
Champaign, IL
There's a burrow under a bush with a board over the entrance in my yard and I'm really worried it might be a rat. How do I identify it and what do I do?

From: Paul Bachleda
Harvard, IL
Where do my ground squirrels go in late August/ Early September? They are around the bird feeders all spring and summer then they seem to vanish. Can they possibly go into Hibernation this early?

From: Kathryn La Barre
Urbana, IL
There is a large bat colony living in one of the chimneys at the now closed Landmark hotel in Urbana. Is someone monitoring this situation so that no harm comes to them should there be further construction or remodeling? You can see them exit at sunset each night if you sit on the steps of the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center. To whom could this be reported if they are not currently monitored?

From: Dina Sbarra
Glen Ellyn , IL
Hello I'm a 7th grade science teacher and one of our new NGSS standards wants students to analyze data over time of population changes. Can you email me data on population changes of coyotes in the area over time and the species they affect? We then will structure a PBL on the problem Thanks

From: Joanne Bockhorn
Marine, IL
I have a large snapping turtle in my pond and would like to remove it. What kind of live traps would work the best I've floating turtle traps. Not sure if those would work for snappers.And then there are the live traps that you put in the mud. Also what kind of bait works best.Any advice would be helpful. The main reason for wanting it gone is that I have a dog that swims in the pond and don't want him getting bit thank you joanne

From: tom russ
Foley, AL
The neighborhood is having trouble with some type of animal going behind scrubs bushed etc. and chewing on and removing plastic gutter extensions and then dragging them along way from the gutters. I think it is a coyote. It has happened 2 times this week and it also does other homes in the subdivision. Have you ever heard of an animal doing this? if so what type? Do you think it could be a coyote?

I have a large number of both Brown and Grey squirrels who have chewed thru phone and cable wires, pressure treated wood on my deck etc. I have tried everything mentioned in this link, from the capsasin to Tabasco sauce, and the list goes on. I currently have installed bird spikes which I watched this morning the squirrels navigate thru the spikes!! I tried live traps and they won't go near them. I would welcome any suggestions at this point. Last week the Satellite Dish Company had to replace all my outdoor wiring because it was chewed thru :(

From: Joel Klein
Urbana, IL
While clearing out my shed to replace its rotted floor, I found the recent remains of a rabbit, apparently left by a predator. I'm concerned about tularemia. I can follow precautions about removing the remains, but what about removing the rotted floor? Isn't there a chance the demo process could raise bacteria into the air? Can I have the rabbit remains tested somewhere to give peace of mind about what I'm dealing with?

From: Andy Buschman
Sandwich, IL
I found a white bat at my work and i dont think its albino. I was just wondering if it is semi rare, or doesnt belong in this area at all. I have a picture of him next to what seems to be a small brown bat.

From: John Brooks
I have sine scat samples from Nepal I'd liked look at. Do you know of anyone who has expertise in this area?

John Brooks

From: Susie Janr
Piney Flats , TN
This is really just a statement,thanks for the info on the wooly worms. My granddaughter found one this morning. It very small,never seen one that small, Anyhow,we are going to do as you said above. Great little home earth science experiment for both of my granddaughters 5and 2.

From: Jacob
Urbana, IL

From: Sarah Lindenbaum
Bloomington, IL
We took in some house mice when it was too cold and snowy to release them, but having just compared images of house mice and deer mice, it would seem that we have two female deer mice. They've been caged and eating gourmet mouse food for over a week now.

1. Is there anyone in the McLean Co. or Champaign Co. area who takes in mice? 2. What are the chances we've been exposed to the hantavirus?

From: Renee Jewell
Gurnee, IL
Why do most of the squirrels in my yard have very short tails I believe they are red squirrels although some are dark black

From: Renee Jewell
Gurnee, IL
Why do most of the red squirrels and some of the black squirrels in my backyard have short tails? There are numerous squirrels like this

From: Steve Wald
Urbana, IL
this is a test question to ask extension, please refer to Richard Hentschel

From: aamir waudiwala
skokie, IL
hi how are you i have two questions: is blue catfish found in northern illinois,where can you fish for salmon and trout in northern illinois and third list of fish found in rothern Il. Thanks

From: Noreen Lotko
Plainville, CT
I was told that all the little pine cones I have on my trees are mini-cones and that the trees are "coning up" due to stress. I planted them a year and a half ago and it went well. Late this year I noticed a ton of cones. It is January so watering wouldn't work. Will they last until spring and if I water them and fertilize will they re-bound?

From: Lori Black
Orland Park, IL
My dog actually caught a squirrel. The squirrel managed to climb a tree with difficulty. His front paws keep falling off the tree. Is there someplace I can take him if I catch him?

From: terry tait
martinsville, IL
We recently had a sick raccoon on our front porch in the middle of the afternoon and three days later our daughter six miles away in casey il has one in her yard. Is there currently some disease that is making these animals sick.

From: Christiane K
Frankenmuth, MI
I also have backyard squirrels that I just recently noticed are losing their fur. Two just have small patches gone under their arms, and one has larger patches missing on his side and back. We feed them all in the backyard, (nuts, sunflower seeds, corn) and that we put on the ground and then we also put sunflower seeds and birdseed in a feeder. They get into that too. They also have plenty of water here too. We seem to be attracting more squirrels than most this year (I think they love all the nuts we put out). Could it be that they are infecting other squirrels? Is there anything we can put out that would help them to fight this disease? Looking for any help because we certainly love all our squirrels!

From: Brenda Dahlfors
Woodstock, IL
So what's up with all the robins? Have they stopped leaving during winter? What are they eating this time of year?

From: Gordon Cappo
Northbrook, IL
Greetings everyone! I have been feeding the squirrels in my backyard for a very long time now. I feed them shelled and unshelled peanuts WITHOUT salt. I used to feed them the food mix you can buy on Amazon but its basically just corn.

I can tell if there's a new squirrel joining the usual crowd in the morning. However, yesterday and this morning, for the first time I noticed a squirrel eating from one of the dishes and the entire back half of his body was hairless except for the tail and he can barely move his back two legs. His legs look like they are stiff, broken, or something else. I can't tell. When he does move, the back two legs barely move and at times it looks like he is dragging the back half of his body. He is still feeding despite the cold temperature outside. But again I have only seen him twice.

Also I have noticed that the other squirrels are intentionally keeping their distance from him when feeding.

Does this squirrel have a disease? Possibly a birth defect or maybe an injury? Its sad to see this little guy struggle.

If anyone could provide me with some information that would be much appreciated. Thank You all.

From: A C
Champaign, IL
Hi! This afternoon I was walking my dog by a small lake outside of my apartment and saw what I'm thinking is a beaver? Initially a loud splash and bubbles under the water caught my attention. He was poking his nose/head out of a small hole in the ice and all of a sudden swam under the ice and a furry head popped out of the water just in front of me. He was dark brown and seemed slightly larger than a cat for what little I stuck around to see (I was a little startled!). I live near the YMCA. Are beavers very common in this area? We're near a golf course and a few corn fields. And if so, is it normal for them to be so active during the day? Thank you for your time!

From: Judy Reynolds
Champaign, IL
I have neighbors who frequently set out food for wildlife. I live in Champaign, so this is typically crows, other small birds, squirrels, and rabbits. Occasionally the food that's set out is sweet rolls or Oreo cookies.

Is this harmful to the native wildlife? Should I ask my neighbor, whom I'm on good terms with, to stop putting out sweet or overly-salty treats? Or are the wild animals immune to the dangers or smart enough not to eat such junk? Thank you.

From: Jerry Middendorf
Venedy, IL
We are having problems with red paper wasps in our bat houses. Will the bats destroy the wasps or do we have to clean out the wasps for them?

Also, we have the same trouble with wasps in our bluebird houses. Any suggestions?

We have sprayed dawn and water on the wasps in bluebird houses but they keep coming back. Now they are in the bat houses too.

From: Chris Jones
Swedesboro , NJ

I have 10 green giants along the back of my property that were planted in the fall of 2014. They are well watered and looked healthy until a few weeks ago I noticed some browning. Is there anything I can do or is this normal in the winter months?

Thank you

From: Margo Adams
Algona, IA
We too feed squrrels.Our grey's are doing well but our reds are in sorry shape. huge hair loss, even having problems walking and sitting up. After visiting with the DNR agent and our vet. It has been decided it is mange. We have put three of them now. Hope this will take care of the problem from spreading.

From: Barbara Niko
Deerfield, IL
Same here in 2016. I wish to know as well, what it is . Also major concern about our dog, if he is not in danger to catch it too ? What is the dates of all those posts ? Glad for the answers and other posts, to know, that this is over more locations. And not only in our area. Of course, i would be much more happier if this would not be at all anywhere!

From: Roger Digges
Urbana , IL
When is the best time to prune woody plants--roses, hydrangea, wigelia, butterfly bush, blue muffin viburnum, clethra, azalea.



From: Greg Serafin
Belvidere , IL
I was outside in the backyard and as I passed by our dormant lilac bushes, I noticed one of them had some sort of fungus on the branches. In some areas it is white and other areas it is a blueish grey. Could you please tell me what you think this could be and how to treat it? Thanks!

From: Michael Baxter
Marion, IL
Can you recommend a timber bamboo for my area (Zone 6b). Soil will be wet and it will have partial sun. Two I have looked at: Sweetshoot Bamboo and Kimmei Vivax. I am looking for a running bamboo with thick straight stalks.

From: Judy Letourneau
Rockford, IL
Deer have feasted on our arborvitae this winter. The trees are almost bare. What can we do this spring to help them recover?

From: Lythann Emslie
Hilton, ZZ
Hi I just wanted to ask, in a cold water wash, how much bleach should I add to the wash to effectively kill any possible lurking salmonella Many thanks

From: Wade Denby
Mahomet, IL
I have found two turtles at my pond in the last several months that appeared sick. The most recent one had a very dirty looking shell hard to see any color and his eyes seemed covered with mucus given it the appearance of being blind. The bottom of the shell was clean and visible color. The other turtle was similar in that the top of the shell was dirty with no color and it had very small bubbles coming from its mouth and nose. I use copper sulfate in my pond to control algae. Is this making the turtles sick?

From: M Hatch
Gaithersburg, MD
6 arborvitaes were planted toward the end of last summer to replace a hemlock hedge that died and had worms on branches that looked like small cones. I watered well, and we had a wet winter. Now the arborvitaes are the color of green olives for the most part. Some inside branches are emerald green. What could be causing this? We lost some branches to brown earlier in winter. Should I fertilize with Bayers systemic fertilizer?

From: Marilee Odendahl
Freeport, IL
I live inside the city limits of Freeport, IL but my property (and surrounding ones) seem to be a deer roadway - several times a day they travel through (up to five at a time) and of course they eat everything in their pathway. They're beautiful, but destructive. As we're inside a city limit is there anything we can do?

From: Christine Korpitz
Oak Lawn, IL
Hello, Now I know I am not nuts...last night for the 2nd time I have seen a critter. This one about 1/2 the size of my pups, about 6lbs, completly SNOW WHITE all over with redish eyes. Didn't hiss or run fast from the dog & I, just slinked awayacross the porch & then behind the bushes. Did see the same critter a couple times months back, again completly snow white but much larger, about 3x & again when seen us walking, just went behind the bushes. Looks like a combo of an Opossom & Rat. Tail is not super long nor is snout, kinda stubbyish. Wish I could get a pic, but the 2 always surprise us when we go out at night for our walk. Googled all day to find a pic, but found nothing. Found your site...can you help?? Am sooo curious. Thank you!

From: Teresa Kodatt
Morton, IL
We have just started seeing squirrels in our neighborhood with the same hair loss. It is in a band them runs around their bodies on the upper back wrapping around under the arms. The bare area has a bluish cast.

From: Sandra Pilcher
The Villages, FL
How do I find what my farm was worth in 2003 located in Woodford County Illinois .Any help appreciated.

From: Tammy Novotny
Worden, IL
We have several mimosa starts in our yard that we would like to share with friends. I remember looking up about when to transplant these & it was up until June 7th, but when could we dig them up to best insure their survival. It has been unusually warm and wet already, but is it too early?

From: Lucille Simpson
Bolingbrook, IL
Where or who do I contact to get a permit for animal removal, as required by the village I live in?

From: Vivian Johnson
Oregon City, OR
I have 20 + ARBORVITAES and my chicken yard was built around them 5 years ago and I have lost 3 and 2 more are turning brown on the outer parts.

From: James Jones
Galloway, OH
I work for the Franklin County Metro Parks in Columbus,Ohio. I am currently investigating re-introducing the thirteen -lined ground squirrel to our bison area. I have been unable to find any information about introducing the ground squirrel besides general information.

Any information or advice regarding this would be appreciated.

Thank you, James Jones

From: T Hughes
Yorkville, IL
I have also noticed blue green fungus on all my trees and shrubs. I have also noticed it on my wood fence and my roof of my truck that is parked in the driveway. It washed off my truck with some scrubbing, but it is hard to remove from the bark of the plants, without leaving damage. I noticed in heavy coated areas the bark is peeling off by itself.

From: gregory candrl
Waterloo, IL
3147405696 Reffering to Muskrat removal or trapping for protecting lake

From: Patty roque
rowlett, TX
I have a pest on my small cedar tree. It looks like a fine web covering the trunk that is killing the tree.. Just wondering what it is and how can i treat it.

From: Linda Hemingway
Pine Plains, NY
I am considering planting red and yellow twig dogwoods along the roadside as a living fence and to prevent erosion of the slope. My house is below road grade. However, I am concerned about winter plowing and road salt. Are these plants sturdy enough for high snow accumulation? I just removed 10 dead arbor vitae from the site I wish to replant.

From: George Beranek
Pekin, IL
Is there a significant risk of disease for plants and trees from using chips provided from a tree service for mulch in orchard, garden and around property (trails and paths)? Like the idea of the free mulch, but not sure of risk,

From: Beverly Casey
Millington, IL
On Eldamain Rd outside of Yorkville, IL there is a pond and it is full of some kind of animal shelters. They are round on top and look like they are made out of cornstalks. It is not a a very big pond but is full of these. What lives in them.

From: Brent Schmitz
Niota, IL
I am looking for a turf or yard type recommendation for sulfur. The soil test we send in from a yard came back with just 10ppm of sulfur. we hope to correct with 90% denigrating sulfur granules. Can you make a recommendation?

If not, do you know who can?


From: Stephanee S
Liberty, TX
Within the past two days we have had a infestation of gnats in my living room! There is not standing water and no plants. Help!!

From: Barbara Tishuk
Homer Glen, IL
Last summer I discovered that a tree that was planted professionally ten years ago still had the metal container around it. It is a conifer, but I do not know the specific specie (but it is not a spruce). It has been less than happy for a long time. Recently, it fell over in a storm. Part of the tree remained in the ground but about three large roots were completely severed. The metal container was partially exposed. I cut away the parts that were easily accessible, added manure, peat, and soil and stood the tree back up. Is there a chance of survival?

From: Tammi Korkosz
Orland Park, IL
I came across an injured dove in the grass when walking in my neighborhood. When I walked near it, it attempted to fly off, but couldn't. It looks like it has been injured. The home address is : 9040 Peachtree, Orland Park, Il. I hope this is the right site to report this. please let me know if not, so I may find the right place to get help...3/19/16 email address is

From: Christinia G
Ottawa, IL
Hello My yard is a nightmare. I have dense shade, high traffic, and compacted soil. There is nothing I can do about the shade because it is from the neighbors trees. I have installed pathways to walk on. And tilling is out because of the lines that run through my yard. I have had luck getting grass seed to grow; however, it doesn't last. At one point I hired one of those "lawn care professionals". All they managed to do was kill the weeds that were growing which made the problem worse. I would pay just to have the weeds back! Do you have any suggestions on how to turn my mud pit back into a decent lawn?

From: Barbara Schoenfield
Wilmette, IL
I'm removing an aged Austrian pine in front yard and leaning toward my house (about 10-15' away) because of very messy diploidia. I want to replace it with tree(s) and/or bushes that will provide sanctuary for birds and separation from neighbor's front yard. West exposure. Somewhat shielded from north wind by neighbor's house. The pine is about 20' from a paper birch has some top branch loss due either to insufficient summer watering or borers, depending on which arborist I talk with. I hope birch will recover.

From: Sarina Artusa
w. babylon, NY
I Have twenty emerald green arborvitae, they stared torning brown in the fall at last year ,now they getting worst . what I can do about it.thank you

From: John Tanner
Peoria, IL
I am in the process of putting a lawn into a new construction and would like an opinion on the best thing to do to get a good healthy lawn. I'm considering two options, but would love to hear if there is a better idea out there. I'm looking at putting compost on and then incorporating it into a mostly clay soil or having topsoil brought in that is mixed three to one with horse manure. Both are going to end up costing about the same so it is just which one will work better. Thanks, John

From: Hina Fakroddin
Champaign, IL
We have Canadian geese once again trying to nest in our backyard.. Last year they laid eggs in front of the house.. We are scared to use our backdoor because these birds are known to be hostile .. And one of them tried to attack my husband when we used the front door in June. Please advise we have a daughter .. Who most likely can't use her swing set because of this nuisance . Can I hire a professional to remove the bird ??

From: Rachel Jackson
Yuma, AZ
I have a neighbor that over waters her trees in her yard.She turns on the sprinklers and forgets to turn them off and they run for hours in the daytime and also at night. I live in the low desert but it gets chilly at night in the winter and spring and fall. Now it is March and the gnats are all over my yard. They have been getting inside my house even with my windows and doors closed. I have identified them as fungus gnats. They are attracted to lights and tv and computer screens. I have been leaving my overhead lights off and that seems to keep them out of my home at night. During the day I have to be careful when going in and out my doors. I told my landlord but he doesn't seem to take the problem seriously. Would an exterminator be able to help even though my neighbor keeps over watering her soil?

From: Ken Kratz
Quakertown , PA
I have 6 green giant arbs about 40 years old and 30 feet high. Since the winter of 2014,15 they have lost green about 5 feet up from ground. The rest of tree is healthy. Any chance they me grow back or anything i can do?

From: grace welch
Burnaby, CA
okay so i bought a magnolia last year spring , it had plenty of blooms. this year has come all the other magnolias are in bloom and finishing ,mine has skipped the flowering stage and gone straight to leafs. what could be the reason?? my tree is about 6ft tall and in a very big planter. we are a zone 8b. thx

From: Mary Hanagan
Robbinsdale, MN
I have a large - 12" in diameter, corkscrew willow near my house. The bark on most all of the branches has split. I can get to and peel off the bark on the trunk, but some of the branches have an inner core completely apart from the outer bark. With so much of the tree damaged in a short amount of time (winter months), I wonder if branches will start to fall and if I need to just take it down.

From: Roy Culp
Columbia, SC
We have a Bradford Pear tree in our front yard that has struggled to bloom the past 2 years. While looking closely at the tree, I noticed a lot of tiny holes and some of the bark is easily pulled off. I'm wondering what we can do about this infestation and if the tree is salvageable. I will send pics.

From: Roy Culp
Columbia, SC
I sent a question earlier about holes in my Bradford Pear tree and wanted to send pics. What would be a good email address to send the pics to? Thanks

From: Douglas Pettay
Hello, At the end of March, I planted 2-3' Amelanchier alnifolia saplings. The buds were breaking when I planted them.

I want to prune them into multistem trees. At what age and season is the right time to prune them.

Should I wait a year before pruning them?

At what height should they be pruned to encourage multiple branches to emerge?

Thanks much for your help! Doug

From: Michelle Stolicny
Owasso, OK
I planted seeds of a type of evergreen tree about two months ago and I only had three sprout. I keept all three together in the same pot, but far apart from eachother. Two of the three turned brown from the bottom up, and died. I assumed it was because I put them in the same pot together, and there wasn't enough nutrients for the three of them. But now the third is starting to get brown, and very brittle towards the base of it just how the other two dyed. Accept there are little bugs that are barely visible because of being so small in the soil, i think maybe there the reason it's dying.. It can't be a nutrition or watering problem. But with all the time I've spent researching why this is happening, I can't seem to find a reason that fits for what's happening. Please help. The bugs are not on the stem at all, they are about the size of the tip of a safety pin. Also, the tree is only about two inches tall with about 20 pines starting at the top.

From: Elspeth Losch
Palatine, IL
Hello, Is is okay to transplant my mugo pines now? They are younger plants.

From: kayleigh hughes
mulberry grove, il, IL
Not sure what kind of cat it was. It was atlest 100 lbs give or take. Tail 1/2 size of body or so. Solid black in color. It was standing in middle of road only noticed to stop because seen yellow/green eyes glowing. I had honked 3 times before it even buged and it just walks to the side of the road slowly staring.

From: Beth Staley
McCullom lake, IL
Hi,A few weeks ago an animal was in my yard.It was all curled up,brown fur, with a possum like tail. Probably the size of a small dog. I just assumed it was a possum, brought my dog in and about an hour later it was gone. Yesterday while walking we saw a possum and the fur coloring was nothing like what was in my yard. Now I'm wondering what it was? Are possum brown and do they curl up? thanks

From: Linda Cave
Batavia, IL
I found round scat about 1/4 inch diameter in attic. Resembles rabbit pellets, but no way for rabbit to get into attic. What might it be?

From: Shanita N
Plano, IL
About two weeks ago. Geese eggs nest in front yard. Then yester and today, 9 more noted. I don't see the geese or duck but I saw it fly away earlier today. How do I get them removed from my front yard, less than 6ft from my front door.

From: Nicole H
Hoffman Estates, IL
I witnessed a driver plow over an innocent skunk yesterday. The skunk seeking his dinner in the middle of the road near a forest preserve during rush hour. Instead of waiting for the skunk to move, the driver plowed right over it. It was devastating to watch. I was wondering if there are any laws in Illinois against this senseless killing?

From: Nadia C
chicago, IL
There is a couple of ducks trying to make a nest in the Jewel's parking lot in Chicago. They keep coming back to same spot every day looking for a nesting place. I see them sitting in the middle of the parking lot under a tree. Last night saw them crossing a very busy street going towards the parking lot. Also, there is no ponds nearby. Can any one save these ducks (maybe relocate them) before they get hurt??? Thank you.

From: Deborah Preysz
Madison, WI
I recently became aware of the existence of the jumping worm and wonder if they live in hardwood mulch. Also, last fall I mulched the leaves in my yard and placed then in my garden. Should I be raking all of the mulched leaves out of the garden before putting hardwood mulch down?

From: Steve Turner
Naperville, IL
1. What is the best type of grass for a shady lawn? 2. What is effective in killing/controlling moss?

From: Christa Harnisch
Chicago, IL
I noticed a duck sitting on her eggs in my front yard this afternoon. House is in Chicago . I was in the middle of sprinkling PREEN weed treatment on the flowers beds. This is where the nest is... IN THE FLOWER BEDS under a bush. One egg is on the grass and broken. She will not leave and I do not know what to do about this whole thing. I did not notice that the duck or the nest was there until after I started washing the windows and making lots of water noise spraying the windows. I did not know od the nest or the duck

From: margo harrison
metropolis, IL
We have 3 children here who found a baby squirrel with hair and have been playing with it. I understand that the mother will come back but it's been a few hours and I did not want it to die because of them moving it. I would like a phone number for a possible rehabilitation center or a wildlife expert so I can give it to them. I understand they need mates, as this is only one baby.

From: Alexis Nuno
Chicago, IL
I have been taking care of a 5 week old orphaned baby squirrel for about a week now. I found it on the grass near the street by a tree. A few feet away was an adult squirrel that had been ran over and killed. I figured maybe it wasnt its mother so o left the baby alone. The following day the baby was still in the same spot and looked very ill. I decided I couldnt leave it alone so I took it in and did tons of research to figure out what to do first. The baby was severely dehydrated so i gave warmed up pedialyte every 2 hrs for 2 days. About 3cc. Then on the 3rd day I started it on powderedcEsbilac formula for puppies. Kept it in a tank under a heat lamp. Helped it toilet. Long story short, it is doing so much better. Healthy little squirrel. My question to you is can i get in trouble for rescueing and caring for it? Do i need a permit? Can i let it back into its habitat once its old enough and set it free into a forest preserve or will it be too tamed? and if i cant let it back into the wild would i be able to keep it? Please help, I have no idea what I should do. I know enough on how to care for it since i did so much research but should i still take it to a vet?

From: maxine mar
burr ridge, IL
We believe we have a muskrat/family in our pond. what do you recommend we do if anything? There has been a bit of erosion by the side of the side of the pond. Only one muskrat has been seen in the early morning hours. Thank you

From: Gail Miller
Zionsville, IN
Hello, We have a river birch that has been doing great the past few years, however, this spring is only budding and getting new leaves on the top. Any ideas on what could be causing this? And what can we do? Thank you!

From: mark evans
tinley park, IL
how can you eliminate these animals we h ave many making many mounds badfor lawn mower

From: Pat Ombrello
East Moline, IL
An established burning bush that was (seemingly) healthy summer 2015 has failed to bud this spring. It is brittle and quite dead. It is adjacent to an espaliered crab apple that failed the year before. Do I have a contagious condition or just bad luck?

From: Glenn McCauley
Providence, RI
When should I transplant & cutback my red twig dogwoods? They've just started to show leaves. It's April 23rd, and I' m in RI.

From: Raymond Swanson
Antioch, IL
Recently I have been finding raccoon feces on our front porch and in the plant beds around our house. I know my next door neighbor has a family of raccoons living under his porch and another neighbor feeds feral cats from his front porch. I have seen at least one raccoon on the one neighbors front porch raiding the food left out for the cats. Can you provide an suggestions on how to modify the behavior of both the raccoons and my neighbors to rid the cul de sac of this health issue?

From: Lucretia Bradley
Plainfield, IL
I have a mammal living under the sidewalk by my garage. I never have seen anything in my yard with large dog in it, except a bunny. When I first moved in I noticed a dark, fast moving,furred animal, low to ground, running so fast I could not ID and a skunk was chased out promptly. This winter I saw prints with four toes pointed forward near this burrow. Thinking nothing was there this spring I put stepping stone there over entry and a small hole near the sidewalk was enthusiastically dug out! I suspect groundhog but have never seen any critter or scat. I am an animal lover extreaordinaire so I do not want tyo harm the fellow...just discourage after young are gone. Help please. I can't allow to continue because the borrow seems sizeable. Smells a little acrid, somewhat like fox but do not think a fox could go unseen or live within a huge dog's terrotory.

From: Susan Carsello
Schaumburg, IL
One of my 2 yr old arborvitae is completely brown on one side. The other side is green and seems fine. Can I just cut the brown side off and leave the green side intact?

From: Jake Kindred
Bloomington, IL
Hello. We have a goose at Corporate South in Bloomington who is healthy, but persistently trying to peck her way through the glass in our north parking garage. Are you aware of any relocation agencies we could leverage ? I do understand they are protected. We just want her moved to a safer place, away from our roadway and this will not be attempted by any associates here at State Farm. We need a licensed professional.

From: Jake Kindred
Bloomington, IL
Hello. We have a goose at Corporate South in Bloomington who is healthy, but persistently trying to peck her way through the glass in our north parking garage. Are you aware of any relocation agencies we could leverage ? I do understand they are protected. We just want her moved to a safer place, away from our roadway and this will not be attempted by any associates here at State Farm. We need a licensed professional.

From: Dick Smith
Marion, IN
my emerald green arborvitaes are 20 years old and I have noticed this spring that they are thinning out and the needles are shriveling up mostly toward the bottom. in the last couple of weeks I am noticing brown places all the way to the top. in all the trees. Dick

From: Bobbie Radech
Bettendorf, IA
Several squirrels in my backyard have obvious hair loss, can you post more information on this topic?

From: Chris Tidrick
Urbana, IL
How do I treat fairy rings?

From: Chris Tidrick
Urbana, IL
How do I treat fairy rings?

From: LaDonna Howard
Branson, MO
I have a squirrel that eats on the deck. both of his ears are all notched around the edges. looks almost like they were done with pinkenshears. I had never noticed this on other squirrels. why is this, and is it normal .wish I could upload a pic ;(

From: Paul DeFrino
Chicago, IL
I have a female duck nesting on my roof top. I live in downtown Chicago. She has been on the nest for about two weeks. What should I do once the eggs hatch? How will the baby ducks get off the roof or will I need to help them? Should I put a baby pool out with water and food?

From: Kim Garrison
Harvey, IL
We have a goose nesting on 5 eggs on a low rooftop at my worksite. We anticipate that the eggs should hatch soon and are worried about how the hatchlings will fare on that roof. Do you have advice for who we can have assist with safely relocating the mother and her eggs to another (safer) location on our extensive hospital campus?

From: Woitaszewski LaVerna
St Paul, NE
I have a hedge of lilac bushes that are over 20 yrs old. My next door neighbor has done some new land scarping which causes a lot of run off onto my lilacs. I have some signs of rotting at the base of a couple of the bushes. Any suggestions on what to do. I have considered putting some sand based soil around them so they would resist the moisture.

From: Alison Proskine
South New Berlin, NY
I work in a garden center and my boss tells me that the reason they are turning brown is do to the fact they are touching each other. I have talked to other people who have nurseries is the area and they say it is just a bad batch of trees. What is it that may be causing them to turn brown. Just some of the outside bracts are doing this. The rest of the smaller ones that are packed tighttogether are fine?

From: Jaime Duffy
Scottsdale, AZ
I have what I think is a gopher snake in my yard. I also have round tail ground squirrels and lots of holes and tunnels. Snake went into squirrel burrow and curled up inside. The ground squirrel came and pushed the dirt over the opening. I reopened the hole. GS covered it up again. Haven't seen snake since. Have you ever seen anything like this? Why would a snake crawl into a tunnel with no outlet? Should I assume he is dead? I was so excited to have him in the yard. Thank you.

From: Jaime Duffy
Scottsdale, AZ
I have what I think is a gopher snake in my yard. I also have round tail ground squirrels and lots of holes and tunnels. Snake went into squirrel burrow and curled up inside. The ground squirrel came and pushed the dirt over the opening. I reopened the hole. GS covered it up again. Haven't seen snake since. Have you ever seen anything like this? Why would a snake crawl into a tunnel with no outlet? Should I assume he is dead? I was so excited to have him in the yard. Thank you.

From: Michele Richter
Anna, IL
I recently discovered a den of foxes - 3 kits - under the back of my pole barn. As adorable as they are, I am concerned that they will continue to dig and undermine the foundation of the pole barn. How long will they stay? I don't want to harm them, but I want to make repairs to the dirt around the pole barn ASAP. Can someone help me with this situation?

From: robb dietzen
danville, IL
My dog recently found a snake and I believe she killed it. It was a small snake but I don't if in the "battle" the snake bit the dog. She seems fine but I would like to know the species of snake it is as this is the third one like it we've found in the last couple years. I have a picture of it but don't see anyway to send it in this forum. Would love to hear from someone. Thanks

From: Paul Nelson
Chicago, IL
I don't want any more rabbits in my garden. I found what I think are 6 baby rabbits surrounded by fur in a dug hole in the garden. where can i take them?

From: Andrea Hay
Decatur, IL
I was wondering if white rabbits live in Illinois? My sister and I discovered a white rabbit with some gray spots in a park and it was trapped on a creek bank. We thought it may have been a pet that had been left in the park.

From: Scott Milden
bloomington , IL
Hello: Wondering how to safely remove a raccoon that is apparently living in an evergreen on the property. Doesn't appear to be sick but I have three dogs that run around in a fenced in yard and our one dog is harassing it daily while it's in the tree. I just learned that it was a raccoon this morning. Any recommendations on a wildlife expert that can safely trap it and relocate it to a safer location? Thanks

From: Alicia Macias
Zion, IL
My neighbor has a riffle bb gun and every morning he's up killing a lot of squirrels. My concern is that he's shooting them in my yard too. My kids could be at risk. Is it legal to shoot the squirrels in Zion Il and in someone else's yard?

From: Mark Pollock
Tuscola, IL
Will sulfur fungicide or copper fungicide for apple trees be harmful to honeybees?

From: Lindsay DeJonghe
Dallas, TX
I work for a construction company and a Mallard duck laid eggs in a pond that we are demolishing in the middle of a heavy construction area. This is the 4th/5th week we have held up construction activities in order to not disturb her. We even set up a 10ft restriction barricade. She is still in the nest, but runs away anytime a worker walks by. The owner is getting upset at this unforeseen cost/delay and the mallard seems distressed by vibrations from machines over 50ft away. The eggs are taking longer than usual to hatch, not to mention it will be difficult to move the the birds out of the area once hatched. What are the actual regulations concerning protection and what should we do going forward?

From: Theresa Somers
Sadorus, IL
We purchased some land by Beecher City and when we were there this last weekend we came upon a large snake sunning itself on a sand bar. It was not aggressive and our dog had actually walked up to it before we noticed it was there. It did go off into the timber but I got 3 pictures of it on my phone. Can I send them to you to see if you can identify it?

From: Joyce Jensen
Lombard, IL
What kind of tortoise has moved into my garden and how do I get him to move on?

From: Pamela Adams
Evanston, IL
We have a bird infestation in our apartment. Pest company cannot locate a nest, but found an 'army' of mites on the roof above my bedroom, where the problem first occurred. My apartment and furniture now seems to be infested and I get bitten every night. The pest control company seems to be reluctant to treat for mites, and I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. Help! I would appreciate some direction. Thank you.

From: Pamela Adams
Evanston, IL
Sorry - the infestation is bird mites, not birds!

From: Chris Ferguson
Smiths Station, AL
I am a wildlife rehabilitation in Alabama, but, my husbands Tampa is in Illinois. My sister in law and nephew would like me to train them, during our two yearly visits, to do what I do. How do they apply for a rehabilitation permit so that they are in compliance during these times? Is there a web link to download the application like we have with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources?

Thanks in advance!

From: Chris Ferguson
Smiths Station, AL
I apologize. That was supposed to read rehabilitator, not rehabilitation and FAMILY, not TAMPA.


Chris Ann Ferguson

From: Diane Heideb
Mason, IL
My in-laws have a centennial farm. The paperwork was completed about 10 years ago and they proudly have their sign displayed. After years of weather, you can no longer read the sign. Is there any way we could get a replacement sign? I would gladly pay for it. Thank you for your time. Diane

From: Linda Thompson
Woodridge, IL
We have been discovering dead mice in our basement over the past 2-3 weeks. They look like they are asleep and not like they died in distress. We don't use the basement much and although occasionally we do get a mouse in the first and second floors of the house, our two cats usually alert us and we can catch the culprit with a trap. Any suggestions as to what may be causing the basement problem?

From: Pat Reband
Morton Grove, IL
I expected some recommendations with my soil test from AgriEnergy Resources. I recall previously (some time ago) I did get a list of recommendations with results, although I don't remember which lab I used.

My garden now includes 4 blueberry plants and I want to be sure they have a good chance to grow. I see the ph is too high but I'm not sure of the other elements. Can you offer any comments? Thanks, Greg.

Organic matter 11.2 (v. high) lbs/A Nitrate 56 P1 Phosphorus 76 (v. high) P2 Phosphorus 185 (v. high) Potassium 394 (med) Calcium 5951 (med) Magnesium 14389 Optimum-VHigh) Sodium 47 Soluble Salts 0.5 mmhos/cm Excess Lime Rt L pH 6.7 C.E.C. 23.9 meq/100g

Base Saturation desired %K 2-5% 2.3 %Mg 12-18 27.9 %Ca 65-75 69.3 %H 0-12 0.0 %Na <1.5 0.5

From: dan custer
Mahomet, IL
We have a tiny brown bird nesting in a bird house that was just for decorations. This bird might be 2inches long has appointed beak like a humming bird but not as long. wings are similar to a humming bird but just doesn't fly like one.

From: Priscilla Feeney
No. Kingstown, RI
I have 2 red maples that the bark is peeling off of in patches. This is the first time this has happened. Is there anything that can be done to help the tree?

From: David Poole
Cary, IL
Hi, as an Englishman I have a lot of loose leaf tea and want to start using it in my garden. I hear tannic acid can be an issue. I wonder if my trees (savaged by deer) and other plants can benefit so we can start recycling the leaves rather than throwing them away? I did try some on my Clematis but im not sure if that was a good idea or not? Thanks for any help.

From: Thomas Doolin
West Franfort, IL
what type medium size carnivours animals are in Il.

From: Peggy Golnick
Wayne, IL
I live on a small lake in DuPage county. Water lilies are out of control. Do triplod carp eat water lilies? Is this a viable solution? Or is chemical treatment the best way?

From: Gail Miller
Zionsville, IN
Hello, We moved into our newly built home 3 years ago. Our sod up front has always had a yellow look to it. We have it professionally fertilized every year and continue to inquire with them why it is so yellow. We switched companies this year in hopes that it would help. Our surrounding neighbors do not have this problem at all. Could you please give us any advice to what is going on? Thank you!

From: Brenda Dahlfors
Woodstock, IL
There is a pair of barnswallows who are trying to build a nest over my front door. Actually, I've draped a sheet over the space and they've moved from me to a neighbor who has soaked the nesting spot over there with ammonia, thinking it will keep them from coming back. Do birds have a sense of smell? I know they can't "taste" pepper flakes added to birdseed to keep the squirrels out....

From: Hannah Grace
Park Ridge, IL
So at my local Walgreens, they are remaking the building. So they took all nests off the roof and put them into boxes on the ground next to the building. One nest happened to have 4 nestlings. The mother happened to be there but no matter how close I got to her, she wouldn't move. So I took the box and the nesting material and found a tree. I put the "nest" on the tree along with the baby birds and the mother. The mother was scared because I picked her up so she tried flying but landed on the ground. A few seconds later, I managed to get her on the nest with the babies. The problem is, how is she suppose to feed herself yet along her babies if she can't fly? So, I was wondering what I should do.

From: Gayle Allmandinger
Crysl lake, IL
Hello, I am trying to identify a very small wormy/larvae that I found on my pillow. It is white and about 2-3 mm long. I picked it up with tweezers and placed it in a jar. About a week later I took it out to try to get a better look. It is now brown and still looks like it has little ridges down it's back. What might this be? Can they bite or the adult stage bite? How can I get rid of them? Will placing the pillow in the dryer kill any other existing ones?

From: Cheryl Rivas
Littleton, CO
In September of last year I had 5 of these planted and they looked great all winter. This spring they started turning brown and my Landscsper kept telling me they were supposed to do that and would every summer but come back in the winter. I have a sprinkler system so I know they're getting plenty of water but now they are completely brown and look dead. Is this normal?

From: Brenda Dahlfors
Woodstock, IL
Do birds have a sense of smell? My neighbor thinks they can prevent a barn swallow from building a nest near the front door by washing it down with ammonia....

From: Laurie LeClere
Bloomington, IL
We've had possums in the neighborhood for several years now, but just tonight there was one on my deck. I have a 3 pound dog who is not allowed off the deck due to the possum problem, now I don't feel comfortable letting her out, even when I'm there. (I never leave her alone after dark.) I don't know what to do now. I live in town, so releasing the possum on the property is not an option. I'd like them gone. Period.

From: Dawn Waddell
indianapolis, IN
Yes I have a backyard brown squirrel that appears to be ill I see no evidence that he has been injured, but is walking very slow and kind of wobbly- He is making attempts at eating- Fur looks kind of matted down on his back- He is very lethargic and wondering if there is anything that I can do--Painful to watch--thank you

From: Tara Norris
Springfield, IL
A friend has a neighbor who is spraying vinegar on and in the eyes of squirrels frequenting their apartment complex. Is this illegal to harass wildlife like this? Thank you.

From: Sheryl Peters
wonder lake, IL
I found a footprint in mud in my backyard that I have no idea what it is. Can I send it someway to identify it?

From: Cathy Lannert
Naperville , IL
My scrub pine is profusely oozing. Sap like waxy substance from about 10' down. It's been happening for about 3or 4 years. What should I do?

I have photos but not sure how to post.


From: Libby Tennikait
chatham, IL
we have a male cardinal that has lost all of his feathers on his head. He still is feeding, and flying, but we are concerned about his health in the up coming winter season. Is there anything we can do to help him? Thanks!

I have an established zoysia lawn that has been beautiful for over 30 years. This spring large dead spots appeared on south facing hills and this problem has spread to surrounding areas. Lawn care pros looked at it and treated if for fungus with no samples taken. More than a month later it's getting worse. Online searches say corn meal at 20 lbs per 1000 sq ft will kill many types of fungus. I'm aware that thatch can also be a problem. I need an expert opinion from someone who knows what they're talking about or I'm going to lose the entire yard. I can include pics if I can find a link...or can send by email if anyone can help. Please reply even if not able to help so I can continue to look for answers.

From: Becky Sands
Terrell, TX
This isn't a question just a quick post about my plant. I also got my China Doll plant from a funeral. I don't know if this will help but when I took my plant home I was in a pick up truck and didn't have room inside the cab. So I took a trash bag and carefully placed it inside then loosely tied the top closed. I removed the bag from the plant a couple of hours after I got it home. I waited two weeks then transplanted it into a pretty pot. It never lost a leaf. So I don't know if I was just lucky or what but... If your gonna move the plant from one place to another, cover, move and leave in bag for an hour or two before you take it out. I really think the trick was leaving it in the bag for a couple of hours when I got it home. But good luck and enjoy!

From: Kathy Sauer
Batavia, IL
the park district in my town wants to build a fenced in dog park on an open space within 15 feet of the Fox River shoreline. the space is probably less than 2 acres which is sandwiched between a busy street and the Fox River Bike Trail. Right now this area is a feeding ground for geese and ducks. the chain link fencing would block the geese from their food source and re-route them into the resident's yards across the street with the hazard of them getting hit by passing vehicles. Also, the pollution of the dog park would enter the soil and then the Fox River. The barking dogs would be just outside(within 50-60 feet) of the resident's windows in a 2- 3 block stretch. What environmental impact issues can we, as property owners, use to try to prohibit the construction of this project?? The town already has a new 3 acre dog park amidst a beautiful 58 acre community park with acres of a buffer for neighboring homes. Thanks

From: Jo Conkey
Berkeley Springs, WV
Something is eating my leaves, don't see anything but you can see the leaves are being eaten. What do I get to prevent the bugs from having a feast.

From: edward duko
canfield, OH
Is it possible for a skunk caught in a small cage type trap walk away with the trap, still caught inside?????

From: carol deely
chicago, IL
we have at least one very aggressive, protective squirrels in my small city front yard. there is a large nest in a front yard tree. the squirrel (s) chase my small children and dogs. my son has been scratched twice. i called the City rodent control and they referred me to you. should i contact an exterminator and have the nest removed? how do i get rid of the aggressive squirrels? thank you.

From: Elise Williams
Chicago , IL
I just noticed little black dots on the leaves. Please advise whether they represent a possible fungal issue or an insect infestation. What measures will clear this up? Thanks.

From: diane kraft
morris, IL
what do you do if you can not afford to pay someone for trapping, my son already paid over 300.00 and the raccoons are still under his deck. my daughter in law has health issues & they have a 11 month old baby. they just bought the home 3 months ago & already it has cost them a lot of money because of the house condition. my son works until midnight -3AM & his wife is very scared to be their alone with the baby because that's when they all start roaming, she can feel vibrations under her feet & hear them through the vents on the floor, the dog goes crazy because she can smell them & has started urinating in the house close to where she smells them . they have already trapped 5 raccoons , & a possum & there are still more raccoons there.

From: Lawrene Golla
Glen Ellyn, IL
I have top and side photo views of a lizard approx 1.5 inches long . it is the second one I found in my 3rd floor condo near the patio door. they may have originated from a palm plant i purchased recently? Would it be possible to send you the pictures so you can help id this lizard? My guess is it is Sceloporus undulatus but i'm not sure.

From: Doreen Forbes
O'Fallon, IL
My neighbor has been trapping and relocating raccoons per the city telling him to do that to solve his raccoon problem. He complains that they are destroying his birdfeeders. I live 2 houses down and have no problem even though I have plenty of wildlife in my woods. I do feed birds and feed groundfeeders. After sending the neighbor some info on raccoons which says to never feed them, he is blaming me for the "overpopulation"in our area. However, they are at his feeders, my enclosed feeders are not bothered. The info also says more will move in if you remove any and had suggestions for how to prevent raids on birdfeeders but not sure if he comprehended that. Should we all stop feeding birds? Should I just stop feeding the ground feeding and platform feeding birds and just keep the enclosed feeders? There are a lot of obsessive compulsive overcontrolling people on this street which I think is the problem, not the raccoons but I don't want them trapping so I will stop all bird feeding if that will eliminate the raccoons from coming around 2 houses down. He is threatening to call a company since I told him to stop trapping. I can't imaging a reputable company trapping raccoons because they come in his wooded yard with a lake but he might find one.

From: Effie Meditates
Sun City West, AZ
The solution to a deck with pine sap from dripping trees is Arm & Hammer Super Washing soda. Make up a very strong batch. Add 1-1/2 cups Super Washing Soda to I gallon hot water, apply and let stand for about 10 min. Then take a stiff scrub brush and go to work. It is rather efficient if the sap is from this season. If from last season, you will need a little more elbow grease. It will come off.

From: sharon lintereur
lake tomahawk, WI
do you know the name of a light blue toad or frog in northern IL that climbs

From: Fran Hunter
Ottawa, IL
We have a nest of wild baby rabbits that do not appear to be cottontails.We live in La Salle County, Illinois. They have beautiful black and white markings, black ears with a white blaze and white around the eyes. Their backs are dark grey with buff tummies. Are there different varieties of wild rabbit or maybe someone has released tame rabbits into the wild population? We are also noticed some of the rabbits were HUGE. Twice the size we are used to seeing.

From: Janice Krinsky
Arlington Heights, IL

Can animal control legally just go ahead and euthanize orphaned baby animals?

From: Rhonda Walch
New Bern , NC
I purchased a 7 foot emerald green arborvitae about 4 months ago and planted it in my flowers bed. i watered i used manure compost mixed with the soil in the flower bed as I always do. I only water if we don't get rain for a few days and around here it rains almost daily in the afternoons. So today I noticed a brown area about mid ways down on the outside of the plant. It's about as large as a dinner plate. Any idea what's up?? I paid 130.00 for this tree and really would Like to save it.

From: Joyce Davis
Pittsburgh, PA
It is suspected my Norway Maple has verticillium wilt. What type of fertilizer is the best to use to help to control this? Thanks in advance!

From: Amy Bright
Carbon Cliff, IL
My neighbor came to upset that her chickens had been killed by a fix. She then said" I left some treats out for them to take care of them." I am really angry over the suggestion that she is poisoning wildlife. What can be done

From: Ted Pason
Lyons, IL
We have several deer that frequent our yard and one that was born in our yard a few years ago. We believe the one that was born there is the same one that comes every night. But we've noticed this year that it has a collar and number on it. Why is it being tag and if it's being tag to watch it's habits, is there some place that we can watch it's movements also. We've been curious where it goes when not in our yard. We love having them visit our yard and don't want to see them moved out of the area.

From: Peggy Ramirez
Hampshire, IL
Hello, I was working around my privet hedges and suddenly I had stains on my white(ish) capri pants. Help! I don't know how to remove the stains. When I google it, I get information on how to remove the hedge, and various hedge problems, but I can't find anything about removing the stains.

Thanks you so much - Peggy Ramirez

From: Debra Szalapski
Tinley Park, IL
Frankfort Square Park District planted lily pads in the retention pond behind my house. There's no water to see anymore so the ducks are living in my yard. Their feces look like a small dog. It's everywhere! This is so unhealthy. My dogs keep getting sick and I have children try to play in the backyard. I am so scared. These ducks have destroyed half of my yard. There's poop and feathers everywhere. This cannot be healthy Someone please fix this.

From: Elisse Antczak
Cheektowaga, NY
Can't find a place here to attach photos.??

From: Tiffany Jenkins
Chicago, IL
My neighbor brought me a young squirrel about 4 days ago, he has not been weaned and is on KMR feeding with elongated nipple syringe, everything seems well but he is alone and I fear he will not develope squirrel social skills. Is there anyone in the Chicago area who could help this baby? He needs to be raised with other squirrels or I fear he will be too dependent on humans /&/ or me.

From: Paula Grady
Poplar Grove, IL
Something seems to have burrrowed next to the side of my house. A fair amount of dirt has been moved. What kind of animal can this be? How do I get rid of it?

From: Paula Grady
Poplar Grove, IL
Something has burrowed up next to my house. It has moved quite a bit of dirt. How do I decide what it is, and how do I get rid of it?

From: LiZ Damas
Morristown, TN
I have 3 that are 5 years old. One has turned brown on the west side. One has a few brown leaves and the 3rd one is perfect. We are in a slight drout so I started watering them. Should I trim the brown areas? Especially the one with slight browning?

From: Jackie Beladi
Morton grove , IL
What to do?

From: Kelly Warzocha
New Boston, MI
I recently planted a couple of these, and noticed that they are starting to turn brown from the tip and also the sides. Could it be the soil, which consists of mostly clay. What can I do to fix it?

From: Lisa Helgesen
gibson city, IL
I am the city animal control officer, however, I do not handle wild animals as I do not have the resources or equipment to do so. A citizen came in complaining that a sick squirrel is living under her porch. She said it is covered in tumors. She has children and pets and is afraid to let them go outside. Please advise-thanks.

From: HeatherRidge Umbrella Association
Gurnee, IL
We have many ponds and residents reporting Muskrats that are burrowing or destroying the area next to ponds. Are Muskrats just a nuisance, and can they be trapped and removed?

From: Marvin EVANS
Oakland, IL
I have always had boring issues on my farm but this year in mid September I have hundreds of mounds showing up. There is no opening in the middle and there are no ants. The appear to be deep because there is subsoil in the spoilage. They are in a well drained area. It appears to me that what ever it is, is going in to hibernate or at least prepare for winter.

From: Kathy O'Neill
Mount Prospect, IL
We have 2 chipmunks that frequent our backyard. They regularly hang out under our bird feeders helping to "clean up" the spilled seed. They also run across our patio entertaining our inside cats. They are sometimes out together and sometimes I see only one at a time. Today, around 12pm, one was sitting in his regular spot on the edge of our patio and my cousin was taking photos of him. 4 hours later, I went back out and what looked like a black, wrinkly, crusty rat looking thing was sitting where "chippy" usually does. Then it started "acting" like chippy. What could have happened to him in 4 hours? Could it be his partner with some kind of skin condition? Or could he have been burned? Is there any way I can send a photo?

From: Brian Fisher
Skokie, IL
Are there any breeding bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and/or Will county? I know there have been sightings in Lake and McHenry, but are there resident populations?

From: Katrina Houchins
Morristown, TN
Leaves are turning black

From: william allen
Englewood, CO
If you please, there are buckeye trees nearby. May I collect their nuts to feed grey squirrels this winter? Some sources say the tannic acid in buckeye nuts are toxic to animals. Thanks

From: Carla Lima
Dublin, CA
Hello, My husband and I recently purchased a home with 20 beautiful, tall Cypress trees. One of them has a brown spot that seems to be getting bigger and bigger. The others are green on the outside but it you pry the tree open, you will see that it is brown inside. Are our 20 beautiful trees dying? I had asked for an arborist to come see and treat them, but they are so busy in our area that they are not available until two months later (in Nov). By then, the trees might be dead! So worried. I have photos if you need to see them. Thank you so much.

From: Rusty Nave
Marshall, IL
I looked through all of the previous posts and did not see this problem addressed: A client had a pruning mistake and he would like some advice.*** I planted a red twig dogwood shrub a couple of years ago and it seemed to be thriving pretty well. I was planning on pruning it back late winter or very early spring this coming year and had mentioned my intentions to my wife. I got home from work yesterday to discover she had pruned the entire bush leaving only 4” to 6” bare stubs next to the ground. What would be the prognosis for survival at this point or is this a lost cause now?

From: alexander phillips md
elizabeth, IL
I harvested a adult doe archery hunting. When I was cleaning her she had bilateral adhesive pleurisy that affected all surfaces of both lungs. Otherwise she appeared healthy with thick layer of fat and good muscle mass. Any recommendations regarding if I should process this deer for consumption?

From: Jyoti Patel
Dunlap, IL
I am a coach and Me and My husband, we coach Robotics team of 7 kids in Dunlap IL.

This year kids are researching on animals and were interested to find out more about Deer and honeybees in the area. We need expert to talk. Is there a contact I can find here?

From: Jyoti Patel
Dunlap, IL
I am a coach and Me and My husband, we coach Robotics team of 7 kids in Dunlap IL.

This year kids are researching on animals and were interested to find out more about Deer and honeybees in the area. We need expert to talk. Is there a contact I can find here?

From: Ellen Schopp
Tonawanda, NY
I have some Red-twigged Dogwoods that keep getting extensive black areas on the upright growth which causes the leaves to wilt and that whole area of growth to die. I have trimmed the dead areas out as they happen, but then another area will become effected. I have lost 1/2 of the bush this Summer. Today, I found small black ant-like bugs burrowed into the dead wood. Don't know if that they are the cause of the blackened dead growth or if they came later. What is it and how do I treat it?

From: Irene middendorf
Florissant, MO
I cannot figure out what my friend has found in her children's old toybox. It has about a 3" tail light brown fur on top darker fur underneath, some fur on the tail heart shaped nose..

From: Abby Day
Buffalo Grove, IL
Are there any experts willing to speak with a small group of middle school students regarding bats and finding solutions to their rapid population decline?

From: fred blankenship
arenzville, IL
we have a gray headed with all white on its back was wondering where it is from

From: Don Boehm
Rushville, IL
would like to treat red fox with mange- can you recommend a proper dose of proper medication

From: Lisa Johnson
DeKalb, IL
I have this large black spider outside my house. I want to know what it is. It's black long black legs with a silver back. Body is black and round.

From: Jeannie Gunnels
Kinmundy, IL
How rare are black bellied fox squirrels?

From: Lee Gilliland
Huntsville, AL
While on a recent hunting trip in So Ill.near Cave in Rock I observed an animal with grayish fur tipped in places wit black. Looked like a groung hog except for color, with short bushey tail.

From: Daniel Streib
Winthrop Harbor, IL
wondering what happened to all of the deer at the Illinois Beach State Park in Winthrop Harbor. They were very abundant in this area and now there is nothing.

From: jack sullivan
savannah, GA
What landscaping shrubs/plants resent acids like tannin/tannic acid, given off by Live Oaks? Which ones thrive in that environment?

From: alana lotten
branson, MO
I inherited 44 acres of farm land in Paxton- Ford County, Il. I am wondering the value of the land. Thank you.

From: Stefan Kwiatkowski
Gurnee, IL
I noticed that weasels and mink are not covered among the mammals of Illinois. As I recall seeing a mink racing along the bank of Mill Creek in Rollins Savanna (Lake County) last spring, are these animals going to be covered eventually?

From: Marilyn Wagner
Jacksonville, IL
There is a single snow goose that's been in our subdivision for months. It does not bother anyone but I am worried that the coyotes will kill it this winter. I have never seen it fly so I believe it may be injured.

What can I do to get it to safety?

From: Pete Larence
Peoria, IL
Bartonville, IL has had black squirrels now I've seen them in Manito, Farmington and Coatsburg. Is this occurring naturally or is the State of Illinois releasing them?

From: Bridget Gummerson
Galesburg, IL
I am a teacher coach of an elementary robotics team. We need to speak with a professional biologist with experience in wildlife relocation in and or outside the state of Illinois. Who can we speak with by Skype or by conference call that maybe able to answer some questions related to a live trap and capture then relocation programs? We are also interesting in information related to species reintroduction to our local ecosystem, such as the gray wolf. Any directives to these topics would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

From: Shelley Adler
Skokie, IL
I found a local squirrel dead in my backyard with just its Head eaten. What kind of animal is likely to have done This?

From: Brandon Phillips
McNabb, IL
My mother lives in the country. And has had coyote issues for several years now. She use to have a few barn cats but they have all been killed by coyote's. Her neighbor had an American bulldog that was killed by coyote's earlier this year. She has started seeing them during the day now. She was stuck in her Jeep for an hour yesterday be cause there were 4 of them between her and the house. If I had a gun and hunting license I would just kill them, but I don't. Are there other options to getting ride of them or dettering them from coming around.

From: Marilyn Seeger
West Chester, PA
I am rooting sweet potato vines from cuttings. They are sitting in jars on my window sill. I have noticed black dots, a little smaller than a pin head on the sill. I have washed the leaves in a shower of water. The dots come back. I've tried spraying with vinegar, and they still come. Do you knew what they are and what I can do to remedy This? Thanks

From: Donald Bonnstetter
naperville, IL
We live in Wheatland township and we have a large dog (105lb) Xavier.     This morning when I let Xavier out I saw a coyote at the end of our yard and Xavier immediately chased him off.  I thought good boy and started to grab a cup of coffee when I noticed the coyote came back and was at the corner of the yard.  Xavier also saw this and started to reengage.  We use an invisible fence so Xavier could not approach the coyote. What I found unusual was the coyote was approaching Xavier.  They were starting to get pretty close and dance around each other when I ran out there. The coyote retreaded some, but again the coyote did not run off.  Instead he hung around for a bit before deciding to go on.

Just to be clear I did not see any sign of aggression from the coyote. I was surprised he came back after Xavier initially chased him off. The coyote almost look playful when he engage Xavier the 2nd time. When they were just feet apart I ran out there to intercede. I was trying to be cautious and make sure neither animal was hurt. Even when I got out there I was within 10 feet of the coyote and he did not appear to be scared. In fact he cautiously walked away.

I don’t know how to interpret the coyote actions.  Did he think my dog was a challenge to his territory and if so how do I discourage this? I don’t want him to feel comfortable around my home.  I has considering using the Bear spay that I have on hand.

From: Cindy Hiday
Portland, OR
Two squirrels in our yard have spots of hair loss on their backs and haunches. Not weeping or red, like mange. What I find curious is that the both have symmetrical loss around their eyes, which doesn't fit the fleas diagnosis from the vet I called. Of course I'm concerned about the squirrels, especially in the below-freezing temps we're having, but I'm also concerned about my dog. Is this something she can catch from them?

From: Paula Penenington
Norfolk, NE
I saw someone posted about putting diatomaceous earth out, and I am wondering if that would bother the birds? the diatomaceous earth sounds like a wonderful idea!!

From: Duane Doerle
Warrenville, IL
Are voles nocturnal? I saw a rodent last night underneath the bird feeder. It was about the size of a vole, gray with white belly and short tail. Definitely not a chipmunk but too big to be a mouse.

From: Paula Pennington
Norfolk, NE
Do you actually answer questions? I see a number of questions asked, but there are no answers!

From: Reshma Niazi
Oakville, ZZ
A feed the squirrels in my back yard everyday. A few weeks back one of them looked quite injured as if it had been hit by a car or something. When he walks he is fine but when he tried to eat standing on two feet only he kept falling and had no sense of balance. He also had 2-3 small patches of fur missing. In the last few weeks he has learned to eat while sleeping sideways and has also learned to balance a little more on his two feet but still cannot stand for more then 5 seconds on his two feet. It's very hard watching him eat nut he manages to eat and drink. The last couple of days I have noticed that he is loosing more and more of hi fur. Not shading but loosing it completely. I am worried as the weather drops to minus everyday. He is also not coming to eat everyday. I see him every other day or so. Is he sick with some disease or do you think he was injured by a car or another animal?

From: Sharon Haughey
Bloomington, IL
We'd like to request removal of a possum who seems to have taken up residence under our neighbors back porch in a residential neighborhood.

From: Donald E. Sanborn
East Lansing, MI
I live in East Lansing, Mi. There is a fairly good size Deer Population. Do you know how the Population studies on the Deer wasteing disease are going? It has been stated that Wisconsin was hit real hard by the illness. I know that some of these programs are set by counties. I live in Ingham.

From: Melvin Jacobs
Belleville, IL
I have a trail Camera set up outside my house and recently got a picture of a doe I suspect may have CWD. I live inside the city limits, so I cannot legally "harvest" the deer myself. If someone could contact me, I can provide the pictures I have and perhaps discuss the best options. Could someone please contact me at the email address above or call me at 618.365.5966?

From: J Kraeff
Columbia, SC
I was sitting at the window this morning around 8:30am, and saw movement in my neighbors yard. Cats usually drink at their swimming pool, and squirrels are running around on the ground now...but it's behavior and gait was strange so I focused on it.

It was about the size of a large squirrel, maybe a little bigger. It ran from the pool, to a low wall about a foot high and in a cresent shape and instead of going in a straight line, it followed the top of the wall.

It ran very fast, faster than either squirrels or cats, like an arrow shot...but it's hind side had a slight, hop to it like a ferrit...very slight.

It's base color was a medium dark reddish brown, like our red squirrels, but it had long hair on it's tail, with black hair overlaying the's ears were triangular shaped, and faced forward set on top of it's head, and were more black than the rest of it's body, except the tail, they were about 1/3 the height of it's face... The body of the animal was more brown than black but had some black overlay...

The animal was moving so fast, I only saw it for about 6 seconds as it ran past, about 40 feet in front of me. It did not stop, pause, or run like a cat or squirrel. But it looked like a cross between them.

it carried it's tail straight out behind it as it ran, the tail was about the size of it's body...body was about 13 inches standing about 6 inches high, it's tail about 10 inches long and with the hair about 4 inches in diameter.

It carried it's body just above the ground it seemed when it ran fast, so that I did not notice the ran about as fast as a cat when they are really running.

It was the WAY it ran that caught my eye, following the top of the wall, like a Jack Russel would

We haven't has but a few days of freezing weather here in SC this year, and it has been getting warmer and warmer, all the spring plants are blooming...since I have been living in SC over 30 is about 2 months earlier than normal but it has been shortening every year...spring used to be at the end of March; this year it was midway into December that the oaks started to send out leaves....maybe something from other states has made it's way to SC?

Thank you

From: Elyssa West
Charlestown, MA
I live in the Boston MA area and have lots of squirrels - gray, white and black. I feed them bird seed with sunflowers along with bread and crackers. I noticed that 2 of the gray squirrels are missing a substantial amount of fur from their neck to mid body. From the other posts it sounds like it could be mites. Is there something I can give them to fight the mites?

From: Peach Verrastro
Amherst, NY
We have about 50 mallards that are in our neighborhood and I am concerned for them. It's the middle of winter & it's been in the teens lately. Are mallards equipped to survive in such harsh weather? Their little drainage area where they swim isn't frozen so they're still able to swim in it. Do you know if they would seek out warm places to sleep at night?

From: peach verrastro
amherst, NY
Hi, we have about 50 mallards that gather at a small drainage pond near our home. I was wondering if you know if they can withstand the cold winter here in Western N.Y. Tonight it's only in the teens and I'm concerned for them. Do you have any idea where they would find shelter on freezing cold night? Thank you,

From: s ringo
burr ridge, IL
Opened garage door and 3" black bat fell onto floor: live and making noise. Still there 2 d later, alive. How can I keep bat alive without introducing it into house? Thank you

From: Joe Bendig
Chicago, IL
We have a lot of sparrows in our yard and are going to get a sparrow trap. How far away do you have to release them so they don't come back?


About 20 years ago I bought 4 acres lakefront lake-villa fourth lake

I had received a sign several years back from the DNR

ACRES FOR WILDLIFE is there a chance to obtain another one

or similar one. Also is there any information you have to build a better habitat

I am constantly building bird houses planting trees any information would

be appreciated fourth lake in lake villa

very shallow lake .Is there anything that can be done to avoid future fish kills

Can this lake be air-rated or possibly dredged?

Is there any plans for future restoration This is a beautiful lake

I have dedicated my land to wildlife A little wild life sanctuary

I wish there was some way to improve the lake.

Thank you

From: Rodolfo Castillo
Joliet, IL
I have a family of raccoons in my property. Where can I get a permit to remove them?

From: pattie tackett
West Salem, IL
can we put a bat house in our yard? If so what kind and how high off the ground? Thank You

From: Jeff Fullilove
Savoy, IL
I was wondering if there's a minimum number of trees a timber company generally likes to harvest in a timber sale. Do you have any general recommendations regarding a minimum number of trees to sell in a timber sale? Also, will pricing per tree generally be better (because I would potentially attract more timber companies) if I have more trees to sell rather than fewer? Is there a sweet spot regarding the number of trees to have in a timber sale? I have about 30ac of timber and just want to get a feel for how many trees I would need to sell. I realize many, many factors go into the final decision of how many and which trees to sell. I plan to work with a professional forester once I start seriously thinking about a timber sale. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!

From: jim dionne
bradley, IL
I live in the country with cornfields on 3 sides of my house. There is a small pond with tree cover in the middle of 1 field, about 130yds from me. I have something burrowing into my chicken coop. The diameter of the holes are about 3 1/2" - 4" or so with mounded dirt from digging around holes. I put a box over the 1st hole, and about 5 days later it had burrowed under the box, came up and then dug another hole into my chicken coop. It has to burrow 10" deep to get into the coop. I don' t know for sure if it is getting eggs, but there is chicken feed in there also. Any ideas what it is ? Thanx

From: marilyn curtis
grayslake, IL
I did not change my sign on information....I can not understand why my information is not accepted. I have more than fifty email waiting for me. I would like to retrieve those and get on with my usual writing and receiving on the web.

Please help, thank you marilyn curtis security 7522

Can you tell me what this is and how to treat it? Oh there is no place for a photo. The back of the leaves have dark spots and very small white worms.

From: William Summers
Nashville, IL
What is that purple weed that's growing in all the farmers fields this week? Is the common name "Pennyroyal"?

From: Julie Persofsky
Blue Bell, PA
Recently the lower leaves of my Aloe Vera plant have turned black, dried up and died. Some of the other leaves have black patches or a sprinkle of small, black dots on them, but the leaves are still solid. Is this Basal Stem Rot? Should I remove all the infected leaves? How can I treat the plant so that the other leaves don't die?

From: sue turner
hampshire, IL
Our neighbors feed the squirrels around here and they come into our yard and eat off the pear, plum and cherry trees. They get into our birdfeeders and poop all over the deck and deck railings. The number of them is daunting but I need to do something before I put my garden in this year. My grandkids love to come here and in the summer they are outside most of the day and there is squirrel poop everywhere...What can I do and can I get a permit to get rid of them myself( my husband and me)?

From: Dan Runyon
Elmwood, IL
Does the Il DNR tag deer for any reason? My brother has a deer that frequents his yard near Jubilee Park in Brimfield with a yellow ear tag.

From: Gail S
Carbondale, IL
There's a squirrel in my yard that keeps falling over. I read that it's probably raccoon roundworm. Is there anything that I should or could do to help. Will the squirrel leave any of the roundworms in my yard? Kids play there.

From: dan schlitz
northbrook, IL
How can I introduce native amphibians to my newly constructed vernal pond?

From: Jane Jameson
River Edge, NJ
It appears that something, perhaps birds, are ripping the branches off of our arborvitae. What can we do about this? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.

From: Mike Novak
Milford, MI
I too have a wild squirrel with around 60% hair loss and captured it in early spring just after a freezing rain storm and is very weak...what can I feed it to get some weight on as quick as possible so I can set it free as soon as possible?

thank you for any help you can provide.

From: Alex Krajci
McHenry, IL
Can I Raise A Fawn?

From: Mark Maccabee
Monsey, NY
Why do my bushes die. 4 dies last year. 3 more this year. I have a few still left. I can send a picture

A staff member on Center (Golconda Job Corps) sighted a fledgling owl sitting on one of our HVAC covers behind one of our buildings. Beautiful Bird! Should we call a conservation officer. I have a staff member who took pictures of this beauty.

From: Julie Waughop
Pekin, IL
I seen online that the yellow jackets were on the endangered list, and were illegal to kill , what do you know about that? I can't get into my guarden , until they are gone.

From: Eileen Partanen
Scarborough, ME
I have lived here 34 years at this residence. This one squirrel has fur loss on both of its sides, right down to bare skin. Area approximates entire rib cage on 1 side and 1/2 as much on the other side. It acts normal and chases other squirrels away. I just wondered if my cats and dogs will be susceptible to getting the mange or whatever it is.? Eileen in Scarborough, Me.

From: John Lane
Sparta, IL
I want to purchase a juvenile turtle to live wild in my 1/2 acre backyard pond. I considered a red eared slider but found it is considered an invasive species. Can you recommend a species? Can you recommend how to care for it until in becomes older? Thank you, J. Lane

From: Ed Kamm
Oakbrook , IL
I have photos of an animal eating peanuts out of the ground feed her. At first I thought it was An escaped pet ferret. However it is mink coat colored it has a white chin and A bushy tail.

Is that possible in Illinois, suburban Chicago.

I do live on a small lake in the woods so that fits.I can send photos if you tell me how.

Thank you for your time.

From: Jim Salkas
Tinley Park, IL
What predator consumes as rabbit but leaves the hind legs of the carcass still attached to the torso? Thanks.

From: Noemi Clark
Hersey, MI
I just bought this tree in a 10 gallon container.. I am not ready to plant it in ground yet as I will be moving in a year, so I wanted to replant it in a larger pot any suggestion as to what kind of soil I should use?

From: Tami Rouse
Streamwood, IL
I live in cook county,Il.who dies racoon's rehabilitation?

From: Melanie Burns
Moline, IL
Hello- I was over at my inlaws recently and they live on the Rock River in Moline IL. I saw a species of a duck I had never seen before and I believe it was a Muscovy based on a google search. Can you tell me if would be possible to see a Muscovy duck in this area and maybe some more information on the species?

From: Debbie Porter
Galesburg, IL
Why are frogs climbing on doors and windows?

From: Susan Oestmann
Woodridge, IL
How do I scare Canada Geese away from me and my dog when walking in the neighborhood? We have been attacked by one twice now and today it seemed like they were stalking us. I believe they have a nest on the roof of a nearby church which is on the other side of a creek from a field and school. You would have to see the area to understand. They actually followed me home this morning, it was crazy. I am truly afraid for my dog, she's a husky. Is there anything I can carry that will scare them off? Please help with any suggestions. Thank you.

From: Jack Endicott
Homewood, IL
An animal is draining my hummingbird feeders without breaking them, pulling them down, or spilling them. There are no tracks on the deck. The feeders are on shepherd's hooks attached outward from a deck railing. A third is on a free stranding hook in my yard. Two more are hanging from the soffit on my porch. The feeders are standard of varying types with small feeding ports. I usually have 3-6 pair of hummers and the males have arrived. The lot is wooded. They drained .5 gallons of nectar per night for the last 3 nights. I moved the feeders but the results was the same. I have a lot of wild life in my yard 708-955-9607

From: linda gilmore
holly, MI
I have adult and young squirrels that have hair loss. they scratch like crazy. I would like to help them. I am also worried about my dog. We live in a small town and my sister lives half a mile away and her squirrels look the same.

From: Elianor Puntriano
Lombard, IL
We just trap and remove a snake from my family room it looks like fell from a celling vent and it's not the first time. Each time I take care of the lawn I trap at least 3-5 snakes. My neighbor does the same and he's telling all people around the block is dealing with the same problem. My concern is they are inside the house now. Are they in the crawl space? or vents? Please advice. Thanks.

From: Bill Pardue
Downers Grove, IL

We have a stream running through our back yard in Downers Grove, so we often get mallard ducks in our back yard. Sometimes they nest (although they've never successfully hatched their eggs), other times they just hang around. Usually, it seems to be the same pairs.

Last summer and this year, we've had a male mallard showing up with a female with significantly darker feathers than most female mallards, and a large white patch on her breast. Is this just some sort of variation on what a female mallard can look like, or is he hanging out with a different breed of duck? They seem to be a pretty dedicated couple.

You can see a photo at:

Thanks, Bill Pardue

From: Craig Thomson
Caseyville, IL
Hello. The other day I found a young brown snake, about a foot long, with faint darker banding and light patches along its spine (like the inverse of a bullsnake). What is it? When you respond via email, I can include a photo for identification.

From: Todd C
Orange, CT
I was wondering if there were any EHD reports for 2016 or 2017 for Illinois?

the last report i had seen was for 2015..can anyone help?

From: Lillian Hughes-Utsch
Plainfield , IL
My neighbor traps and kills raccoons, possums, and skunks. We live in Plainfield Illinois, is this legal to do? I'm really upset that he kills possums, as they slow the spread of Lyme disease. These animals have not been destructive to homes, though perhaps some gardens. He doesn't have a license, and he drowns them once they are caught. Is this legal, and if not how to I turn him in, and to whom? The police just tell me to ignore it

From: Sharon Tobin
River Grove, IL
We have lived near River Rd & Grand Ave. for 44 years and have never seen a white (leucistic?) opossum. One was in our backyard on 5/29. Are they common to this area or newcomers?

From: Linda Hungerford
Sumner, IL
Larger animal, not coon not possum, not otter, crossing IL161 extension. Shorter legs, brindled brown gold coat. ?fisher? Linda H Zool major.

From: Aaron Rahn
Urbana, IL
Hello. We had a large Autumn Blaze Maple planted 2 - 2 1/2 years ago and it doesn't seem to be doing well. The leaves aren't green, they are a yellow color and look as if they are burnt at the edges. What could be the cause of this and how do we remedy the situation?

From: Joanne Percente
Woodstock, IL
I saw a rabbit hole in my yard a few weeks back, now there are newborn rabbits in it. It is in my yard and unfortunately my dogs found it too. They managed to kill two of the babies before I found them. Will the mother come back with our scents(mine and the dogs) all around the hole? I had to pick one up and put it back in the hole.

From: E Bieker
Glen Ellyn, IL
We have two Norway Maples that have peeling bark at the base of the tree. The leaf canopy is sparse on the larger tree and there are also some branches that have died. What is the problem and what can we do about it?

From: Aref Khatib
Scales Mound, IL
We have 159 acre hardwood tree farm. We planted 120,000 trees in the 35 years. The first planting was rows of walnut, pine and cherry which has about 400 trees per acre and we killed 200 trees per acre to allow the good trees to grow better, however we have not removed the killed trees. The second planting which was about 30 years ago is growing much faster because we planted every other tree a different species. The third planting was lower by our creek and was about 25 years ago and still needs time for the trees to grow. Before planting any of the 120,000 trees we already had one quarter of the farm in natural trees which is now ready for harvesting. My question is what is the best way to earn a living on the farm if I made this a full time job from now on? There are many trees that are over a hundred years old that need to be harvested which is about 40 trees of Oak, Black Walnut and other species. Is it important for me to mow between these trees to make paths before going to the next step to harvest them? One tree in particular is an oak tree which was hit by a storm and literally broke in half around 30 feet from the ground and I do not want to lose anything in its value. What is your advice about making this into a real income making business?

From: becky grill
marseilles, IL
Our pest eliminator was doing a routine check and came up and told us he saw a timber rattlesnake in our back yard. Now I'm freaked out, because I do a lot of gardening back there. We live in a wooded area and have stored wood piles also. What can I do? Is it just traveling through, or has it made our yard its territory? I'm also worried about my little dogs. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks

From: Ray taylor
Fairway, KS
I have a Rose of Sharon 3 years old 6 ft tall. 1/3 died after a later frost and even earlier spring growth spurt. The other half has odd growths on the branchs and has curling leaves. There is no yellowing of the leaves they are still a dark color. Growths are around the base of each leaf or where a leaf would be. Appears to be almost tumor-like in appearance. Any idea what this could be?

From: stephanie mandolesi
downers grove, IL
All my tulip trees are turning yellow & dying.

From: Jessica Harding
Athens, IL
So there was a nest of 3 baby bunnies in our garden. The mom was coming back to feed them until one day we found her dead stuck in our fences. The baby bunnies were pretty big already though so we though they would be fine. However, today (7/15) we found the murder of 2 baby bunnies. The third one is still here and is returning to the nest. I'm deeply worried about the last baby bunny. Is there anything I can do to improve its safety? Maybe relocate it? Please respond soon. Thank you. Jessica.

From: William Kessler
Berkeley, IL
Found an adult crow in my back yard that is either injured or sick. Hunkered down in a flower bed, does not try to get away when I approach. Cannot see signs of injury. Is there a new outbreak of West Nile Virus in western Cook County? What can I do if the bird can be rehabilitated?

From: Alex Krajci
McHenry, IL
What Food And Drinks Should I Give To A Baby Deer If I Raise One?

From: Mary Myers
Barnhart, MO
One of my evergreen bushes is turning brown on several limbs in front. We're in a drought, but I try to water it every two weeks with muracid or miracle grow. Should I cut off the brown limbs? Do I need fertilizer or to water the bushes more? Also, moss is taking over our yard. Could this be part of the problem? I need to water the yard but my husband won't let me. He says the water is too expensive.

From: Amy Rickelman
Sullivan, IL
I had an animal show up in our backyard by my daughter's swingset today. It looked like it may have mange. It stood about 18 inches tall to the shoulder. Was a tan color. The tail seemed striped, but that could have been due to hair loss which was evident? It was very thin and looked desperate for food. I felt very sorry for it. He seemed as though he was suffering. Neither my husband nor I knew if it was a fox or a coyote. We also would like to know if he is sickly, would he pose a threat to my daughter who plays in that area? I have pictures, but could not download them to this post.

From: john phillips
salida, CO
i would not reccommend you pour bleach down your drains if you have a septic tank. boiling water works great and is clean. so eat a lot of pasta...

From: kathy gallo
downers grove, IL
In the past 3 weeks I have found 3 dead squirrels in our yard. 2 were juveniles and 1 adult. They just seem to dye lying on the ground. The last one was observed by myself walking around the yard slowly like she was off balance or something. She was having a hard time sitting up on her hind legs to eat. When done eating she would lay flat out on the grass. The next morning we found her dead on our driveway. Animal control was called but they said they couldn't do anything really. My concern is what is killing them and will it effect our neighborhood kids or pets. There use to be at least 6 or 7 squirrels in the trees in the back yard and then across the street in the park. Saturday July 29,2017 was the last time I have seen any squirrels and this was another young red fox squirrel. Last week I put out a ear of corn on my feeder and they haven't touched it. Normally it would have been gone in 2 days at most

From: Joyce Bartz
Chicago, IL
We found a baby squirrel after a big storm and our vet suggested a formula made with equal parts water, whipping cream and Esbilac. He's been eating this for about 2 weeks now. He seems to be doing well on this formula but does not seem to be fattening up. I also recently noticed he has hair missing from his chin and it's kind of scabby. What can we do o fix this?

From: Jessica W
Wilmette, IL
We have a skunk that has recently been in our yard at dusk. The skunk is not deterred by music playing, or backyard lights. We are concerned about our dogs and small children getting sprayed. Is there anything we can do to prevent the skunk from entering our yard. The wildlife trapper will euthanize if we trap it. I'd prefer not to harm another animal.

From: Alicia Harris
Paron, AR
I have 3 squirrels,1 female 2males one of the males is losing his fur on his hind end and base his tail it's almost half on hind area? The other 2are fine they haven't been outside and are around 6 months old,i feed them a variety of fruit and nuts,that they'd forge for in the wild ,I'm worried. I'll be taking them to the vet in couple of weeks., but is there anything I can do now?

From: Beth Gardynik
Dale, WI
we have a wild fox squirrel in our yard that when trying to eat he keeps falling on its side but yet it can climb up and down the tree. what could be wrong with it as we have 2 yorkies and don't want it to be around if it's carrying a fatal disease.

From: Becky Flatt
Springfield, IL
i have 25 acres in Montgomery county. it is flood land. it gets flooded for a day or so in the spring and then the water subsides. this happens every spring several times. we are wanting to plant ground cover wild rose bushes to attract animals. i have the seeds but wanted to plant them this fall. should i plant in green house now and transfer to ground or put the seeds directly in the ground or wait till spring

From: Malia Baker
Urbana, IL
So, my dad and I have recently moved out to a new house in a rural-like area and we set up a few trail cameras to check out the wildlife. A few days ago, we got a picture at night on our trail cam that has really confused us. We have looked into similar animals online and could only find a few that seem alike. The ones that look alike are very odd though. The look alikes are: bat-eared fox, savannah cat, siamese cat, and a jackal. It has round ears, black - skinny legs, a long skinny tail, and a skinny body. We really have no idea what it is and would love to know.

Please email me for the picture.

From: Carol Urquhart
Bonsall, CA
Is having a bird feeder endanger the health of an elderly person? My father has Alzheimer's and the Care facility in which he resides refuses to allow him to have a bird feeder because they fear that it will cause disease in the senior population at their facility.

From: Jackie Price
Orland Park, IL
I have seen this goose for the last week in the pond located at Centennial Park in Orland Park. Sometimes it is with a group but other times it is alone. Its left wing is dragging and doesn't fold into place like the right side. It is able to walk and does go into the water. Most times it is in the same location but once I did see at in another spot. If it isn't able to fly, what will happen in the winter? What can be done to help it?

From: eileen anderson
Summerfield, IL
Is IDNR killing off unprotected birds? If so, in their attempt at eradication, they have also depleted the population of raptors. We used to have red tailed hawks constantly circling our poultry, and drive down any country road here and you would see at least one every half a mile. Now there are none, even the Peregrine, and owls are gone. So, all the sparrows, and cardinals and various songbirds that used to flock to my chicken feeders disappeared last year, when I contacted IDNR they tried to claim migration. I claim Bullsh*t!

From: Paul Saxton
Zeeland, MI
The centers (up to about 80% of the surface area) of some of my pumpkin and squash plant leaves are turning black. Have run into some of the common diseases on these plants in the past, but have never seen this condition.

From: Angela McConville
Elk River, MN
differing sizes on my redwood dogwood. What should I do? Also is there a good edible landscape person to do some work in my yard in Elk River?

From: Marilyn Thelen
Rockford, IL
Where can I bring a groundhog if I trap it myself in Winnebago County? I had professional for a short period of time. I'm 74 and this is a real hardship on me as I'm afraid the traps will catch only possums or skunks and I believe my culprit to be a groundhog. There are two large holes within feet if my front door, up against my foundation. About 6 Ft. away I have a crawl space. That worries me. Peppermint and mothballs don't seem to bother it. I've seen it only twice on the same day. When I videoed it, possums looked into the holes but didn't enter. Is there anywhere fairly close to Rockford where I can take the animal, if I catch it, for a ressonable fee? I know I will need a permit. It will be hibernation time soon. Please help. Thank you. I don't see the sign guest book area.

From: Dawn Lunsford
Melrose Park, IL
Just seen the strangest animal in my neighbors yard. It was larger than a rabbit with the coloring of a gray squirrel but with longer fir. I didn't see a face since it was running away from me but what I thought was a tail was like a black ball of fir. Must have had short legs since I didn't see the legs but it ran quickly through the yard. I am pretty familiar with most of the wild animals in our area but I have not seen anything like this before.

From: Patti Glumac
Mahomet, IL
Some baby turtles are hatching in my garden. At least I see one has hatched today. The eggs were moved in July when they were discovered during a garden overhaul. They were dug up and returned to the same spot. The person helping me didn't know not to move them. The habitat the mother chose is gone now and there's little cover and food for the babies. Our pond is about 20-25 yards away. Should I move the turtles nearer to the pond? I think they may hatch face down too. Is that a problem? What should I do?

From: Richard Olson
Sequim, WA
Has any one ever exerienced a lavender stem that is ribbon shaped? I have found a single stem on one of my Provence lavender plant when harvesting for oil distillation that is stunted in length but is about 1/16" x 3/8" cross section. Is this a common abnormality?

From: Mary Cran
Green oaks, IL
I have recently acquired a gardenia tree. Its been thriving this summer and blooms are about 10. However with the cold spell a couple of weeks ago i moved it indoors and now blooms are yellowing with out opening. I have used plant food and its revived but still has yellowing blooms. What am I doing wrong?

From: Paula Petragallo
Addison, IL

By law, all captured skunks in Illinois must be killed. Could you explain the reason(s) for that? I feel Skunks get a bad rap. They do serve a useful purpose.

Thank you.

From: Julie feingold
Alachua, FL
A yardman I hired just cut off ALL the fronds of my Sago Palm without asking me. He said this is the time to prune.

I am upset. Will it grow back? How do I protect it from the winter chill? I'm inGainesville. The palm has lasted 10 years outside.

From: Sara Magnuson
Western Springs , IL

I am a police officer in the suburbs of Cook County. I believe we have a coyote with mange in the area. Is there an agency to which we report this sighting? It is not a nuisance, but I’m wondering if there is a procedure or any reporting for research purposes.

Thank you!

From: Melissa C
New castle, PA
I am trying to find out if salt is dangerous to squirrels and Chipmunks. I have heard years ago that it can cause them to lose their hair, is this true?

From: Ash
Ashkum, IL
I saw this post and I was looking for my 4-H yeast breads book and cannot find it. I want to make some cinnamon rolls and Swedish Tea Rings for Christmas. Can you help me find the recipe? It would really be appreciated! I went to the State Fair with mine way back around 1967. Thank you so much!

Pam Ash 12/6/17

From: Kelly Keim
Aumsville, OR
I have a row of 20-year old Arborvitae. I need to weave a mesh fence between the plants. Is there a recommended way of doing this?

Will the Arborvitae grow back if I trim the plants back toward the center of the trunk and up about 3 feet high?

I would be grateful for any advice.

From: samantha steffen
salem, MA
we have noticed the same severe fur loss in our backyard squirrels the last couple of months that others have reported on this site. It's very alarming to witness.

I was shocked to have found this site and discovered that this seems to be a problem all over the US. We feel helpless to treat them and don't have any idea of what to do. Maybe if enough people report the same thing, we can stem the problem before our squirrels become another extinct species.

From: mary may
LA salle, IL
The roots of my hibiscus tree are girdled in the pot & growing up on top of the soil. Is it possible to cut back the roots without killing the tree? If so, what is the best way to do it? Thank you

From: Georgena Hughes
Sedalia, MO
I raise orphaned squirrels I've raised several I got one named star who will be 5 years old this year she stays outside around my yard and comes every day I feed them loyally my question is there's a little squirrel with no hair that's been coming around would it help if I give that squirrel calcium in water

From: john barclay
Champaign, IL

From: john barclay
Champaign, IL
test question

From: Brooke Elliott
Granite Falls , NC
I just moved into this apartment in October and in November we noticed gnats in the office, bedroom, and bathroom but we don't know why they are coming in. We pour bleach down the drains once a week and we don't have any fruit or veggies at all. But they seem to be taking over the office area in the closet, on windows, walls, and even the doors and frames. I have vinegar traps set and they worked for about two weeks and the gnats are back. What can I do?

From: Josh Cusack
Naperville, IL
I have read recently that coffee grounds are bad for gardens because the caffeine in the grounds is allelopathic. Do you know if there is any evidence of decaffeinated coffee grounds avoiding this negative affect?

From: margene carney
mokena, IL
if there is a possum that is marking his territory with urine and or fecal matter, do i have to worry about any issues with airborne bacteria for me and or my dog if i rustle up leaves to clean area and or if my dog walks in urine of possum and carries it into house on paws etc. I had lung cancer and read they harbor airborne illnesses that humans can get. Is this true?

From: Morgan Miles
Seattle , WA
I found a squirrel that appears to have mange I really want to help and found the rehabilitation center in my area to be useless

From: Pam Becker
Indianapolis, IN
You’ve had several questions about squirrels losing their hair. The answer seems to be a mange from mites or fungal desease. My concern is for my pets as well. I have 2 squirrels whose hair loss is significant in my yard. Should I be treating my plants, lawn or something to protect my son’s Corgi who visits us often?

From: Anita Meeks
Anniston, AL
I raised a baby squirrel from a month old. She is now about 10 months old. Happy and healthy and has her own pen...she eats nuys vegies apples etc. I went to feed her this morning and found her dead. Im heart broken over this and i havr no idea what happened. Can anyone maybe tell me what might have caused her death?

May with rain and wind, tiny bugs (gnat or mosquito like) on my 7th floor apartment window screens. What are they, will they die off quickly or should I spray? Worried because they are on all the southern exposure windows - infestation!

From: Jeff Melton
Prophetstown, IL
No Worries about your sons dog as long as he doesn't come in direct contact with the squirrels.. You should call the Wildlife Biologist as he may want the squirrels removed if they are mangie so as not to spread to other squirrels. It's a nasty way to die.

From: Betheny Hamilton
Pearsall, WA

I've had my China doll plant for a few months now, around a month ago the top most branches appeared to droop and didn't perk up after a watering. I decided to repot the plant a week ago into a larger, terracotta pot and the condition worsened. The bottom most branches fell away, while now the middle and top leaves are drying although they are not dropping.

Is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?

thank you kindly, Beth

From: Patty Cetin
Champaign, IL
It's mid-June and my Rose of Sharons have sprouted very few leaves, mostly on top branches, and these have barely grown in the past 2 weeks. Many branches are dead, but there is some green under the outer layer of the trunk. They do get a lot of sunlight and the soil is well drained, maybe too well; there is a slight slope on their east side. Any advice for this summer & fall is appreciated! Thank you!

From: Toni Collins
Kennewick, WA
We have removed the bamboo tree and the stump. Now we have more sucklings then before. How do I get rid of them for good?

From: Lance Holmer
Flat Rock, IL
We have an arborvitae shrub in our back yard that is approximately 15 years old and 8' high. A month ago it started to turn brown at the very top. I thought it might be the result of pests and sprayed without success. This shrub is the focal point of our planting and we need help saving it.

From: Lucinda Jarvis
Ormond Beach, FL
We have a young squirrel that we feed. We have watched him grow since he was quite young and I would guess his age is about 6 months. He seems to have a patch of downy fur on his haunches where his "adult" fur hasn't grown in. What would cause this? Is there some specific food or nutrient we could try to provide for him?

From: Mylie Cottingham
Rapid City, SD
Hi, I was going to ask this in a previous thread, but the reply function wasn't working, so I'll create a new one. You said in previous thread that jumping larvae in cocoa bean mulch were found to be Euxesta notata, Picture-winged flies in the Ulidiidae group. Do those present any danger to my plants? Should I try to get rid of them or just ignore them? An internet search of picture-winged flies concluded that some picture-winged fly larvae eat plants, and some don't.

From: Jamie Hasted
Saucier, MS
I have had this baby squirrel for three days now and I’ve done everything right with him he is still eating and using the bathroom very well when stimulated I keep them on a heating pad but today when I got up he had these bumps on his inner thighs when I went to do his second feeding it moved up onto his chest and belly some of them have a dark spot inside the bump they almost look like whiteheads what could this be . I’m starting to freak out

From: Peter Sowinski
Orland Park, IL
How do you control / get rid of Pear Rust?

From: Laura Betts
Bartonville, IL
Why do think that there is any way to get rid of racoons in a home when they can climb the house and can not be controlled and you know that they would come back anytime?

I'm tired of reading all the answers that are not answers. I'm tired of the lame excuses that these animals are not a danger to everyone. These racoons spread very harmful diseases to humans and pets. Why is this concern so lost in these situations? I believe that you are in for a journey of the fact that there is a real problem to our home environment as well as personal value of this environment.

Why aren't you convinced that this is such a harmful view?

These racoons need to be promptly removed, permanently. The diseases they spread are tragic. Where is the solution? I am so saddened and sickened by all this lack of commitment to get rid of racoons.

I don't want them moved near my backyard!

I don't want to pay for it. I don't want to sacrifice my life for a raccoon problem.

From: Laura Betts
Bartonville, IL
Why do think that there is any way to get rid of racoons in a home when they can climb the house and can not be controlled and you know that they would come back anytime?

I'm tired of reading all the answers that are not answers. I'm tired of the lame excuses that these animals are not a danger to everyone. These racoons spread very harmful diseases to humans and pets. Why is this concern so lost in these situations? I believe that you are in for a journey of the fact that there is a real problem to our home environment as well as personal value of this environment.

Why aren't you convinced that this is such a harmful view?

These racoons need to be promptly removed, permanently. The diseases they spread are tragic. Where is the solution? I am so saddened and sickened by all this lack of commitment to get rid of racoons.

I don't want them moved near my backyard!

I don't want to pay for it. I don't want to sacrifice my life for a raccoon problem.

From: Jo Fryer
Arlington Heights, IL
there is a frog in our window well do we get him out?

From: mike quirin
belleville, IL
Bitten last Saturday by what I'm pretty sure was a fire ant. I have been bitten by many ants over my 65-years, this was no regular southern Illinois ant. Was red and black not huge but large, burn was very intense and lasted about 15 to 30-seconds.

From: Yvonne Schmitt
Shobonier, IL
I am interested in the Master Gardener Program. I received 404 error when trying the contact us on website link for Fayette (my county). However, I was able to follow link through Bond county but aborted just prior to paying for registration since first page UofI 'How to become a Master Gardener' states I need submit application to local coordinator, be interviewed and accepted before being allowed to start program. Can you get me in touch with Fayette county local coordinator. Thank you ??

From: Jr Lex
Worth, IL
Has anyone figured this out? My squirrel came back after 3 months throwing himself at my door in distress, with many patches missing plus white flakes by the ears. Is the calcium thing the cure?? Please help :( fell out of the tree at 2wks ... raised him... came back for comfort and help. I'm crying here

From: Ronna Mastin
Gilson, IL
Has someone in the Hamilton, IL. area started a project for gardening with veterans to help with post traumatic issues? I would contact with this person or any information. Thank you for your attention, Ronna Mastin(Master Gardener Knox County)

From: Joan OBrien
Seattle, WA
Our well established (10 - 15 years old) weeping atlas cedar was damaged; partially because a nearby smoke tree was blocking some light but primarily because the person who pruned the smoke tree knocked the growth off the top of a 5 - 6 foot section of the primary trunk. that middle section now has only thin scraggly extensions hanging off the bottom of it, not the normal growth that also cascades over the top. It was a gorgeous tree and I'm miserable. Is there something I can apply to the top of the damaged trunk to encourage regrowth? Is there any chance this will fill in again since it's late winter? Is my best choice to cut it back so there isn't a weird, sparsely green area in the middle of it? help!

From: nicholas fillmore fillmore
windsor, CT
what is best fertilizer for pachysandra ,is holly tone evergreen ok ? how to apply?

From: Riya Chauhan
Surat, IN
I have a pet squirrel. It is male. He had rashes at anus and surrounding areas , at that time he was dragging. But now he has no rashes. But now he is still dragging his back legs and doesn't walk well. I want to inform you that he has sensitivity in back legs thus Please not paralyzed. Please give me some suggestions for him.

From: kay cipperly
We are about to buy some bagged mulch and have in the past had Golden Bark mulch delivered. We are cutting back, so would like to buy a safe bagged mulch. What type of mulch is the safest? Or is there any that is safe from the jumping worms?

From: Darlene Petschke
Darien Center, NY
Hi -planted an ornamental cherry tree w Red/purple leaves last summer. This year the tree Leaved out early, is doing well and shows growth but the leaves are green! Why are the leaves not Red/purple? That’s was why I bought the tree.

From: Melvin Ghrist
Thomasboro, IL
I assist with care at a cemetery. We are having a problem with numerous ground squirrels and would like advice on the best way to remove them. Thank You!

From: Mary Ellen Schmidt
Bloomington, IL
My Maple tree is dropping large chunks of bark off some limbs. Is the tree sick or dying? I have pictures.

From: Amy Mealins
petersburg, IL
the neighbor's dog left a mess on my deck. I cleaned it up but there is a stain on my deck about the size of a saucer. How can I further clean a stain on a stained deck.

From: test testee
test, AK

From: James Martin
Polk city, FL
I moved to a location in Florida where there are deer, two and a half years ago. Since then I’ve been giving them whole corn from a local feed store. The squirrels come and indulge as well. Just recently I notice some of the squirrels have missing fur. I was wondering if there could be something in the corn that could be causing it. Saw on some other post that it could be mites and I’m worried I could be bringing something like that in with the corn.

From: Timi Wysong
Kalamazoo, MI
He has just dark skin On right side of face with a ring/white line that looks like peeling. His fur is not patchy but it’s short and gets longer as it progresses to his hind quarters and there’sa well demarcated line on his lower back were the shorter hair begins. The right side of his face looks bigger, like it’s a mass maybe. Any ideas. He’s as active as all the other squirrels.

From: Jean M
North Reading, MA
For the last 7 years or so, we are infiltrated with black fungus gnats (identified by exterminator) on the first floor of my house. I have 2 a/c units on the first floor. I put 3 flat-style window fly paper on the window above the a/c unit and they are completely covered with the gnats. These gnats will absolutely drive you crazy because they try to get into your nose & mouth (I'm assuming to breed). I'm on a lot of Zoom calls and I look like a lunatic anytime I talk because when I open my mouth, they start to come at me.

I've had window air conditioners on the first floor for probably 20 years and didn't have the gnats until 7 years ago. I got 2 new LG (LW1216ER) air conditioners last year thinking it was the air conditioners I had. This didn't help. If anything, it is worse. I am in the process of making sure that the windows are air tight but I did this last year and we still had the problem.

The exterminator said that it's because the air conditioners aren't tilted enough so I took one out to tilt it more. They have 2 u-shaped brackets at the bottom of each a/c unit on either side. Each has has a screw going through the bottom of the "u" which can be used to adjust the height. We aren't using the screw because the bracket was already sitting on the sill. Yesterday, I took the a/c units out to move the 2 brackets back on the a/c to try to tilt it more but now they aren't even touching the sill. The a/c cannot tilt back any farther because the lip that sits in front of the window where it closes on the a/c will not allow the a/c to tilt any further.

When I took the A/C out yesterday, there was a lot of standing water which I cleaned up. I saw no evidence of insect activity in the water or pan, but I don't know if I would see larvae since the gnats are so small. While I was cleaning the pan out, I realized there was no drain hole. In reading the LG instruction manual, it says "Do not drill a hole in the bottom pan. The product is designed to operate with approximately 1/2" of water in the bottom pan. There is no need to add water if the pan is dry." So these units are installed as they should be.

The a/c units upstairs do not have this problem. Also, my mother's room, also on the first floor but in the back, has no A/C. When I open the window she gets the gnats coming in (no screen in the window right now). She isn't anywhere near the front a/c units. Also, I have no house plants.

So, the question is, are they breeding in the a/c units or are they breeding outside and just getting in through openings around the a/c unit?

From: Jason Rhoades
Monticello , IL
I have a row of ten Green Giant arborvitae that are 10 years old and about 20’ tall. They are well established and healthy. However, this year all of the trees tops are browning out and dying. This is only happening in the top leader of the tree and not affecting any other part. What could be causing this problem and is there a way to treat it? Thanks.

From: Linda Hain
Martinsville, IL
I do not believe they will lose fear of people by feeding them. For one reason you are not hand feeding them. Foxes live in suburban areas. From what I have read, the coyotes have chased them into populated areas. I saw a video where a man helped a fox that had mange by giving it food with meds in it. He cured the mange. Foxes come into contact with cats and dogs all the time. It’s unlikely they will kill cats or dogs. Coyotes on the other hand will kill cats and dogs. Foxes are to small. Possibly a fox can kill a sick animal but for the most part they stay clear of each other. You claim Raccoons do not make good pets. Well as a teenager I had a pet raccoon and loved her. She played with my Pomeranian like two kittens and she was full grown. We never kept her in a cage. One fall she left because my father would not let her in the house. Raccoons are like dogs in the way that they take to one person over the other family members.I was the only one that went for walks in the creek with her and spent time with her. I would go into the woods calling her and she would come running. That was a very special friendship, so yes in my view point they are great pets.When she was in the house, I do not recall her tearing things up. I was a thirteen year old kid so that was never something I paid attention to. Wild animals do need to be free and for me to have a pet raccoon now but never be the same. I no longer live in the country surrounded by woods. This is my opinion like we all have one.Animals must be allowed to be who they are. Just as a dog must be allowed to behave like a dog. One can not control every aspect of the animal. I use to volunteer at a wild life rescue and enjoyed many species. Tigers , bears, monkeys ect. These will always be wild animals with no business of ever being tamed.

From: Hilary Dorger
North Aurora, IL
Last week we discovered about 5 infant bunnies burrowed in my front yard. We managed to keep their burrow safe and they stayed in it. We saw mom, we think, very late one night across the street, so we went inside hoping she'd come feed her babies. It's been several days and she has not come back. We did the yarn and stick test, and when checked neither had been disturbed. They're out of their burrow now, eyes open, often cuddling each other. They do go back in and out of their burrow. They seem too tiny to set free to survive on their own. We have a small raised garden bed surrounding them for now. It's only a few inches above ground, mom was able to get in and out, babies were not, so we thought it best and safe. We have never handled the babies. They seem healthy, but are orphaned. We live in Kane County. What should we do with these babies?

From: Julia Winfree
Mc Leansville, NC
hi. Just wanted to say the cardinals are eating the edges of my sedum too. I tend to believe it may be the vegetarian as I have abundant water placed for them. Happy and blessed gardening?

From: Shirlee Berman
Chicago , IL
Hello, I noticed a typo in my previous post. I meant to say that I DO believe the flies on the aspen trees IS the source of the fly problem. Corrected post below:

Hello, I have noticed what seem to be house flies all over my quaking aspen trees. Upon further inspection there are also ants at the base and up and down the trunk of one of them. It’s accompanied by a lot of fly activity in the yard and I believe this is the source. Any idea on the root cause of the problem and what I can do to eradicate it? It’s very embarrassing to have all these flies in the yard!

From: Lisa Barnes
Mobile, AL
I have several squirrels in my back yard that seem to have some kind of bumps along their sides.They have no trouble moving around.I have not noticed this before but mind you I didn't start watching them til they started raiding my bird feeders.Is this a concern or something natural?

From: Jessica Bathe
Sullivan, IL
Hello, I'm looking into native plants for my yard and was wondering how many native honeysuckles there are in Illinois. I'm looking at grape honeysuckle (Lonicera reticulata), but is that the only one, or are there others? Thank you :)

From: Kenneth Koch
Tremont, IL
Our dogs have caught/killed 6 or more squirrels this year; very unusual as generally they catch zero. Yesterday, 8-10-20, we observed what appeared to be a healthy squirrel, but as it stood there, it would sway/lean to one side, recover and then repeat after a bit. Is there a disease going through the population?

From: Laura O'Connor
Spring Hill, FL
this doesn't say whether or not the squirrel living in the staghorn will harm it...

From: Vidhya K
India, IN
Hey My baby squirrel got hair loss in her tail and forehead I need help from you I don't have any option to take for vet doctor Please suggest me how can get back to my baby squirrel normally I felt very bad she is so cute bit her tail getting remove hair What can I do in the home remedies Can you please suggest me...

From: Marsha Caccamo
Rolling Meadows, IL
I have two 30-yr-old lindens in my yard. One of them began dropping yellowed leaves this week. The other tree looks OK. Both had treatment for Japanese beetles last month. We've had little rain here, and I'm wondering if that could be the problem. I'd appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

From: Linda Virgili
Bella Vista , AR
Yes, I too have a small grey Birds eating my sedum. They have devastated it , but it keeps popping out new shoots.

From: Brenda Smith
Forsyth , IL
The city of Decatur has required my church (Central Baptist) to plant a number of trees and bushes on our new property. This expense was not in the church budget so I am hoping to find a adorable place to purchase the trees we need. I am willing to dig up as many bushes from my yard to transplant but I need advice how to do that and because the city has a point system, I don't know how many points my bushes are. Can you please give me advice. Thank you!

From: Diane Steel
Gurnee, IL
My cat must have caught this bunny and brought it to our deck. I don't know where the nest is. He is small. Eyes closed. What do I do?

From: Julia G
Wilmette, IL
Hey there, I was directed to this form on a discussion site about vermicomposting where they suggested red wigglers might be a bad idea in certain location and I am wondering if that is the case for suburban IL or if you could recommend the appropriate worm variety or where I could purchase them. Thank you in advance!

Warmly, Julia

From: Ronda Decker
Kalamazoo, MI
For the last several months we have been dealing with a very large cat I live in Michigan so it's not like you see big black cat's everyday lucky to see one in your life time and lately we have had one this cat looks like a panther very large body with a smaller head my uncle has seen him a few different times now. We are not sure what it is and I've tried getting DNR to investigate but they won't help so I'm left with looking around on the internet and hoping someone can help. It weighs around 150lb to 200 lb very long body and the color is black the head appears to be not as big as a cougar small and slimmer could this possible be a panther in Michigan running around. Please could you tell me who I could contact that would help can't get DNR to do anything she doesn't believe we have a large cat. Thank you Ronda K Decker

From: Claudia Fradkin
Urbana, IL
gardenias buds drop dead before flowerein

From: Pamela Tullis
Fairfield, IL
I live in town and have a creek in my back yard that runs through most of our town. Due to the possible danger to homes next to our local reservoir it was decided to breach the dam and drain it. Without the regulation of the dam that had been there since the very early 1900's we experience regular spring and winter flooding. Our city ordered brush removal for 3 ft up the bank for the entire coarse of the creek throughout the city limits. Since the breach and brush removal we are experiencing severe erosion and silting. I would like to know how to stablize my bank with native plantings that will grow in the existing measures in place to prevent erosion (a mixture of bricks, rocks, concrete, asphalt, cinders and broken clay culverts) that have been in place and added to as necessary for half a century or more. I would need the expense to be very low. I would like to do this so that other property owners can see a natural solution to our ongoing problems. Our town cannot afford to remedy the problem. I understand each property owners portion of the creek will have different needs. My portion is located next to a street bridge and pedestrian bridge. My entire bank except the last 10 to 15 feet is heavily reinforced with rip rap and a 3 foot tall concrete block wall. It is somewhat graded from the bridge to the wall and has a catalpa tree, walnut tree, hackberry tree, small redbud trees and one or two other understory trees in the riprap section, a catalpa tree in the center of the wall section and an elm at the end of the wall. There are amur honeysuckle and winter creeper vine that would need to be removed from the riprap. I am guessing I will need to add soil over the riprap for planting. Thbank goes from approximately 6ft high at the pedestrian bridge to 1 1/2ft at the property line with my neighbor. I also have a non native flowering grass ranging 4 to 8 feet from the bank in the riprap section and some just behind the block wall that doesn't spread too much. There are already several species of native plants that come and go from seed carried by the creek. I've been afraid to start planting anything on my own because I don't want to spread anything I shouldn't to my neighbors. But I planted yellow water irises and orange day lilies last year to stabilizes the bare soil area since losing over 3 feet of my bank in the last few years. One more factor in my problem is that the city sprays a combination of herbicides and pesticides which includes roundup along the banks of the creek wherever no one like myself requests that they don't. I have some native plants already in mind. A few are paw paw, seedbox, pussy willow and ironweed. Any insight you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

From: Susan Maust
Vancouver, WA
I have a squrril that comes in the yard that showed up with a waht looked like a scrapped off forhead no fur. You could see some faint red lines like veins a few weeks late white fur grew back.Now I see another one with a black strip accross it nose. Is it a disease, parasite or injury.

From: Alyson conner
Washingtown, HI
Tips That Will Help You Be A Good Boss

It is a fact that people do not leave jobs, they leave managers. A recent study shows that 34% of workers leave their job because of the supervisor. For a company, retention of its qualified works is essential. Hence, good leadership is a must to make this happen. Poor leadership can downspin productivity and reduce engagement.

To figure out which makes a great leader, we talked with many executive coaches. We have made a list of things that helps you make a good boss.

Be Caring

Think of it as an employee- what you want from your boss? What we found out that people like it if their boss cares for them. Hence, it is important to understand that culture is a strategic advantage. Nobody wants to work with an incompetent boss., who does not care for the people working under his or her supervision.


Self-awareness is a really good thing as it improves social awareness. Just think of a way of being walking, talking, and relating. When you are a boss and in a conference room, it is good to walk around the table and ask everyone how they are feeling at that moment. It will help the boos to realize the emotions of the team. Furthermore, it will provide the chance to adjust the emotional temperature as necessary.

Never Micromanage

Sometimes, it feels good to control the process as it makes you feel like everything is under control. But remember being a boss does not mean you have to manage everything. It all goes to teamwork which is really important. So, communicate with your team and coach them towards the communal goals. Instead of micromanaging the process, work from the outcome and coach to that.

Talk with Your Workers

Communication is the key to being a good boss. You have to communicate with all of your employees and show them that you are transparent and vulnerable. The main reason for that is to build trust among you and your team. Furthermore, it helps build a strong relationship. Communication should not end up with performance evaluations. Instead, you should have some casual talks with them, ask them what they want to be in the career and how you can help.

Be Kind and Strategic

There are situations when you get mad at an employee. Well, it is true when they have made a mistake. But keep this fact in mind that we are human beings and there are chances of mistakes. Getting mad is right but try to be kind and strategic about the situation. Coach them and help them to fix their mistake.

Be Yourself

Never underestimate the importance of conversations. You should communicate with them and bring emotions to the workplace. You have to be yourself and should encourage the staff to do the same. It will help you more relate with them. They will surely end up saying that we have the best boss and we do not want to leave our job.

From: Brad Sherlag
Chicago, IL
Hello - we live in Chicago and have grown herbs on our rooftop deck in planters for years. Last year our plants became infected with what we believe to be fusarium fungus

Issues by plant: Rosemary - growth stunted and white powdery residue on leaves Basil - black spots on leaves, black streaks on stalk, woody stalk Lavender turned gray and dried up - almost overnight Sage leaves started to bud and never grew to full leaves, little buds of leaves all over the stalk Mint had black spots on the leaves’ died from the bottom up What does Thyme look like when it is diseased

1. Can you Solarize soil and rocks in a large planter to kill it or do you need to remove all soil and throw it out? Can we do it in plastic, terracotta and ceramic? Planter safe then too?

2. If we are going to remove soil - What about the rocks in the bottom of the planter - can those be cleaned - if so how?

3. How do I properly get fungus off: Plastic, terracotta, ceramic planters Wood herb markers Garden Spade Garden Shears Glass Mason Jars Rocks

5. If I had uninfected plants in a different planter - can I assume those are safe even if I used a contaminated clipper to trim the herbs? (The Sage had tiny buds, small leaves in fall)

6. If this somehow comes back - can I still use the unaffected part of the herbs for cooking?

7. What should we do to prevent this in the future? Natural fungicide to put on herbs? Things we should avoid doing in the future?

8. Will herbs other than the mint family, like cilantro or parsley, or flowers cut with the same shears become infected?

9. What should we clean shears with while trimming herbs before moving on to the next plant?

10. Should we throw partial bag of soil out that used the contaminated spade to remove from bag last year?

11. Do we want to use fertilizer or is it harmful to the herbs?

I know this is a long list of questions - but we want to make sure we can eradicate the issue and have healthy herbs again this year. Thanks for your help.

From: Kerrie Vaughan
Vista, CA
I have a 10 month old female California Ground Squirrel who we are raising after her mother died. We have had her since she was a few weeks old. She is wonderful and healthy, but has lately developed bald pattern around the base of her tail. I am wondering if captive squirrels manifest over-grooming or some such behaviors that might explain it. The skin looks really healthy, so does not look like it is infectious in nature. To my knowledge, she has had one heat. I do not see her fussing with it, so if she is, it is being done 'privately.' ;) If anyone has suggestions, I would be grateful. Thx

From: Amber Mildner
Chicago , IL
Yesterday I received a large palm from a merchant based in Florida and when I hurried to get it open and warm, I noticed movement at the base - a swarm of fire ants with everything they can carry were making their way out onto my balcony. I immediately filmed while panicked. I shut the patio doors and found some Ant killer. It's now the morning of day 3 and I think they have found a space under my enclosed porch. I'm on the third floor and have no idea if they made it to the ground. It was snowing and 32°F they day they landed, but it's slowly getting warmer. I don't know what to do?

From: Ashley Haney
Our rescued squirrel has developed 2 small bald patches one on his head and one near armpit :( what could this be and how can I prevent he is approximately 4 1/2 months old...

From: Jessika Homann
Hello! My name is Jessika and I live in Elk Grove Village, IL. I few years ago started learning a bit about Doug Tallamy and supporting the native wildlife through planting native perennials in my garden. I started small in a very bare bones planting space and planned to expand each year, but then we moved across town and now I have LOTS more planting space, which is great! But I was wondering if there is a program out there to help support someone like me? I'd like to be able to walk my yard with someone, identify a few things I do have, and make a plan for best utilizing the rest of the space moving forward. I know I could call a landscaper but I'd really like to learn more and grow as a gardener in the process. If you know of any programs like that around Cook County I'd so appreciate it if you could send the information my way or point me in the right direction. Thank you!

From: Sybil Collins
Larchmont, NY

I've had a China Doll for over 20 years, it is very dear to me. It has had a hard life, a lot of moves, not a lot of repotting or fertilizing. It is now VERY leggy with just a small tuft of small new growth at the top of a woody stem. I'd like to nurse it back to health and maybe propagate a new plant.

Can you advice how to help my plant? Should I repot it? it's been over 5 years in the same pot. Should I prune it? I'm scared of cutting the one remaining stem that is alive. Any and all advice is very welcome to help save this plant which has great sentimental value to me.

Thanks! Sybil

From: Ellen Lazerow
Hoopeston , IL
One of the grey squirrels that frequents our bird feeders has a open wound on his neck. Looks like maybe he escaped the wrath of a hawk. He is otherwise behaving normally, but the wound looks raw and painful. Just wanted to know if there is something we can do to help him heal faster. Wish I could put some antibiotic ointment on it, but that's probably not realistic. Is there a food we can offer to help his immune system?

From: Patti Kolek
O'Fallon, MO
I have also noticed sparrows and house finches on my Autumn Joy Sedum. The leaves do look bitten, aso am not sure what they are after.

From: Jessica Sorenson
Naperville, IL
OK, so I was at my grandparent's house playing in the backyard, when I found a small baby bunny. It was very clearly dead, it was on it's side, eyes closed, the whole sha-bang. My younger cousins were freaking out, so my grandma came out and picked it up with an inside out plastic snack bag. (Like you would with dog poop) After I took a few pictures for science purposes, she threw it away.

At the time, I estimated it was too young to be out of the nest. But after some research, it turns out it might have been 2-4 weeks old, meaning depending on how old it was, it could have been off on it's own. Apparently Cottontail Rabbits are almost completely on their own at 3 to 4 weeks.

It's eyes were closed, but I think that was just because it was dead. It didn't have any marks that indicated it was dead. It's feet were a little damp, but I'm pretty sure that's just from the dew. There were no predatory marks, and I took a few pictures because I was curious.

It was under a tree, the whole yard was well fenced in, and there were a few holes around the yard.

A few weeks before, my little brother and I had noticed a Cottontail Rabbit in the yard. We had dubbed it Nubbles, and I think Nubbles is a mother!

My quess as to how the rabbit died is that it was it's first night out of the burrow, and it froze to death. It's still having pretty frigid under freezing nights here, so it isn't out of the question in my opinion. There's honestly no concern or hurry, I'm just genuinely curious. There's plenty of places of people talking about skinned, beheaded, or disemboweled rabbits, but none about young rabbits without any marks. Any answers?

From: Reece Zinis
Warren, MI
Injured 2 week old bunny. Have not located nest. I have it in a milk crate with pillowcase and heating pad set on low in quiet place. Animal control has yet to return calls. Purchased milk replacement for kittens and its eating very small amounts. How many times a day should I feed? Local vet said they didn't have proper licences to care for it so who else can I call to rehab this baby?

From: Rose Mallon
Lagrangeville, NY
I found a vole on my lawn yesterday, around 9am. It was rolling over and over in a sandy spot, so I thought it was flea dusting itself. But when I walked over to it, it didn't run away.. It look really distended, and wouldn't stand properly, and I could tell something was wrong with it I put in a small enclosure , directly on the ground and tried to give it drops of water. I left it for an hour, and when I came back, I saw it'd given birth to 4 babies. I set up a critter cage for them. When I picked her up, another one was born. She does not walk. She sort if scrambles, while laying on her side She's still rolling over, but not as frequently. I've initially I gave her a little milk/ egg yolk. I got her to eat 3 raspberries, a peanut, and pumpkin puree. I'm giving her water through a pipette. She's nursing, cleaning herself and the little ones . Do you think this is a poisoning? Or some neurological event? I'm praying it's nothing zoonotic; I touch the babies initial, but now I'm using forceps when handling any if them.

From: Carol Ann Forgas
Kings Mountain , NC
My purple finches started eating away at my Sedum this spring. I put a pin wheel in the plant. Keeps the birds away. Last year they did the same thing… But I didn’t realize what was doing it. The plant never bloomed, and the leaves were eaten down to the soil level.. Since we have tons of birdfeeders, and other plants, trees, and the lake all providing food and shelter, figured they can leave my Sedum alone. LOL

From: Mark Lewis
Dayton, OH
My corner arborvitae is turning brown on on side of the bush. The neighbor next door has a row of arborvitae that he uses as a privacy barrier. He just lost one of his in the Spring and now mine seems to be doing the same thing. His bushes are fine. I went to a local nursery and they suggested shaking a branch over white paper and look for tiny specs. These tiny specs are most likely mites. I did as they suggested and I got hundreds of various sized, very tiny long slender, striped bugs. Some bugs flew off of the bush and looked like gnats flying away. I treated the bush with CrossCheck plus multi-insecticide. I wish there was a way of attaching a pic of these insects to my post to help identify them. Thank you for your help!

From: Janice Wood
Cheboygan, MI
Can I sprinkle something on plant or spray ? My black eyed Susan and my purple cone flowers Help

From: Twila Rogers
Is there any rehabilitates that can at lest keep her happy and not have her dieing this winter? Last year the same thing happened tried to get someone to at lest help the one last year but no one. The one last year did die. There is a lot of other geese here to they come back here every year and have babys. But the other geese is attacking her non stop. She can't even get to the pond that much i thing at night she manages to get past the gate without the other geese seeing her. But i would hate to see her die to.

From: gwendolynwash gwendolynwash
Newyork, AK
When in the market for a GPS navigational system there are some things you should take into consideration. Price is an obvious consideration for many individuals, but before you think so much about the price you want to take in consideration what you ultimately want the item to do. You may be sacrificing some useful features/benefits that you otherwise would prefer to buy choosing a less expensive unit. So, keep your options open at least at the preliminary stages of the selection process.

Screen Size And Resolution

One of the most important factors to take in consideration when purchasing a new GPS unit is the size of the screen. You may not want to get the largest screen and you may not want to get a small screen.

The smaller screens may make it difficult to see the navigation icons and other text on the screen. The larger screens may be too big and may actually restrict your view (if mounted on the dashboard) this may potentially become dangerous and may even cause an accident. Therefore, it is imperative that you take in consideration the size of the screen not only for your viewing comfort on the unit itself but for the visibility that it may restrict if you go with the larger unit.

There's no question that a larger unit will be softer on the eyes and it will enable you to see more detail of your route. But, of course if you opt for a larger screen it will drive up the price.

One other thing to take into consideration is the resolution that the unit has. The higher the resolution the more detail and better picture quality you will get when viewing maps, photos, text, and other images ekspert

Traffic Updates

If you use your GPS unit on a day-to-day basis and especially for going back and forth to work you may find that the traffic updates feature is a very nice thing to have. The traffic updates show you which routes are the most congested therefore enabling you to plan your trip more effectively and allowing you to avoid routes with lots of traffic. Whether you're planning a trip for a vacation or using the traffic feature on a daily basis for your job this benefit may be something that you want to take in consideration.

In most cases the traffic option is an additional fee that you will have to pay for either monthly, quarterly, or annually (check with your GPS provider), so take that into consideration when deciding if this is something that you believe you would want. If you're unsure about this option then you may want to see if there is some sort of trial whereby you can test out the traffic option to see if it's something that would be useful.

Map Updates

When it comes down to it there's probably nothing more important than the maps that the unit is dependent on. You want to make sure that your GPS unit has up-to-date information (the maps), so you get to your destination quickly and with the least amount of disruptions as possible. Some units charge an annual fee for map updates. Other units boast about how their unit has map updates for life that is included in the price when you buy the device.

You definitely want to know as much as possible about the GPS unit that you are interested in and how you will be charged additionally (if applicable) for updates, additional features, etc.

Since having updated information is so important, especially on a navigational device, it is very important to know the charges that will be associated with these updates in advance so you can factor that into your price structure when you ultimately make your purchase.

Hebron, OH
I have a 25 yr old Redbud with split trunk that runs all the way to the ground, it may have been two trees when planted. I was thinking of drilling a hole and run a piece of all thread through the two trunks and pulling them together.

From: Jared Salzer
Minier, IL
I have a large sawmill that I recently purchased (70" x 25') mostly geared toward sawing table slabs. I get the vast majority of my logs from local tree services. Do I need to worry about the timber tax on logs? I don't want to get myself in a bind selling slabs from trees that were supposed to be taxed. I'm not sure if the tax applies to salvage trees, or how I would go about paying it.

From: Rose Bronson
New Port Richey, FL
I'm in mid FL on the coast and last week was the first time I have seen these wounds on a couple of squirrels. I noticed some with what looked like tumors on their backs and some with round open, bloody wounds. Also when these squirrels show up all of my regular squirrels seem to vanish? It is quite the sight to see such horrible wounds on these poor little guys. I thought it was a territorial thing since it looks like the males have these wounds and all the girls don't? They're eating well and don't seem to have any other issues. I'm going to put out some coconut to see if it helps.

From: Freyja Mieperski
Roselle, IL
We have a problem with sap dripping from a pine tree. Do cones on a Norway spruce also do this, or is this particular to pines? Thank you

From: Denise Godfrey
Belleville, IL
I have white worms on my bee balm plants, I have picked them off but are worried about nematodes, Are there nematodes in Bee Balm and if not what could the white worms be?

From: Paula Scott
I am caring for my neighbors in ground mandavellia while she is away. I noticed some of the plants are getting a yellow tinge to the leaves. I also see some good size brown spots on on one of them. My dilemma is am I over watering or under watering or do they need fertilizer.

From: Michael Alaimo
Mount Prospect, IL
I have patches of this grass that look like some kind of weeds in different spots of my lawn

I have pictures if there is a way to send them to you

From: Mary Rafferty
Roscoe, IL
I took a picture of a spider in the garden yesterday and I wonder if you could identify it for me.

From: Ruku Young
Racinr, WI
Some of my hollyhock buds are not blooming

From: Dorothea Poggi
I have a squirrel that alternates between a large cage with chicken coupe to inside in a cage. This year I noticed hair loss while staying outside. I did notice some clear slime? where hair seems to be loose? I took the squirrel inside and made sure it wasn't just eating it's favorite foods. The hair was growing back and suddenly I saw again a clear slime and hair loss....what the heck is this? When he was outside I thought maybe a garden snail walked on him? Now I think some "Fungus" is exuding slime while feeding on his hair?

From: Susan Connors
Peoria , IL
FYI we have a black squirrel in our yard.. Peoria, Il

From: Allan and Gina carter
South Kingstown, RI
Recently we observed a squirrel badly hurt and lying on the cement unable to walk. Another squirrel came down from the tree and tried to drag him toward the tree. We doubt he would have been able to get him into the tree. Do squirrels normally look after each other. (We live in RI but are from Illinois and our daughter has her degree from UI.) Thank you.

From: Debra Glenn
Seattle, WA
Canadian goose with broken wing,I'm trying to wrap a blanket around it so I can get it in a box and safe for the night, am I doing the right thing or should I let nature take it's course??

From: Robin Wyatt
Louisville, KY
My wildlife is dying, my birds, squirrels are very sick, most dead now. My squirrels are sick, have patches of hair falling out from this radioactive thorium being sprayed on us that no one can seem to get a clue about. Why does this continue? Can we depend on the EPA anymore or are they twisted now too? Does anyone take soil samples anymore? I am in Louisville KY. Is the EPA still in tact? Do they ever test anything after Trump?

From: Carol Ann Forgas
Kings Mountain , NC
My purple finches started eating away at my Sedum this spring. I put a pin wheel in the plant. Keeps the birds away. Last year they did the same thing… But I didn’t realize what was doing it. The plant never bloomed, and the leaves were eaten down to the soil level.. Since we have tons of birdfeeders, and other plants, trees, and the lake all providing food and shelter, figured they can leave my Sedum alone. LOL

From: Michelle Davis
Akron , OH
About a month ago, we found 2 squirrels in my hot tub which was cold water and colder temps outside. They were both curled up in that fetal position they do when they hibernate. We weren’t fully sure they were deceased so we placed them in a box to warm them up with a lid with holes in it, a heat lamp in it but not right on them and we checked later that night and their eyes had went from shut to open and their bodies stretched out like normal rather than the fetal position. A week later, after researching and seeing that squirrels will often go into hibernation of a sort after a near death experience, we checked them in the box expecting they be dead and starting to decompose or at least be bloated, flies on them or have an odor like they should a week out but no, they had none of the above at all. They looked like normal sleeping squirrels. Well, it’s now been over a month, we just looked again to day and it’s the same, they look fine. I have to imagine that after all this time has gone by and nicer, Warmer days have occurred that we would see some sign of them being deceased after all this time or a smell. Which, none of these are apparent.

My question is, cab squirrels go into hibernation in an effort to save their life like that?

Next question, how would any mammal look perfectly in tact with no smell or decomposing body after all this time? I’d say it’s been now a couple months and they look fine. Not even flies around them or the area.

Can you possibly give me some insight to any of this? Is it possible they are Alive and just sleeping/hibernating in this box and if so, how long will they do this? Should we try to do something to make them wake up?

It’s really unreal how they are getting gross which makes me think there is a change they are still alive.

Thank you, Michelle

From: Jill Mattenson
Chicago , IL
There is a flock of ducks on the Chicago River just south east of Western Bridge. I can’t identify them. Maybe Greater Scaup? Has anyone seen them?

From: Dana Hart
Albin, IL
The following conversation/question was asked by a local resident: She is referencing her Ball canning book and wanting to raw pack pork loin. She sees instructions for canning pork roast and chops, but didn't see loin. What are the full instructions for raw pack canning pork loin?

From: Sharon Newbill
Mechanicsville , VA
This will only be the 3rd year I’ve witnessed house finches nibbling the tips of my sedum plants. Have had these plants for decades & never saw this happening before. I think they are after moisture in the leaves, or might like the taste of them? My plants look mighty ragged from this, but it doesn’t seem to harm the plants

From: Katina Smith
Oak Park , IL
I want to train an evergreen on an arbor that is 8’ high 10’ wide arbor. I need the plant to grow fast but remain narrow.

I was thinking of using the green giant arborvitae.

What evergreen would you suggest I use for this project?

From: Lori Peete
Champaign, IL
I have two geese that ruining my yard with their beaks and poop. They also try to attack me and others. How can i get rid of them and scare them away from my property and myself?

From: Anna Friedman
Chicago, IL
Hi! My new house came with a peach tree that I think may have canker. Can I send pictures to see if my diagnosis is correct? Or what it might be? And then looking for info on treatment. I’ve always wanted a fruit tree and I’m sad this one might be a goner. My neighbor said it produces a lot of peaches. Thanks!

From: Katina Smith
Oak Park, IL
The top of my arborvitae have a strange divide at the top. This divide is leaving a bare area between the top of the shrub and the body. How can I prevent this?

From: DeNelda Niemiec
Dunnellon, FL
I too had these little Beatles which they are called cigarette Beatles every day in my bathroom coming out of my pantry closet. Every day I had to vacuum. I finally decided to take everything out of my closet caulked all of the tiles. Then when I was putting everything back I was putting the box of Riddex and lo and behold it was infested with the cigarette beetles I trashed it in a sealed bag immediately and will never buy again.

From: Joe Yakhnich
Park Ridge, NJ
I have a 5ft thuja green giant tree that has been damaged by deer antlers last fall (trunk bark and few top branches). This spring the top two feet seems dry and brown, but the bottom 3 feet is healthy with new growth. What do I do to bring the tree back to health.

From: Thelma Philipp
Dunlap, IL
Old wood on Endless Summer has not leafed or budded. New growth is in some places 12+inches tall. Should I remove the old wood now or wait longer?

From: Marilu Lowery
Mt Prospect, IL
We have a Mallard Drake with no feathers on his chest. He hid under an evergreen for 2 days without coming out for water from our pond which is about 10 ft away from him. Yesterday he drank from the pond. He does not seem to be able to fly and is very weak. There is a large green feces stain at the edge of the pond which will wash into the pond where our grandchildren play. How concerned should we be?

From: Diane Engels
Galesburg , IL
This year only half of my linden tree leafed out. There are plenty of healthy suckers coming up though and there are still little green buds on the limbs. Last fall I did plant a couple hostas and lightly mulched on the same side that isn’t leafing out. Could this be a problem?

From: Linda Mosier
Raleigh, NC
The house finches are eating my sedums. The Autumn Joy has a few tattered leaves and another sedum was being badly nibbled until I brought it in the house. Has anyone come up with an idea of what would deter them? Chicken wire teepees don’t really appeal and I think the darned birds could get through the holes anyway!

From: Diane Engels
Galesburg, IL
I have a linden tree that has leafed out only on one side. The other side has green buds but no leaves coming out. There are plenty of suckers coming up. I did plant a couple hostas and lightly mulched around the bottom of the tree. Did this hurt it?

From: Diane Engels
Galesburg, IL
I have a linden tree that has leafed out only on one side. The other side has green buds but no leaves coming out. There are plenty of suckers coming up. I did plant a couple hostas and lightly mulched around the bottom of the tree. Did this hurt it?

From: Jeri Macke
Clinton, IA
Would like to know what happened to my Emerald Green Arborvitae ‘Smaragd. Also known: Thuja occidentalis.. After Winter, I got out back to see them, they where all brown. All 5 of them. I have pictures I could send. Thank you for your help …please

From: jessica shoup
east peoria, IL
In IL does a person need a license to take in injured wildlife and rehabilitate/release? Or house them if they cannot be released

From: Susan Goetz
La Moille, IL
I noticed holes appearing in some of the leaves of my sour cherry tree. When I started looking closely at the undersides of the leaves I found a striped worm? (Maybe type of caterpillar?) I have a picture of it. What is it and how do I treat the leaves to prevent further damage because I’m guessing there’s more than one.

From: Jamie Discala
Statwn Island, NY
I have a baby too that has lost almost all of her fur. Other than that she seems fine. I have been feeding her fruit and vegetables yofurt and peanut butter as well as wheat berries. Initially i had two but the other one was older and was really healthy so i released her since it was time. I have the other one a bath though. I didnt wash this one. She was also much smaller when i got her.

From: Susan Goetz
La Moille, IL
I noticed holes appearing in some of the leaves of my sour cherry tree. When I started looking closely at the undersides of the leaves I found a striped worm? (Maybe type of caterpillar?) I have a picture of it. What is it and how do I treat the leaves to prevent further damage because I’m guessing there’s more than one.

From: Jamie Discala
Statwn Island, NY
I have a baby too that has lost almost all of her fur. Other than that she seems fine. I have been feeding her fruit and vegetables yofurt and peanut butter as well as wheat berries. Initially i had two but the other one was older and was really healthy so i released her since it was time. I have the other one a bath though. I didnt wash this one. She was also much smaller when i got her.

From: Janet W
Mount Vernon, NY
I am preparing to plant a climbing hydrangea in a pot that is 20x20. I will drill draining holes in the bottom. Should I fill the entire pot with high qualty soil or put some medium in the bottom to help with draining or reduce the amount of soil needed? Thank you.

From: Katie Cook
Peoria, IL
Hi - this might be a longshot, but do you happen to have any resources or know of any groups that accept donations of nursery pots? I have quite a few of various sizes in my garage and I hate to throw them away. I was curious if you knew of any groups that use them for plant sales and things like that that may want them.

From: Randy Keller
Rockford, IL
These pines show a lot of white juice running down from upper trunk areas and the trees are browning and dying. Is there a treatment? Thank you

From: Dan Kumm
Huntley, IL
Hello might have just made a stupid mistake but question is how bad. I blatantly misread the label for Ace (Scotts) Fertilize (29-0-4) and used a setting of 6.5 on my broadcast spreader instead of the proper setting of 4. Should I be freaking and doing damage control or am I over reacting? I've read that Scotts 'can't burn your lawn' because of its slow release formula but I'm somewhat skeptical. So how bad did I mess up? Already doing a super deep watering to mitigate somewhat. Thanks in advance

From: Paul Psilos
Union, IL
Could you relocate a fox or fox family to my 2 acre property.

From: Mary Zorc
Third Lake, IL
Young redbud planted this spring had tight guy wires attached. When they were removed on Sunday, the bark split. It looks like the bark was pealed off. Is it related to the guy wire removal or possibly a growth spurt with watering during this excessively hot summer. It is planted in the open with no other tress or structures around it.

From: Zach M
Ann Arbor, MI
Hello from Michigan!

Question 1: Vegetation Control

My wife and I planted approx 500 black walnuts seedlings on our property in 2015, the year we were married. We had some extra "field" at the back of our property (approx 1.25 ac) and thought this would be a neat and meaningful way to start our marriage. We cut down the field grass and light brush and planted bare rooting seedling that were 6-10 inches tall. It's been 7 years and our walnut grove is really taking shape. Some of our finest specimens are well over 12' tall and 2.5-3" DBH. We have done no irrigation and only started vegetation control around year 4. We did lose quite a few due to the lack of management. I'd say we lost around 30-40%, which was on the high end of our expectations. We did 2 rounds of replanting in year 3 and year 5 to replace some of the lost trees. This has left us with a wide range of sizes in our grove. The replantings done in year 5 are still quite small (12-20" tall) and dwarf in comparison to the original plantings. Here's my question: what size diameter around the stem should we be controlling vegetation and at what point is it no longer benefit to control the vegetation? We had been spraying 3-ft diameter but I am wondering if that is still necessary for our larger trees. If there is a benefit, I would gladly continue doing it. Spraying is probably the easiest part of managing our grove. It's the pruning that takes days and days to perform. For us, a labor of love :)

Question 2: Tree Spacing

Our walnut grove is planted with approx 7x7 spacing. At the time of planting we read somewhere that this was ideal for timber production. However, I just read that you recommend 8x10 spacing. Do you suggest we transplant trees to thin the herd? We have the machinery to transplant trees while leaving a small root ball in tact (approx 18x18x18"). If it's between cutting the trees down or attempting a transplant I'd prefer to give that a shot. We have some larger areas where trees died that could be planted with transplants.

Thanks for reading all this and for sharing your wisdom with us all.

From: William Gravenkemper
Springfield, OH
I have an old privet hedge that is dying rapidly. Is it possible to cut it back in July/August to try to save it or is it a lost cause. I am sure waiting until September/October will be way to late.

From: S C Savard
Galena, MO
Mr. Hentschel: What year did you write the above messages? Ms. Yadav planted in 2014 -so how many years before a substantial root system takes place?

From: Brenda Affinati
Manteno, IL
Hello, I’d like to do some soil testing on a 40 acre farm that will soon have solar panels installed on it. I’m interested in studying the soil throughout the years to see if there are changes in the quality of the soil. This would be an excellent research opportunity for a student who may be interested. Thank you!

From: Paul Psilos
Union , IL
Can DNR or another agency relocate a fox or fox family to my 2 acres abutting an area foxes have inhabited previously? I posed this question previously and it was indicated as responded to, but so far (1week-10 days) I haven’t received a response

From: Barbara Manney
Peoria, IL
Do you know of anyone who could prune our 12 ornamental bushes? Thank you if you can help. Mrs. Barbara Manney

From: Jane smits
Moultonborough, NH
After prunning some branches on our white pine, the sap is still leaking down in drops like crazy! It is all over our deck and continues to drip after almost a year. Any idea how long this might continue or if will possibly stop. Appreciate any insight you can provide!

From: Shirlie Pinkham
Winston Salem, NC
I brought Autumn Joy sedum from Maryland when we moved to NC several years ago. I had several plants I put in the ground plus a few in containers. I saw the birds eating pieces of leaves from a container on my deck. Every year the sedum starts to grow and then they eat it clear to the ground. It may start to grow again in late summer but they still chew it up. I have bird feeders and water so I agree that it must be the taste of the leaves. Whether the sedum is a big one or smaller ground cover, and whether in the ground or a pot, if it is visible it gets chewed to the ground.

From: R A
Melbourne, FL
I have had the same 2 gutter extension tubes ripped off the house and dragged toward a lake,,,and its happened twice. My ring cams dont catch the guy but my dog hears it and goes crazy. Im thinking a coyote or gator. The spouts were heavily taped AND screwed into the downspout so it had to be a strong animal.

From: Christine Mize
Murphysboro, IL
I live 3 miles south of Murphysboro. I have seen at least 3 different bobcats on my property. It has gotten some of my chickens. I saw it try to jump over the chicken fence but the razor wire stopped it. I have numerous pics and videos of them in my yard. I was able to get a 30 day nuisance permit. I have got one si far. One is probably 45 lbs at least. There are lots around.

From: Joy D
Kankakee , IL
Canadian geese at bird park one missing foot also one with wings broken on each side Is there someone who can help They are in the park daily around 12:30 to 2:00pm

From: Suzanne Nelson
Snellville, GA
We have 5 Green Giant Arborvitaes planted as a screen in our backyard, and we planted them 5 years ago. A few months ago we noticed that the tree on the far right was starting to turn brown. I seems to be getting worse. The other four trees look perfectly healthy. Do you have any suggestions as to what could be the cause?

From: Kurtis Johnson
Lynnwood, WA
so this is the natural healing process of the plant if you are worried about its health. |If it is an eyesore on your otherwise beautiful tree you can get pruning sealer which is a black thick paint (kinda) or you can use undercoating for vehicles or rino liner in a can. also pruning smaller branches will cause less stress and sap secretion so try and trim branches before they are a problem if at all possible it is also possible to heal wounds by burning or charring the wound with a blow torch but this is highly unadvisable considering how extremely flammable tree sap is also Mayonaise is excellent at removing sap and motor grease

From: Dana Prikryl
Granbury , TX
I have those bugs from my rid x box. How do I get rid of them? The rid x is gone.

From: Joy Moss
Farmington, IL
Is there still a distemper amongst the raccoon population? We have had five or more adult raccoons die on our property In the past two months. we live on the edge of a cornfield and near a creek.

From: Billie Childress
West Chicago, IL
The temperature is mild for the most part this winter so far. Is it ok to prune trees and shrubs as usual?

From: Desiree Kelly
Portland , OR
My husband parks his car right up to our nature arborvitae hedge. The lower 2 feet of the hedge have basically disappeared over the years. How much space does the hedge need between itself and a parked car, garbage can, etc to thrive?

From: Mary SmithJohnson
Des Moines, IA
Is there use for black Walnut trees in Iowa? I purchased a home and the back yard has these black Walnut trees. They are to close to our home and deck. They were a pain to get picked up and remove from yard last year. We cant geep doing that. Hard work for us. I've been told black Walnut trees makes beautiful furniture. Not sure but we need to have then cut down. Any ideas of what would be good for us to do? Thanks

From: Sian Gray
Lansing, IL
1. Will SILVERFISH eat my hair while I'm sleeping? 2. If so, HOW can I protect my hair from them? 3. Will sleeping in/a rubber swim cap protect my hair? 4. Can I put Boric Acid in dresser drawers that have clothes in them? 5. How long should my bedroom air out from Boric Acid put on carpet perimeter before returning to sleep there? 6. What is best to use to close small openings around kitchen pipes & bath pipes that weren't sealed well? 7. What is best to get rid of them from the attic?

From: Mary Dappen
Putnam, IL
Hello, Let me introduce myself. I am Mary Dappen, committee chairperson of a newly formed Tree Hugger Commission in Putnam Il We are a privately owned forested area on Lake Thunderbird. Our mission is to sustain our forested area with planting a variety of deciduous trees, -oak, maple,sycamore- to be planted and cared for by our commission. To further our cause, we will be holding an Earth Day and Arbor Day Event, explaining the importance of planting trees and taking care of our planet I would like to include an offering of a red bud seedling to each family attending. I will need possibly 25 but do not know how to go about acquiring them. Any suggestions?

From: Ricky Pierce
Gaffney, SC
I have a couple of black walnut trees in my yard and I'm bout to cut them down wondering how I can sell them

From: Janet Irish Irish
Kewaunee, WI
Can someone please answer Erika Fessler's posted question. I have a squirrel with the same symptoms and can't get someone to please give us some answers Thank you greatly if you please would.

From: Theresa Murray
Oshawa, ZZ
Hello and thank you for any help you can provide. I have a large walnut tree close to my property and it's caused issues with trees in my yard. I have planted many trees and lost them.

I would like to plant a weeping katsura, but unsure if it's jungalone tolerant. Has anyone tried this tree near a walnut or tried any weeping trees that work with a walnut?

Thank you, Theresa





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From: Greg Sheumaker
Oakley, IL
This trees are huge. Looking to thin them out. 50 to 60 ft tall with huge trunks, and straight. Easy access as well. Power pole grade and 2×4 exceptional. 50 minimum so well worth it.

From: Carol Dunaway
Springfield, IL
I have read that mimosa trees are very invasive in more southern states, and should not be planted. What about central Illinois?

From: Carol Dunaway
Springfield, IL
I have read that mimosa trees are very invasive in more southern states, and should not be planted. What about central Illinois?

From: Dan Stretch
Kingsville, MO
Six years ago, we built in the country and I have been landscaping with a variety of shrubs. About the second year they are in, some will start to develop stunted leaves as new growth which stay stunted all year. The stems become swollen (knobby round growth) where the branches come out. Very few flowers will appear, if any. After a couple of years, most have died. This has affected my blueberry bushes, red twig dogwood, lilac and forsythia. I thought the forsythia bushes were going to make it as they are fairly large and are now 5 years old but this spring, they did not bloom at all.

From: Dana Hart
Mt. Carmel, IL
A resident contact our office requesting information about the removal of bats from a building and is that a service Extension provides. Would like someone to call him.

Dr. Andy Fisher - 618-263-8445

From: Dana Hart
Mt. Carmel, IL
A resident contacted the Wabash county office with questions about aging trees in their yard and the potential damage a room addition might cause to the roots of some trees. Would like someone to contact him.

David Dallas 618-263-8249

From: Heather Colman
Waterford, MI
I have a fox squirrel that has been frequenting my yard for over a year that had patches of fur missing and walks very gingerly. The squirrel appears to be in some discomfort and doesn’t like to roam to far but does eat the food I put out and drinks the water I replace daily. Is there anything I can give him/her for pain?

From: susan s
sheridan, IN
We have two goose nests on our property. One nest was attacked during the night. All the eggs are broken and emptied. They were left close to the nest. The goose had been on the nest almost a month. We are so sad. The parents are walking around the property and another pair of geese are trying to fight with them this morning. Do geese attack and break eggs from another goose nest? We want to find out what attacked the nest to try and prevent this from happening again. The nest was on the side of the pond, up next to big rocks.

From: Al ZAMAS
Lemont, IL
Hello, im looking to plant Giant thujas by the vynil fence. and also that area by the fence is the lowest part of my property and neighbour property. which means when rain water stays there. so my questions are: is it ok to plant 2 feet way from fence and 5 feet apart. and how to plant if there is a way to plant at this location where water is when raining?

From: sandy oresa
st john, IN
I have what is told to me the neighbor's crab apple tree sprouting babies in my lawn.. How do I get rid of them other than hand pulling them?

From: Jennifer Berger
Elgin, IL
I work at a licensed preschool/ daycare in Carpentersville. New mulch was added around and under the large wooden play structure and we have the first duck egg under the wooden steps that lead up to the slides. Today, large wooden blocks from a classroom were set up around the nest to keep kids away from the egg. We removed blocks when leaving so if the mother comes back, she can see and access the nest. We are a Head Start site with only one preschool playground. Since we can't close the playground per licensing, what can we do to protect the nest from 2-5 year olds? I am assuming that it is illegal to disturb the nest, but this is the only fenced safe outdoor play area available. The teachers are open to suggestions on what to do. The wooden blocks are the first temporary fix that staff came up with. any help and advice would be welcome.

From: Michele Lemmon
Dublin, OH
We came out this week to find that the trunk of one of our tree peonies split in half vertically — almost like something stepped on it and the weight split the trunk. Is there anything we can do to repair it? If we wrap the trunk together with something will it heal? It did not occur because of the weight of the blooms. Those had just started to open.

Thank you for any advice.

From: Tonys Mayhue
Mead, OK
We had two Canadian geese on our pond last few days and they have one baby. They were doing great, eating grass and swimming around like a little family. This morning they were standing on one spot and not moving at all. I realize that something not right with baby. I can see he is not moving and his head on the ground. I can’t come closer because parents vigorously protecting that spot. How long they will stay with that dead baby and should we somehow remove it, which probably won’t be possible. Please advise!

From: Al Rutt
Detroit, MI
How do I kill weeds in pachysandra without killing the pachysandra? Will some type of Roundup work?

From: Pamela Briggs
Naperville, IL
Our river birch tree has a flat top. The branches are healthy-looking, but growing out to the side rather than the tree getting taller. It is 2 years old, gets plenty of sun.

From: Jeanine Kyser
Pelham, AL
I purchased a box of rid-x about 2 weeks ago and decided to put it in my toilet today. When I pored 1/2 the box in I noticed the bugs. It took 3 flushes to get it all to go down. My question 1. Is I have half a box left, should I get rid of Iit ? #2 I did see some of them on top of my cabinet but I cleaned them up. I've used rid x for ever and never had this issue before. I looked down in the box and I did see more so I wrapped it in plastic wrap. Never mind answering that one, iv decide to throw it away and get new.

From: vicki coleman
Berwyn, IL
I have noticed several squirrel with what appear to be burn marks. Several have what resembles large blisters. Many appear to have broken limbs as well. The burned/blistered areas appear on the torso and head area. Very concerned.

From: vicki coleman
Berwyn, IL
I have noticed several squirrel with what appear to be burn marks. Several have what resembles large blisters. Many appear to have broken limbs as well. The burned/blistered areas appear on the torso and head area. Very concerned.

From: Kevin Albert
Northport, NY
I am also having the same problem. Around the middle of May the North facing side of my Arborvitae’s started turning brown . The South side looks perfectly healthy. I have arborvitae’s in my backyard that face east/west that are all fine. These are 20 yr old well established plants that are 20 ft tall. Any idea what is causing this and am in danger of losing these trees ?

From: Carmen Faczek
South Elgin, IL
We have a “ton” of geese wreaking havoc in our backyard. We try to scare them away, but a little while later they are back. What would be a humane method of keeping them off our property?

From: Linda Sabousky
Oil City, PA
Small catepillar like insects with yellow ring in the middles are on the leaves of my Bush.... What are they and how can I get rid of them?

From: Gregory Schaefer
Princeton, IL
just bought 3 8ft emerald arborvitae here in Princeton,il how often should i water?

From: P E
Tinley park, IL
I was out walking my two extra large Great Danes when I noticed we were being followed by a red fox. It followed us for about 7blocks all the way home and was only about ,at most, 20 feet away from us. If we were in the street it would walk parallel to us if we stopped it would lay down then move up a bit then lay down. If we were on the side walk it would be right behind us. I wasn’t in fear of it attacking us because my dogs are so large. I was afraid my dogs would hurt it badly and I’m sure it had pups to take care of somewhere. Why did it do this?

From: Karen Steinke
Frankfort , IL
Hello, We recently discovered we have a mallard and her 8 eggs in front of our house near the mail box/street. It is covered by flowers. Now that we are aware of it is there anything we can do to keep it protected? We have a dog who actually helped us find it. She is always leashed when in front so we can be sure that she stays away. Just would love to make sure these little guys make their way into the world. Thank you, Karen

From: Chris Lutz
Plainfield, IL
Hi! I have 2 maple trees with similar bark problems: ~15 yr old autumn blaze maple - bark is stripping off and underneath the bark on the trunk about a foot from the base are bored holes about the diameter of a pencil

~45 yr old silver maple - bark is stripping off (but no bore holes)

I'm concerned about the barking stripping off. What causes it and how can I address it to save the trees? Thank you!

From: Colleen Huber
Livonia, MI
I’m reading on other sites about baby bunnies nestling in their original nest at night time so they don’t come back to the original nests once they’ve opened their eyes and vacated the nest?? It’ll be three weeks on July 4th since I stumbled across this nest (thanks to my dogs.) I managed to save the one lil bunny my dogs discovered and it wasn’t injured thankfully! I’ve been watching them grow and we have 3 in the nest and Im worried once they are all hopping around if I can keep them alive and away from my curious dogs (unfortunately they’re kill them) ughhhh!! I’m truly trying to keep them alive and well! So the question will they return or not return to the nest after they’ve sprung????? Thanks y’all

From: Sally Hansen
Pasadena, CA
Hello, I have been dealing with flies in my apartment (first floor unit) since ~December 2022. I have identified them as fungus gnats. I originally thought they were coming from my bathroom ceiling fan as there was a leak there and I suspected mold, but my handyman opened up the ceiling and everything looked dry and normal. I have installed sticky fly traps with UV lights throughout my apartment and have so far caught hundreds of flies in every room. In the process of opening the ceiling, we put plastic sheets over the bathroom door, yet I am still catching plenty of flies, so now I know they are not originating solely from the bathroom. I am convinced they are coming from the vents, and in fact I have seen a few of them hanging out near the vents. I have a conventional central air system, and I hadn't been using heating/AC for 2-3 months, but I am running it continuously for a couple weeks to try and kill off the flies. I haven't replaced the filter since last September, but I will do that. Still, I think the flies must be breeding off some mold or moisture. How can I determine the source of the problem and remediate it? I have been told to inspect the blower motor for moisture/mold. Is there anything else I can inspect? Would installing screens in front of the vents help?

From: Dawn Weinberg
Carthage, IL
We had a gentleman call into the Hancock office regarding what he believes to be a hickory tree with 5/16" - 3/8" holes in the 5"-6" diameter trunk. He said there does seem to be some leaf damage.

I'm not sure what pictures or samples we may need for identification purposes.

From: Carol Anderson
Waterford, MI
I have same issues. Well watered

From: Joyce R
Coxs Creek, KY
My house finches have devoured my Autumn Joy Sedum, and by that, I mean the flower buds! They do this each year, but this is the first year they've eaten the flower buds. Mine will NOT bloom this year, or let me just say, I will be very surprised!

From: Elda Schwegel
Nisswa, MN
My Peace Lilly is dropping and has brown spots and turning yellow. It has bats to. I just transplanted it about 3 weeks ago cause it was over wet. This plant is all I have left of my mother in law who mentioned the world to me. I have tried everything. PLEASE help me. I want it to live. Thanks!

From: Ellen Hildner
River Forest, IL
Hi! What is the best fertilizer for my birch tree? It was professionally fertilized in the spring, with insect control, and I would like to do the fall feeding, if it is necessary, myself.

Thank you!


From: Fran Souza
Chicopee, MA
For the first time in 18 years, my Endless Summer hydrangeas did not produce a single flower. The only thing I did differently this year was to add goat manure to the soil. Could that be the reason? All four of my plants have had stunning blooms until this year.

From: Fran Souza
Chicopee, MA
For the first time in 18 years, my Endless Summer hydrangeas did not produce a single flower. The only thing I did differently this year was to add goat manure to the soil. Could that be the reason? All four of my plants have had stunning blooms until this year.

From: Kim Miles
Arthur, IL
Hi! I have a question about the land after black walnuts trees have been harvested for veneer. approximately 500 trees. Does the harvesting company do anything with regard to the stumps, or can that be part of the harvesting contract? Thank you.

From: Robert Bearman
Skokie , IL
I am planting a container rhododendron. The hole is dug and I am going to use a mixture of garden soil(bagged) and mushroom compost ( bagged) to pack around the plant when it goes into the hole. Any issues with this mixture?

From: Doug McCabe
South Elgin, IL
I have a neighbor who feeds squirrels daily with corn. He hangs corn from trees and dumps seed and corn on the ground. I know that it's not illegal to feed squirrels. However, it sounds like it's illegal if they're a nuisance? Is that right? Dumping food on the ground is illegal but who enforces that? It's gotten to the point where squirrels bury corn everywhere and everyone on the block has corn growing in their yard. Is that legal? We've also had infestations of ants and flour beetles coming from his yard. After talking to my neighbor twice, and he refuses to stop, I finally started trapping them. He actually called the police on me for that. The police said I was right but still wouldn't enforce any regulations about feeding and other violations on his property. The corn and squirrels are out of control. What recourse do I have? Who can enforce these regulations and get him to stop? Technically there are deer in the area and the corn is within reach of deer. It's been a few years since I've actually seen deer in the neighborhood. I just don't think it's right for people to have to worry about rodent and insect infestations as well as corn growing in the yard so that one guy can feed some rodents. Ducks, geese, sandhill cranes and other animals stop by his yard regularly for food. I hope you can help and give me some guidance on how to handle this. Thank you!

From: Tammy Walker
Glen Carbon, IL
I have 5 arborvitaes planted about 10 years ago. This summer one of them has started to have more orange/brown coloring on the branches. The cones are brown. What can I do to save it?

From: S Kunk
Wethersfield, CT
So no one has answered this??? I came here for the answer as I searched online for same situation! So why is this still posted and no one answered it!!!!!!!

From: Deborah Kent
Spring Grove, IL
I recently had a new 270 gallon formed pond installed in my Pond garden, along with a pallet of bags of cocoa bean crushed mulch from a candy factory in Chicago. After the new pond installation & laying of the cocoa much ( a few days later) we drained the pond to clean the dirt from the install. During the draining, as I was emptying the shop vac, I discovered thousands of itty bitty white worms that jumped after dumping onto the ground. We scrubbed the pond then refilled it with water. The next day I noticed a layer of white stuff on the shelfs of the pond. I took a net & scooped dead teeny tiny white worm like things out. Now the entire shelf is lined with these dead, icky things. I've not noticed any on the mulch, just in the pond & in a huge ground bird bath I have. It's not in any of my other pedestal birdbaths. My question is....Will these things die off during the Winter months in northern Illinois? They are so disgusting. Thank you

From: Martin Denker
St. Paul, MN
I am raising several oak trees from acorn stage. At what age or tree size should I start pruning lower branches to encourage upward growth and a well-shaped tree?

From: Carol Lewallen
Clayton , NJ
Hi, my dogs found a nest of baby bunnies today and my girl dog pulled a baby from the nest. I got the baby from her mouth and it looked injured. Yes I seen a drop of blood on the baby rabbit. I removed my dogs from the area and used some paper towels to pick up the injured rabbit and placed it back in the nest and covered the nest with the fur and grass that the mother had put there. I’m concerned that the baby injured bunny will not live. My question is should I go back and remove the injured/passed bunny from the nest or should I just leave it alone now? What will the mommy bunny do? I called my local vet and was told it’s probably not going to survive and there’s really nothing that can be done. The babies have fur but their eyes are not open yet. Thanks

From: Kathy Mullins
Springfield , VA
It has a big scrape on its scalp and hair loss. Seems lethargic..can get close enough to give peanuts and water. Saw it yesterday snd seems better today. But moves pretty slow. We thought it might have fallen down a tree and scraped it. I think it's very young but not a baby. Small.

From: Vicky Gabriel
Bethel, OH
This dust you mentioned is it grayish in color. If so, what do you do about it? I have this happening to a Dunstan chestnut in my yard right now.

From: Jennifer Hansen
I'm in New Mexico it's an evergreen tree at the base of it it has like a crystal ice sap or something like that at the bottom of it can you tell me what that is please

From: Lisa Anderson
West Peoria , IL
I have a huge and beautiful Linden tree in my backyard. I noticed it was losing branches so I had an arborist check it out and they said that it has bacterial canker and is nearing the end of it's lifespan. I would like to do whatever I can to extend the life of this tree while I plant another tree to prepare for when this one has to go. Is there anything that I can do for my Linden?

From: Fallon Wainwright
Jacksonville, FL
I have seen before that if it can walk/fly/swim let it be but this duck is NOT able to fly or swim. I watched it for a while after hearing its cries. Its leg is extremely messed up. She is not able to walk on it she can barely move around. Her wings are a little underdeveloped but she is full-grown/full-sized but her wings are nubs she has no flight wings or any wings. The Feathers on her head are falling off (they may have been plucked out) I don't know what I should do. I LOVE ducks and I hate to see them in pain. Its a female mallard.

From: Roxanna Spencer
Houston, TX
I have a large peace Lilly. Seems healthy enough but at the bottom is hard brown crusty stuff on the outside of the pot. What is causing this?

From: Cheryl metzger
buffalo, NY
are there any places that will buy my Black Walnuts unhusked near me? Buffalo, New York

From: Sherry Kamke
Riverside, IL
I believe a skunk is digging in my yard in any area that used to have a tree. The area is damaged in a way that a wildlife removal contractor says he believes is from a skunk. Two areas (neither are grass/sod) look like they have been plowed and holes remain. The contractor believes that the animal is after grubs. I am interested in safely dealing with grubs and also stopping the rodent from digging. . I would like to avoid trapping since the contractor says they get euthanized. I would like any suggestions you can give

From: Jean Hitch
Urbana, IL
Is it too late to aerate and overseed my lawn?

From: John Babirak
La Grange, IL
We planted six 6-foot tall Techny Arbovitaes in May. The trees have fared well during the early summer drought (we thoroughly watered 1x-2x per week, backing off as the drought ended in July-August). Recently, the trees have had some browning of the inside needles, but the tips remain green. This browning is occurring in the bottom 3.5 to 4 feet of the tree. Is this normal seasonal browning/needle drop, or is there something else going on? Is any pruning required?

The soil type is clay, but other arborvitaes in the area seem to thrive. The soil is draining sufficiently as the ground slopes gently away from the area where the trees are planted. I'd be happy to send a picture if that would help diagnose the problem.

Thank you for your help!

From: Joan Schaeffer
Hi --

When is the best time to have pin oak trunks injected with iron. I have consulted several companies with arborists. Some say only fall and, if they do spring or summer, they can only do 1/2 injection for some reason. Others say early spring when the leaves are coming out, and still others say June. I called the Morton Arboretum, and they had no definite opinion. What is your opinion? The fellow who used to treat my tree has left the state; I am looking for someone new. Thank you.

From: Ms L
Duluth, GA
I moved in this apartment in may and had fungus gnats ever since. They are mentally draining. And I’ve tried everything even pest control couldn’t get rid of them and I just don’t know what else to fo

From: Sam Laurberg
Machesney Park, IL
Is there anywhere near northern illinois that takes bone-in chicken thighs as donations to feed wildlife? I understand why Hoo Haven won't, but I hate to throw the meat away.

From: Karen Becker
Wildwood, MO
Why does the individual leaves on my China Doll plant is half the size they should be? I’ve had this plant since 2009 and I don’t want to lose it. Help! 23

From: Kourtney Kater
Stonington, IL
Hello, I am reaching out with the interest of getting information to make a decision on what trees we should plant along our property line to create a wind break for our home!

From: Stephen Dolan
Urbana, IL
We have field, once a horse pasture, now being overgrown with many (~100) black walnut saplings, some 10 feet tall. we want to remove the them. Our plan is to chain saw at the base and paint the cut stump with glyphosate. When to do? Spring? What concentrate glyphosate? More than one application? What to do with cut saplings? Burn or Recycling Center? Thanks in advance for any advice.

From: Kevin Neff
Northbrook, IL
A friend gave me some pee gee hydrangea starters. They're just sticks with out dirt. Will they keep until the spring or should I plant them asap? They were given to me yesterday.

From: Mitch Riley
Hello, I recently sold some timber on land I had purchased several years ago. So i'm trying to figure my cost basis of the timber. In a University of Wisconsin Forestry Facts article it talks about a Site index that can help be understand my timber growth rate so I can 'reverse engineer' the volume of timber at the time of purchase. Can you help me with this Site Index or how I can ascertain my growth rate?


From: Fosori Smith
Queens, NY
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From: Edward Weber
Orangeville, IL
We currently have 12.3 acres in the Forestry Plan. Our plan will need to be renewed next year. The county assessment office states we have 12.2 acres in "other farmland" which we assume means our forestry plan. They are stating we have a home site of 2.45, cropland of 0.43, and right of way of 0.23. We are senior citizens on a fixed budget and want to keep our real estate taxes as low as possible. Would it be more advantageous for us to put 14 acres into the stewardship plan instead? That would give us a home site of about one acre which is more the standard when comparing our property to others in our area. So, we are reaching out to find a forester who can renew our contract. Do we understand correctly that the Stewardship plan also needs a forester approval?

From: Shelby W
Williamstown, NJ
I have .3694 of an acre worth of pitch pine trees I would like removed. Anyone who wants to cut down the trees can have them.

From: Rachel Ferguson
Cantrall, IL
Today I noticed an old box of Rid X under my bathroom sink. The box had a small chewed out hole in the bottom with tiny beetles. What is the insect?

From: Don Johnson
Thompsonville, IL
What agency do I need to talk to to evaluate my land and determine what is the best programs to use to benefit my land and reduce property taxes.

From: Michael Boston
Washington, IL
The Illinois Forestry Association video series included a video called Forestry Mulcher Demonstration. Are there Illinois or Federal cost sharing programs to assist landowners with forestry mulching to both control invasives and thin stands? We have ~100 acres of timber in 5 tracts to consider.

From: jack foley
jerseyville, IL
can you build a house on the property if it has a timber program?

From: Trish fennell
comox, ZZ
We have a gnat infestation and we had tried everything. Got rid of al house plants but they are still inside in droves. They are also outside trying to get in the house. We have done everything. They are not attracted to yellow traps or vinegar. Where are they breeding? They are driving us mad and getting worse. We've blocked all drains and flushed them with vinegar, baking soda and bleach.

From: Trish Fennell
Comox, ZZ
I have no plants but fungus fantasy every where I’ve tried everything dunks yellow traps vinegar. They don’t go near the yellow traps.. They haven’t caught even one. I’m ready to burn my house down. I’m so frustrated. Going on 3 months now. Vacuuming 4 times a day.

From: Maggie Smith
La Grange , IL
Hi! I was going to landscape my front yard this spring until someone mentioned that I might want to wait until after the Cicadas are gone. Should I? That would probably mean that I would then have to wait until the fall. Thank you!

From: Lynn Clarkson
Cerro Gordo, IL
A buyer has given me a quote for 56 walnut trees and 16 white oaks which he would like to harvest over the next two months. The trees are all mature, reasonably big trees. The oaks are mostly on upland acres; the walnut, on lowland acres. The timber was last harvested 45 years ago. I like the buyer's presentation and offered contract. How can I learn if the price being offered is reasonable?

From: Sajeevan Vyravipillai
Blandinsville, IL
Do you have any information on commercial chestnut production? Potential grants, commercial viability in this part of the world, best practices etc.

From: Barbara Gustafson
Mahomet, IL
Where can I take an abandoned or wounded bunny

From: Ur Mum
Tateville, IL
It sucks here. A random man keeps telling me to breath the air. I want him detained. His name is Brian James Oneill.

From: Matt Kinzer
Champaign, IL
Hi, I noticed that certain parts of Illinois (including Champaign) were updated to be a Hardiness Zone 6a. That said, I am considering planting some Azalea shrubs that are rated for Zones 6-9. According to the grower, it can withstand temperatures as cold as -10F, which is the outer limit of our Zone. If I plant this shrub, can I reasonably expect it to do well in my area? For reference, I am looking at the Double Shot Salmon Azalea. Thanks!

From: PK Anonymous
Naples , FL
They are called Drugstore Beetles.

From: Theodore Marsters
Kittery, ME
After a fair amount of online research, I settled on the following potting soil recipe. Having repotted many of my 50 typical houseplants, I am having trouble with water running straight through the pots. I pretty sure it is not because of over-dry or over-wet soil. Do you see anything wrong with the following recipe for typical houseplants?

2 parts sterilized compost 2 parts coconut coir 1 part worm castings 1 part perlite 1 part vermiculite 1 part sand

From: Dave Fisher
Crystal Lake, IL
Our home has several overgrown trees that I believe are Leyland Cypress. They provide a great enclosure for portions of our yard, but they have overgrown past our fence into the sidewalk area.

Trying to understand if we can trim them without significant risk to losing them. Can Leyland Cypress be de-limbed 3-4 foot above ground? Any recommendations?

From: A Lemon
South holland, IL
My 3 y/o Dwarf Japanese Maple seems to be dying. What should I do? Some of the branches are gray (mostly at the tips) and not producing leaves after this past winter. Some branches are bright red with healthy looking leaves. Should I cut the gray branches?

From: Janet Kerner
Springfield, IL
How will she lead her ducklings to water 1/2 mile away on busy road. How will ducklings get over fence when they don’t fly for two months after hatching?

From: Johan Martin
Edmond, OK
I moved into an apartment unit about 2.5 weeks ago. Since move in, the unit has had a serious fungus gnat issue. I could see several of them behind the blinds of every single window in the apartment on move in day. You would see some flying around but most of them were in the windows. I flushed cleaner down the drains and plugged all drains, and gnats were still appearing. So was able to confirm the fungus gnats were NOT coming from the drains. Management sent pest control about a week ago. The issue lessened, but live gnats still present.. just fewer in number. Management is not going to do anything more to eliminate the issue so unfortunately I am on my own here. PLEASEEEE help me out here.. How do I get rid of these terrible pests completely, once and for all!? I have done light traps, sticky traps, sprays, dishes of vinegar.. with NO LUCK GNATS STILL APPEAR. Also, where could they be coming from? I know it’s not my drains and I have no house plants. The apartment had this issue when I moved in. Any advice is thoroughly appreciated

From: Johan Martin
Edmond, OK
I moved into an apartment unit about 2.5 weeks ago. Since move in, the unit has had a serious fungus gnat issue. I could see several of them behind the blinds of every single window in the apartment on move in day. You would see some flying around but most of them were in the windows. I flushed cleaner down the drains and plugged all drains, and gnats were still appearing. So was able to confirm the fungus gnats were NOT coming from the drains. Management sent pest control about a week ago. The issue lessened, but live gnats still present.. just fewer in number. Management is not going to do anything more to eliminate the issue so unfortunately I am on my own here. PLEASEEEE help me out here.. How do I get rid of these terrible pests completely, once and for all!? I have done light traps, sticky traps, sprays, dishes of vinegar.. with NO LUCK GNATS STILL APPEAR. Also, where could they be coming from? I know it’s not my drains and I have no house plants. The apartment had this issue when I moved in. Any advice is thoroughly appreciated

From: George Louis
california, CA
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From: Deanna Kariotakis
Aurora, IL
We have a Momma Mallard that has laid 6 eggs in the crotch of a river birch in our fenced in yard. I have many worries! The our dogs - one a dachshund will not leave alone. And I am sure once they hatch they babies will not survive her. and there is no way for the hatchlings to get to the pond on the other side of the fence until they can fly. But If I move the eggs to the other side of the fence will momma find them? I would wear gloves and provide a nest bed. I need help for momma!

From: Hudson wesley
California, OK
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From: Ben Angel
Poseyville, IN
I'm looking at some land in southern Indiana that has had infrequent, but historic flooding.

Two major floods were the 1913 and 1937 floods with the more recent 2008 June flood.

While very rare, trying to grow walnut trees for 40-50 years means that there's a very good chance of another flood given the proximity of the Wabash and Ohio rivers. As such, the area is considered a floodplain. Most of the farm land is currently being used to farm corn.

I would love to learn about how black walnuts and large floods might impact them at different periods in their development.

From: Tiffan Hall
Milwaukee, WI
I have a rabbit that created a bunny burrow about 2 inches from the entrance to my house. It is made out of an outside blanket we use as a tablecloth. It is on a deck about 5 1/2 feet above the ground. How can I relocate so once the babies are a little older they don’t start running in the house when we enter with groceries or whatnot? Thanks for any help with this!

From: Tiffan Hall
Milwaukee, WI
I have a rabbit that created a bunny burrow about 2 inches from the entrance to my house. It is made out of an outside blanket we use as a tablecloth. It is on a deck about 5 1/2 feet above the ground. How can I relocate so once the babies are a little older they don’t start running in the house when we enter with groceries or whatnot? Thanks for any help with this!

From: Marla Stevens
Denver, CO
I have 12 inch seedlings that I got bare root and I potted them up in 4x9 pots. The 50% of the needles are turning brown. Is this normal? Too much water or too little?

From: Dusten Dorman
Forney, TX
OMG this same thing just happened to me. There were 6 babies and they all ran in different directions. One is still here and is froZen along the fence line. Its eyes are open but it’s not moving. It’s so scared. It’s been there for a couple of hours now. I put some water and lettuce by it hoping the mom comes back. I’m so worried.

From: Richelle Krupa
Youngstown, NY
All the bunnies in the nest ran away, except 1 I don’t know if she’s ready to leave yet, but I haven’t seen the mom come back to check on her when the mower went by. It blew grass over the nest. Can the mother rabbit still find the baby with the extra grass put over the nest

From: Annie Cochran
Libertyville, IL
My garden beds and pathways are full of wild onions. How do I get rid of them? They’re not in clumps, just thousands of individual shoots!

From: mary noble
Big Canoe, GA
potted hosta returned after winter but stems are very weak & floppy. why & what to do ?

From: Taylor Oanes
Westchester, IL
We had a Scarlet Oak planted last fall that still has not leafed out. The branches have brown buds with green underneath and themselves are green underneath the bark. Is it unusual that they still retaining old leaves and not growing new ones?

From: Linda Gilbert
West Chicago, IL
I have planted 4 redbuds over the last 10 years and by last growing season were looking healthy and lush. My yard is all organic and native trees and understory plants. They are scattered across the area. This spring all show major die-back. I also noticed several large holes on the trunk of one of them. Is there a new insect to worry about?

From: Dineen Policano
Alpine , NJ
I am having a similar issue with my arborvitaes browning on one side. The browning faces east, however we do have strong winds coming from the northeast.

From: Savannah Smart
Omaha, NE
My newborn bunny is about 4 to 5 days old, I am feeding it some homemade formula and she is doing great with eating but when ever she tries to stand even on all four she will start to wobble and then when she tries to walk she falls over on her sides and tries to kick herself back over but can't I had just found her in the yard stiff and freezing so I brought her and her two other siblings in and got them warm but I don't know what to do, and I need some help but don't know where to get any from, I hope this works even just a little bit.

From: mo ort
schaumburg, IL
on my geranium in a basket outdrs, leaves are yellowing. I am not over watering. I read Epsom salt is a good idea? I put about 1 tsp and then watered it in. IS that correct? or how much Epsom salt and how often will help

From: Amy Hull
Pittston, PA
Hello - I have green giant arborvitaes on both sides of my property as a privacy screening. I absolutely love them, they are beautiful - is it ok to use a hedge trimmer to top them - and is it safe to trim them now or should I wait until fall? I don't want to do anything to potentially damage them. Thank you so much for your time.

From: Lisa Crandall
Columbus , OH
I have small skinny white worm type bugs practically carpeting and killing my creeping Jenny. They're about an inch long and have light colord Stripes down the length of their bodies. They look skinnier than the pics I'm seeing of slugs.

From: Angela Suiter
Escanaba, MI
My neice had found a baby rabbit probably only a couple of days old if that, the baby has it's outside of his stomach. I'm pretty sure it was born this way. Can it survive like this or am I wasting my time?

From: Linda Cherney
Palatine, IL
I recently planted 3 potentilla bushes. They are turning brown and limp on the ends of the branches and underneath the plant. Are they dying? Should I trim off the brown/limp parts?

From: Shelia Caldwell
Russell Springs, KY
Hello. I’ve been watching a female House Sparrow all spring. She built her nest in a place that I knew my barn cats could reach, but she laid her eggs before I knew what was happening. She hatched her eggs just yesterday. Today I went to the barn to find the nest destroyed. One baby was laying on the ground in the midst of the destruction and my cat was eating mom. What can I do for the survivor? I gathered up nest pieces and placed them in a plastic container. I’ve given the baby some water mixed with mashed up worms via eye dropper. It is so young it barely has fluff on its head and is naked everywhere else.

From: Michelle Jensen
Chebanse, IL
I need advise on how to get rid of potato bugs. I've used everything I can find, and still have them. What can be used other than picking them off every day?

From: faqiry swltanr
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From: Kari Urban
Oswego, IL
I have a grey squirrel that appears to have lost his hair and partially on his tail. Today, he sat on my deck wagging his tail. Not sure if this means he is asking for my help as this is the first time this has happened. I have seen them in my yard before, but never has one done this. Any suggestions on what I might be able to set out of him to help him regain his coat?

From: Katharine Quarrier
Guilford, VT
Is it still ok to eat the squash growing in my garden that has the white jumping maggots in the cacao mulch?

From: ron Diionno
cleveland, OH
there is a bald squirrel by my house. what would cause that?

From: Suzanne Williams
Lancaster, SC
My rudebeckia in raised patio flower bed looks wilted but outside stems are ok and the stems in the center are brown and seem to be knocking other stems down. What seems to be the problem and how do I fix it?

From: Moss Bresnahan
Urbana, IL
Unfortunately, I believe we can see a dead red tailed hawk tangled in a communications tower on the Urbana campus. But we can also hear the calls of other red tailed hawk nearby. Sounds distressed, and wonder if it's juvenile hawk, and if so, if there's anything we an do. Also, anything we can do to protect hawks from future mishaps on the tower.

From: Moss Bresnahan
Urbana, IL
Regarding the above, rescue was successful.

From: Patricia Phillips
Savoy, IL
Lately I have been spotting a small bird in my yard and around my neighborhood. At first it looks like a sparrow, but it is smaller, narrower, lighter in color and with a long thin beak. It also has quite a loud song for such a small creature.

I have looked online and found that it most resembles a rock wren. However, a lot of the pages I have read say the rock wren does not live in Illinois (Champaign county).

I am wondering what it might be. I don't have a picture unfortunately.


From: Danny Nagel
Midland, MI
Our house all of the sudden became infested with small brown flea like bugs. After weeks of trying to eliminate them, I located the source. It was a used box of Rid-X causing the terrible issue. The box was filled with thousands of the tiny pests. After removing the box from the house, the infestation problem immediately went away. Needless to say, I will never bring Rid-X in my house again.

From: Susan Stock
Champaign, IL
Hello, I am growing corn for the first time, and one of the stalks has a white and black bulbous growth on it. (I have a picture but can't attach it to this web form.) Can you tell me what it is, what I should do, and if I can still eat the ears on that stalk? Thank you.

From: ismaeel vikram
Albama, AK
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From: Steve Pinta
Woodridge, IL
I planted this from a 5 gallon container in May. Maybe 7-10 days after planting the leaves started to curl up. Also some leaves have black dots on them.

When I planted I used Fertilome Root Stimulator. After two weeks I started noticing the curling, I used Fertilome Triple Action Plus (Fungicide / Miticide / Insecticide) at the recommendation of the local garden center. I'm not sure if I applied enough or if it was the right thing to use... I applied it again a week ago or so, still no improvement.

Any other suggestions on how to treat it? I took the water bag off after the first few weeks. Still not quite sure how much water it should be getting?

Here's some pictures if it's helpful:

Thanks in advance!

From: Lillian Peake
Floyd, MD
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From: Lillian Peake
Floyd, MD
Unlock the ultimate exam preparation for the SAFe Architect certification with our detailed PDF questions. These questions are crafted to reflect the exam's structure and content, providing you with a realistic and effective study experience. Don't leave your success to chance—equip yourself with the right tools and strategies.

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From: charan das
jhunjhunu, RI
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Are you in search of a black magic specialist in Indiaor a kala jadu expert? Look no further! Our best black magic specialist astrologer in India, well-versed in kala jadu, tantra mantra vidhya, and tona totke, is here to assist you. With over 27+ years of experience, our expert is +919636763351 black magic removal services near India, telangana Specialist

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Vashikaran administration an outstanding mantra in the crystal gazing field. This mantra can be utilized to control anybody's brain. It is a mysterious procedure by which we need to work an individual can do on our wants. Despite the fact that there are numerous mysterious solutions for adoration, marriage, kinship and different connections are accessible to determine issues identified with, yet it has been seen that customary crystal gazing treatment sets aside such a great amount of effort to show results however such a soothsayer vashikaran authority measure results shows quick and is 100% harmless.By Black Magic vashikaran master pull in you and you can influence the ideal individual. Once in a while we need to express our feeling of individual comes up short and are no supernatural occurrence that the individual himself/herself will come and get in touch with us to do as such. Here you vashikaran expert, vashikaran mantra can help whenever finished with the correct technique, he/she will get in touch with you and you bring to the table. +91-9636763351

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Dark Magic Specialist Baba Ji +91-9636763351

Dark Magick is simply the procedure change through an antinomian initiatory structure, Black significance the concealed insight, intensity of haziness,

reams and organizing the truth you wish and Magicks Vashikaran Baba Ji being the procedure to rise, become godlike in soul. +91-9636763351

Baba Ji +91-9636763351

Dark Magic Baba Ji +91-9636763351

Welcome in Specialist Vashikaran +91-9636763351

Vashikaran Specialist:- +91-9636763351

our baba ji having profundity information in the field of crystal gazing and vashikaran expert. Vashikaran imply that control somebody with the systems or strategy. This administration furnished by best vashikaran authority with this administration you can get the arrangement or discover the arrangement of anything or issues. In the event that you have any sort of issue identified with affection issue, spouse wife issue, business issue or employment issues and so forth on the off chance that you are experiencing this kind of issue so you don't stress our crystal gazer is here for your assistance. Our celestial prophet give you best outcome and he can help you how to do that. Our customer can profit this administration from our celestial prophet at time and in truly sensible rates.

Most Powerful Mantra:-

By this mantra you can control to anybody of want individual. In the event that you are enamored and he/she disregard you then you will utilize this mantra anticipate from this if your significant other or spouse couldn't care less about your sentiments and love so you simply don't stress our baba ji gives you the best arrangement and help you how to do or how to play out this mantra. in the event that you perform well in your office after that your augmentation or post have halted in the wake of doing parcel's of endeavors then you can contact to our baba ji. He is outstanding and all around experienced baba ji he is direct you in right manner how to do this on an individual. You can profit this support of our baba ji at truly sensible rates.

Best Vashikaran Specialist:- +91-9636763351

What is vashikaran? It's a systems and strategy to control somebody according to our longing. In the event that you love somebody and need to wed with him/her however you are additionally frightened from the he/she is concurred or not even you don't think about their folks then you can contact to our baba ji to satisfy your desires by vashikaran. Our baba ji have numerous years experienced celestial prophet in a similar field and our a lot more customers are fulfilled by our administrations. We gives you the best outcome as needs be to you. You can see the outcome in barely any days your sweetheart will there just for you and you carry on with your existence with brimming with delight in entirely reasonable rates.

Best Vashikaran Mantra:- +91-9636763351

VAshikaran Specialist Many lawfulness are utilizing by the young lady vashikaran mantra. Be that as it may, Famous crystal gazer Aghori Baba Ji is the simple respect in everywhere throughout the world and known for the best outcome work.

Dark Magic Vashikaran Specialist Baba Ji:- +91-9636763351

Vashikaran administration a notable mantra in the crystal gazing field. This mantra can be utilized to control anybody's brain. It is a mysterious procedure by which we need to work an individual can do on our wants. Despite the fact that there are numerous mysterious solutions for adoration, marriage, companionship and different connections are accessible to determine issues identified with, however it has been seen that conventional soothsaying treatment sets aside such a great amount of effort to show results yet such a soothsayer vashikaran pro measure results shows quick and is 100% innocuous.

Dark Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji


Dark enchantment is frequently seen as the utilization of underhandedness forces to retaliate for the foes. On the other hand the dull expressions can be executed to benefit individuals. The Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji rehearses the left-hand way to arrive at otherworldly harmony. His understanding and enormous experience made him a specialist in the distinctive Black Magic customs. Low enchantment can improve the present state of an individual by evacuating the evil impacts of a hostile stare. You probably won't know about how the energies around you can change your frame of mind and conduct. In the event that somebody is reviling you over and again with profound feelings it can start cynicism into you. In the event that you need self-conviction and confidence, the outside powers can get effective in controlling your activities.

Being a Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji is a troublesome activity in itself. Babaji needs to ingest the unsafe energies inside an individual to mend them. His endless commitment and incredible dedication to Lord Bhairava helped him to treat individuals experiencing dark enchantment. He has countless answers for various battles a human can confront. A nonstop mantra reciting and long periods of reflection is simply the way to shield from misfortunes. He follows the tantric standards structured by Trailanga Swami. The spiritualist mantras and tantra yoga are the mystery of living a satisfying live without getting a charge out of any realism as per Famous Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji. His whimsical cures and strategies can spare you from anguish.

Dark Magic Specialist Baba Ji +91-9636763351

The Aghori religion is dull. It includes disengaging yourself from everybody to acknowledge God is inescapable. The outlandish love the Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji does is past the ordinary pooja. A common human doesn't have the inward vitality to seek after the heavenly being to work in support of them. Aghori babas have been doing this for quite a long time. On the off chance that you are limited into a circumstance from which getting out is unthinkable you should get in touch with him as quickly as time permits. On the off chance that you are stuck in an extraordinary choice counseling a Black Magic Specialist Baba ji is an unquestionable requirement.

Every one of your difficulties and stresses will be tended to by our specialists. When you talk about the issue you can get it fixed at all measure of time. Our Online Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji will successfully resolve your issues. When you come to him you would confront the annoyance once more. He offers mantra, supplications, revere direction and spell throwing administrations to ease up your life. He has a long involvement with somberness and remained with the unbelievable sages at the diverse heavenly places in Indiato investigate the helpful dull customs. Presently he gives dark enchantment administrations to utilize the information he assembled for getting joy the life of others.

Onine Black Magic Specialist +91-9636763351

Dark Magic Specialist Aghori Baba jiLife without expectation or motivation has no importance and murkiness can't envision all around. An individual futile can't recognize the privilege and an inappropriate way and may begin moving off course, in this manner arrival him to more difficulty. As opposed to surrendering you should take the assistance of some very characteristic forces of soothsaying and Black enchantment. Dark Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji is the individual who will give you new expectation and joy in your life. Solid personalities can deal with the battle yet the more fragile ones may even decide to take their lives.

Soothsayer Astrologer shastri has illuminated numerous cases in everywhere throughout the globe exceptionally in INDIA, India, Newzeland, South Africa, INDIA, Australia and so forth. He is exceptionally well known and prestigious as Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji since they have illuminated around 99% cases identified with dark enchantment.

Expulsion of Black Magic by Aghori Tantrik +91-9636763351

In the event that you are confronting the issue of dark enchantment and need to evacuate this impact then you are on the opportune spot. Dark Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji is the master of Removal of Black Magic. So If you have lost everything in your life and confronting the issue in regards to the build ? In the event that you are encompassing with the unnatural forces, at that point just inside 3 days you can evacuated that. Or on the other hand If you can't deal with your issues yourself, you can take help of Black Magic Specialist Baba ji. It is in every case better to contact the individual who can help you as opposed to making any off-base stride. The Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji is the crystal gazer with tremendous information on enchantment spells. That can take care of any issue that exists in this world.

The Black Magic Specialist Aghori Baba ji is here to wipe out the perplexities throughout your life. You have just stood by enough for things to settle down without anyone else! Call him today! You will find the correct solution in only one interview session. +91-9636763351

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Do you want to find the best Vashikaran Specialist in India? If yes, then stop looking and contact Astrologer Charandas Shastri. We are aware that the ancient Vedic Indian Astrology books are filled with the art of Vashikaran.+919636763351

But exactly What is Vashikaran? Vashikaran is full of ritualistic procedures and mantras and if they are spelt with fair and benevolent intention then they provide maximum and favourable benefit.+919636763351

Is Vashikaran Positive

The Best Vashikarana Specialist in India, Top Tantrik charandas Shastri is the astrologer who guides people positively. He has complete knowledge of the holy Indian art. People consider him as a Powerful Vashikaran Specialist in India because he solves the problems of the individuals permanently while generating no harms to the doer as well as the receiver of the Vashikaran art.

When people ask him, ‘What are the side effects of Vashikaran’? Then he replies in clear terms that if the Vashikaran mantras are chanted positively then there are no side effects of it. To know about the symptoms of Vashikaran

The Love Vashikaran Specialist is also very vocal about, ‘How Effective is Vashikaran?’ He states that the Vashikaran Mantras have the power to convince the people on whom they are cast. The Vashikaran Specialist in India India, also mentions that the art of Vashikaran requires a lot of patience and devotion. The most important point is that if the Mantras are chanted with the right amount of knowledge then they will fulfill the wishes.

If you want more insight about the astrologer then Why is Astrologer charandas Shastri the Famous Vashikaran Specialist in India

Why is the astrologer is admired by the people? It is because of his time-tested Vashikaran techniques. These techniques have always helped people to achieve their desires. Love Guru charandas Shastri belongs to a very reputed astrological family. But that is not the only reason for his popularity. He is popular because of his mastery over difficult Vashikaran mantras.

If you are a resident of India and want a quick solution to your problems then you only have to reach the Fast Vashikaran Specialist. Astrologer charandas Shastri is approached for all types of love problems, husband and wife issues, and family problems or any other problems in life.

The astrologer is also the first preference of the people as Husband Vashikaran Specialist or Girl Vashikaran Specialist. In a hard time in Corona, he gives online consultancy to his clients and is also the first choice for Online Vashikaran Specialist in India

1. Vashikaran Mantra For Love back +91-9636763351

2. Black Magic Specialist +91-9636763351

3. Kala Jadu specialist +91-9636763351

4. Vashikaran specialist +91-9636763351

5. Husband Wife Problem Solution +91-9636763351

6. Love Problem Solution Astrologer +91-9636763351

7. Online Love Problem Solution Specialist +91-9636763351

8. Relationship Problem Solution by Astrology +91-9636763351

9. Love Marriage Specialist Astrologer +91-9636763351

10. Business Problem Solution +91-9636763351

11. Get Your Lost Love Back +91-9636763351

12. Divorce Problem Solution +91-9636763351

13. love Spell Astrologer +91-9636763351

14. intercast love marriage specialist +91-9636763351

15. Family problem solution +91-9636763351

16. Girl vashikaran specialist +91-9636763351

17. Lottery Number & Satta Number Specialist +91-9636763351

From: holly swehla
antioch, IL
I have a 3 year old smoke bush that has sent up 4 foot shoots. i would like to cut them and propagate them.

How do I do that ?

From: Charlotte Haddon
Tulsa, OK
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From: Billie Adams
El Dorado, AR
I have an inside squirrel I’ve had since 2 days old she’s an Eastern Gray she’s now 6 months old. She acted “different” about 2 months ago and I took her to the vet.. he said he couldn’t see anything in her urine that it may just be behavioral. Since then she has acted perfectly normal but her tail hair seems to be falling out. No chewing no injury. First it was about an inch down from the tip but today I notice she’s thinning right away under her tail close to the base. I’ve removed all the scary foods corn peanuts avocado human food..we are just having healthy block (a little daily she hates them) two tablespoons of fox valley formula bok choy kale insects and so forth. Could it be stress

From: Daren Haney
Piqua, OH
I Had a Locust tree cut down . 2 root suckers have grown from it. 1 has thorns and 1 doesn't. Why is that?

From: Mike Bess
Geneseo, IL
I am considering purchasing a 72 acre parcel that is in a permanent WRP conservation easement. It has had the restoration completed several years ago and it has multiple varieties of oaks that are now 12-14 years old. Am I allowed to apply for a forestry management plan inside of a WRP easement?

From: Sue Hobson
Woodstock, IL
Hello, we have 4 very large white pines in our neighborhood (40-50 feet tall). Our HOA would like to trim one side of these as they are impeding on a home. There has also been discussion on if they should be topped. I have read this is generally frowned on. Can you tell me any benefits to topping and the negative effects of doing it? Thank you!

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From: Joy Del Bianco
hickory Hills, IL
Why are these falling now. Usually see them in the fall with mature seeds.

From: Todd Blake
Galesburg, MI
Hi I have a stand of black walnut trees that my dad and I planted around 40 years ago I trimmed to 16' they are on 12' centers, most are at least 12" to 18" dbh they need thinning but am having issues determining which to leave that might be better veneer trees would like to learn in a class or online. Had tom stadt from msu come and mark trees a couple of times but that was probably 15 years ago. any info would be great. thanks todd there are around 300 total

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