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Value of Hackberry

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From: Ernie Groves
Louisville, KY
I had to remove an eighty foot tree in my yard because of a windst storm. It was 75 inches circumstance at waist height. Age I guess at least 40 to 50 years old. Could you give me a vlue of this tree? It was in good condition.

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Greetings Ernie:

Are you looking for replacement value or are you looking for the value of the lumber produced from this tree as they are two completely different animals?

If you are looking for tree replacement value, then you need to contact a certified arborist.

If you are looking for the value of the tree in terms of lumber, then you need to determine the diameter of the log inside bark at the small end, and the total length of the log to calculate potential board feet of lumber.

Based on board feet, you can estimate a reasonable price based on local hardwood lumber markets (your state forestry agency should be of assistance).

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