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Growing Maple Trees from Seed (TN)

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From: Lyndia Root
Clarksville, TN
I plan to plant the Amur & Trident Maples in my yard....I could not find already established trees in my local nurseries or on the internet so I purchased seeds. My order arrived today, Nov.12th. The instructions that were sent contradict themselves,.... in one place it talks about Scarification & Stratification, then in another spot it says the best way to sow a tree seed is to just plant it in a soiless compost and wait for it to germinate. I have had a maple before and those little "helicopters" would germinate all over the yard with no effort at all, but I am unsure if these should be handled the same way. Those seeds were fresh and soft, these are obviously harder and dormant,..... How do I go about germinating these so they are a nice hardy size that can be planted in the yard come Spring?

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Greetings Lyndia:

Here are a couple resources which should answer all your questions:

University of Illinois:

University of Tennessee:

Best of luck!

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