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Collecting Pine Pollen (IL)

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From: dave mitchell
palos heights, IL
Hi, am interested in collecting some pine pollen for research and am looking for a good place to go--also what is a good time?Is there a law against taking some catkins to get the pollen?I would need around 5lbs. Thanks Dave

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Greetings Dave:

You might want to contact a local forest preserve district in the greater Chicagoland area for research access. IL-DNR sites are another possibility. IL-DNR research forms are available upon contacting IL-DNR headquarters in Springfield, IL.

Time of year for pollen collection depends on species and probably weather related phenomena. I'm sure the USDA Forest Service has published literature on pine pollen collection:


Best of luck!

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