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Yard Tree Hit by Car (MI)

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From: Becky beers
Vandalia, MI
I have a red maple tree in my front yard a car went out of control and hit it on 2/26/15 left a big skinned place on the trunk and broke one limb about 1/2 way through from the bottom upward. What should I do to help the tree heal? Some say use tree tar others say leave it alone so I'm confused. Can you help me?

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi Becky:

Due to the simple fact that I can now view or see the damaged induced by the car accident, might I suggest that you contact a certified arborist for an on-site inspection:

Michigan Arborists: http://www.asm-isa.org/arboristlist.html

Best of luck!

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