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Measuring Tree Height with a Yardstick

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From: murray mcgrady
swansea, IL
what's an easy way to measure the height of a tree? I saw something on your website about holding a stick out in front of you and walking backwards until the top of the stick meets the top of the tree. Now I can't find that information. Thanks

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Greetings Murray,

Ah yes, the yardstick or stick method. In order for the yardstick method to be accurate, you need to be on level ground AND the top most part of the tree needs to be directly overtop the tree's base. Otherwise, different equipment and techniques will need to be employed.

STEP 1 - stand on level ground in order to take measurements.

STEP 2 - make a closed fist and extend your arm straight out so that the top of your fist is at or very near to eye level. Carefully, using the yardstick, measure the distance from your fist to your eye. Record or remember this measurement (i.e., eye-to-fist distance).

STEP 3 - face the tree to be measured holding the yardstick vertically in your extended fist so that the distance from the top of your fist to the top of the yardstick is the same eye-to-fist distance measured in the previous step. Make sure your arm is straight out, fist at eye level with the yardstick straight up and down...very, very important to keep the stick straight up and your fist at eye level!!!

STEP 4 - slowly and carefully walk backwards away from the tree until you can see the base of the tree by looking over the top of your fist AND the top of the tree by looking over the top of the yardstick. At this exact point, place a flag or other reference tool to “mark” this point on the ground (ex. use a wire flag).

STEP 5 - measure the linear distance, in feet, from the “mark” to the base of the tree. This distance is the height of the tree. Take several measurements from different angles – take the average of the measurements.

From: Tom Wolford
Martinsville, NJ
good day - I may be splitting hairs here, but I am trying to measure my tree heights as accurately as I can - in step 4, if I keep the top of my fist at eye level and back up on level ground, the top of my hand will never line up with the base of the tree - is it okay, then, to lower your fist as needed as you back up until the observed tree height corresponds to the stick length? - will appreciate your response - thanks

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi Tom,

The stick technique will be more accurate if you keep your arm parallel to the ground at/near eye level and if you keep the stick vertical, or perpendicular to the ground. The goal is to create a perfect right triangle.

If you lower your fist too much from the horizontal plane of your eye, you will no longer be parallel to the ground and your arm-eye-stick position will no longer represent a perfect "right" triangle.

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