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New Tree Near 100+ year old Maples

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I have 2 very large Silver Leaf Maples on the south side of my house. They provide a ton of lovely shade!! 1 of the trees has a very large hole in the trunk and several smaller holes at the base where is meets the ground, but overall seems to be healthy and is full of leaves. I'm assuming the tree will only live about 10 more years.

I would like to replace the tree before it dies with another shade tree about 10' away from the trunk of the existing tree.

Do you think the new tree would survive? It will have limited sunlight, mostly morning and evening sun. Eventually when the existing tree dies will that negatively impact the new tree? I've heard the decay could harm the new tree.

Also at the base of the existing Maple, should I add soil to the holes? I've seen a opossum crawl out of the biggest hole a few weeks ago. Should I add fertilizer?

Is there a type of shade tree you recommend? We are up to our elbows in helicopters (maple seeds) each spring. I'm looking for a lower maintenance shade tree.

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi Emily:

The main issue I foresee you encountering by planting a "new" tree in close proximity to a large existing tree that will eventually be removed is potential damage to your newly planted tree. Therefore, special care will need to be taken by whomever you choose to remove your large, compromised silver maple.

You will want to make sure the new tree that you plant is somewhat tolerant to shade. I would encourage you to visit the Missouri Botanical Garden's website for a variety of trees that meet that criteria.

Missouri Botanical Garden:

Best of luck!

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