The Great Plant Escape
Soiled Again!


Composting with Worms

worm bin

shredded newspapers


red wigglers

Studying about composting is a lot more fun when you use one of nature's best composters, the redworm.

Redworms are great indoor composters. Worm bins are easy to set up and take care of. They don't smell either.

Hi, I'm Herman. I've got my own website and when you've solved all the mysteries, come learn more about worms with me.

Your Worm Bin

A worm bin can be any size and made of any type of material. Shallow (eight to nine inches) containers are best. Be sure there are drainage holes in the bottom and holes for air on the side. Be sure to cover these holes from the inside with fiberglass screen or old pantyhose to keep the worms in the box.

The Bedding

Worms need bedding to live in. The best and easiest to use is old shredded newspapers. It takes about four to six pounds to fill a 2 feet by 2 feet box. Moisture is also important. Worms need it to help them breathe. Keep in mind that a worm is about 75 to 90 percent water. Pre-moisten the bedding before you put in the worms. A general rule of thumb is to use about three parts water to one part bedding. So, if you use four pounds of shredded newspaper, you need to add 12 pounds of water (1 pint = 1 pound).

The Worms

The best worms to use are called red wigglers. These worms can handle the warm temperatures in a home. How many worms you need to start your worm composter depends on the amount of garbage you think you will generate each day.

Generally, it takes about two pounds of worms to "eat" about one pound of vegetable waste a day. Once established, worms are heavy feeders. Worms do best at temperatures between 55 degrees F and 75 degrees F. Worms will eat a variety of vegetable waste. Meat waste should not be used in the bin.

Caring for Your Worm Bin

To care for your worm bin:

  • Watch the moisture levels (don't let it get too dry or too wet).

  • Provide food.

  • Keep it at the proper temperature.

  • Occasionally removing the castings (worm manure) that are produced and add fresh bedding. The castings that are produced can be used in making potting soil or added to your garden soil.

Now that you're a soil expert, go on to see if you can make your own soil at home.

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