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Is this black walnut or oak?

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From: Tyler DeJonge
Zeeland, MI
We have about 16 acres of woods on our property and its full of the same type of tree.

Its winter right now but I am wondering if anyone can identify them just by the following pictures of the tree and bark (or at least guess).

From everything I can tell looking online its either walnut or oak but I have never seen walnuts or acorns in the woods before.

I can wait for leaves to better identify but its driving me crazy right now trying to guess.

Thanks! copy and paste http://i41.tinypic.com/fnh1yr.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/ezizxd.jpg

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi Tyler:

Thanks for your question and unfortunately this tree is neither black walnut nor oak -- it is ash, probably white ash (Fraxinus americana).

From: Tyler DeJonge
Zeeland, MI
Thanks for the very fast reply its good to finally know whats down there.

We will be clearing a section of the woods this year is there any real value in white ash? I know you can not really comment without seeing the actual tree but most are like the one in the picture(previous post).

Thanks again!

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
If this is an upland forest, the species will likely be white ash. If it is a bottomland, floodplain forest, then the species is likely green ash. Regardless, both are sold as "ash" lumber.

Yes, there is a market for ash sawtimber. I would suggest contacting a local professional consulting forester to assist you in marketing the timber is this portion of your woodlot. A simple Web search for "Michigan Consulting Foresters" will help you locate a professional consulting forester.

Best of luck to you!

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