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IL Woodland Property Tax Assessment (< 10 acres)

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From: Dax Herbst
Aledo, IL
Dear sir or madam:

I've 6.1 acres and a house on my land. There is existing timber that I'm guessing to be approximately 1/4- an acre (Acer saccharinum and Poplar mainly) however the rest of the land was a blank canvas when my family purchased the land. Since, I've planted some 400 trees (I graft conifers as a hobby) and 100 of which are conifer seedlings. I've also diversified the land with deciduous trees as well, for birds and animals. My property as far as I know isn't allowed any tax breaks, but, I'd like to hear your opinion. Also, if there is anything I can do to bring about tax breaks, i.e. improvements, I'd very much like to know my options. Thank you.

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi Dax:

Your best bet, due to the fact that you have less than 10 acres, is the Illinois Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). This voluntary program guarantees qualified enrollees a preferential property tax assessment equalized to 5% fair market value (compared to 33.3% fair market value for residential).

Conservation Stewardship Program Website:

IL CSP Administrative Rule:

From: Dax Herbst
Aledo, IL
Awesome. Thanks!

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