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Magnolia Leaves Curing

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From: Steve Pinta
Woodridge, IL
I planted this from a 5 gallon container in May. Maybe 7-10 days after planting the leaves started to curl up. Also some leaves have black dots on them.

When I planted I used Fertilome Root Stimulator. After two weeks I started noticing the curling, I used Fertilome Triple Action Plus (Fungicide / Miticide / Insecticide) at the recommendation of the local garden center. I'm not sure if I applied enough or if it was the right thing to use... I applied it again a week ago or so, still no improvement.

Any other suggestions on how to treat it? I took the water bag off after the first few weeks. Still not quite sure how much water it should be getting?

Here's some pictures if it's helpful:

Thanks in advance!

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