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Parkway Tree Replacements (IL)

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From: John Prebstle
New Lenox, IL
I need to replace the Green Ash tree in my parkway, as my village is removing it because it has the Emerald Ash Borer. I live in a suburban environment. I have done some internet research and narrowed down a new parkway tree choice to three varities: Greenspire Little-Leaf Linden or Ginkgo or Sweet Gum (non-fruiting variety). These three seem the best for salt tolerance, clay soil, insect resistance, non-sidewalk lifting roots, etc. The Morton Arboretum web site says there is no perfect parkway tree, as all have some potential problem. Can you recommend a tree variety - even one I have not thought of?

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi John:

I'm pretty much a "go native" tree planting kind of guy! Thus, I'm not a big fan of planting little-leaf linden (overplanted) or ginkgo--just my personal preference as I'm a traditional dirt-forester, not an urban forester.

Sweetgum (non-fruiting variety) is a legitimate choice, as are various oaks, hickories, blackgum, baldcypress, Kentucky coffeetree (male), Freeman maple, cucumbertree, etc.

There really are no perfect species; just make sure to choose and plant > 2-3 different species. Mix it up a little and get rid of some of these drab urban monocultures :-)

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