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Suckers or Basal Sprouts

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From: L Mac
I know that trees send up suckers when they aren't getting enough water. Are there other reasons and why are they so vigorous when the tree is unhealthy? Are they stealing all of the water and nutrients?


Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hardwood tree species under severe stress (drought & heat) or trees injured by fire or mechanical means "may" send up basal sprouts, typically from the root collar. Certain species are much more prolific in their "sprouting" abilities.

Are these basal sprouts stealing all the water and nutrients? Well, not really since the roots of the sprouts and the roots of the main stem come from the same tree. However, the allocation of the water and nutrients to support these sprouts is coming from the same root system that supports the main stem. I think it's more correct to say that the tree is merely reallocating its resources to maintain these sprouts.

From: John Richards
Chicago, IL
Specifically, what specifies are known to have prolific sprouting abilities? I've been trying to identify the tree in my front yard because the basal sprouts are out of control - they come up fast, often and have been as far away as 8 feet from the trunk of the tree.


Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Simply take a picture of the foliage of the suckers and ask your local UI Extension office for assistance in identification!

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