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Pin Oak

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From: linda devine
seneca, IL
This tree seems to be dyingor?It has green branches close to the house but 2/3 of tree has not put leaves on like the other 1/3. We have added magnesium to the soil as it tested low for that. The green part of this tree was trimmed back when we added a sun room. Should these branches be cut back close to the tree and sealed?

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Pin oaks are acid-loving (low pH) tree species and amending the soil fertility with magnesium may very well be the cause of your problem; many magnesium based fertilizers increase soil pH (alkaline). With that said, foliar analysis, rather than soil analysis, is by far the most accurate means of diagnosing nutrient deficiencies in trees. Please retest the soil around your tree (take multiple soil samples and mix) to determine pH. Compaction to the soil, from construction of your new sunroom, could also be a factor in your pin oak’s general decline.

Concerning your question on pruning, please schedule an appointment with a certified arborist to assist you - since this question requires a “hands-on” kind of answer. No need to “paint” the pruning cuts on your pin oak this time of year; it will only interfere with your tree’s natural healing processes.

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