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Fruit Tree Mentor (IL)

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From: James Schroeder
Hebron, IL
I live outside of Hebron about 6 miles from the Wisconsin boarder. I have planted several fruit trees that include apples, cherries, apricots, plums, peaches, pears. I want to have good fruit but have no clue what to spray or even what I need to look for in order to determine what I would need to spray. I need a mentor who knows No. IL and what pests are here and how to deal with them. I need help. Where can I go? Who can help me? Please respond. thanks, JMS

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Greetings James:

Might I suggest you contact a horticulturist here on campus as they are the professionals who typically deal with fruit trees.

Contact: Extension Food Crops Specialist, Dr. Mosbah Kushad at

Best of luck!

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