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Establishing a New Tree Prior to Future Removal

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From: Maggie B
Manhattan, IL
I have a very old maple in my yard. It is over 60 feet tall, possibly taller. For a tree of this age it is in decent condition but due to its size and location it provides most of the shade for our yard. I estimate I will need to remove the tree in 5-10 years as its location means it would do a lot of structural damage to houses and garages if it falls on its own. I’d like to plant something soon so that when it needs to come down, we don’t lose all shade but the location of the deck and driveway make that extremely difficult. How close can I plant another tree? Closer if it’s tiny? I would prefer to plant something like a birch but what if I let one of the saplings it gives off each year grow, how close could I allow that to take root?

Extension Message
From: Jay Hayek
Extension Specialist, Forestry
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Hi Maggie:

Thanks for your great question!

Planting a new tree under the crown of an existing tree slated for future removal is probably a bad idea as it will be in the "collateral damage zone" of the tree that needs to be removed. Arborists are extremely skilled in their trade, but they can only be expected to do so much.

Additionally, trying to establish a new tree under the crown of an established tree also blocks a lot of sunlight necessary for good growth and vigor of said tree.

Without an on-site visit, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to provide you with a good recommendation for minimum planting distance. However, I would strongly recommend that if you do plant a new tree, keep it as far away as possible from the tree slated for removal!

Best of luck!

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