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Don't Sell Your Walnut Timber on "Shares" (IL)

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From: james sthults
stockton, IL
A timber company has approached us and asked to log our walnut trees. He says he will give us 60% and 40% will be for him. Is this fair? Should we be getting more? THey have logged two of the neighbors and have been respectful and have done a good job. I am mainly wanting to know if this offer is good or should we be getting more of a percentage?

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Greetings James:

I would encourage you to consult a professional forester regarding the sale and marketing of your black walnut trees. Selling high-value hardwoods via the "shares" method, as you've described, is generally considered a very unwise financial and forest management decision; unless, of course, you as a forest landowner are extremely astute in the evaluation, appraisal, marketing, and frequent sale of hardwood timber.

Since you're asking the question, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are generally unfamiliar with many of the intricacies and nuances involved in sale preparation, marketing, and administration of a timber sale -- don't worry, 99% of Illinois forest landowners fall into the "unfamiliar" category.

Again, avoid selling your standing timber "on shares;" instead, contact a professional consulting forester today to assist you in marketing your timber -- you'll earn a lot more money and you'll retain more high-value trees for future timber sales!

IL Directory of Professional Consulting Foresters:

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