El Gran Escape de la Planta

Caso 3 - Introduction to the Concept

The goals of the third week are:

  • To have a general knowledge of seeds and their importance to sustaining plant life.

  • Understand the importance of seeds in the food chain.

  • Understand the requirements needed for seen germination.

  • Understand and appreciate the variety of forms found in seeds, and relate those forms to survivability.

  • To introduce and be able to distinguish nonflowering plants that produced seed-like structures (mushrooms, ferns).

The objectives for the third week are for the students to:

  • Recognize and understand seed structure and the requirements needed for seed growth.

  • Describe the environmental factors necessary for successful germination of seed.

  • Recognize the importance of seeds as they are used for food.

There are five main concepts for this week:

  • Seeds have the ability to remain viable over a long period of time, thus allowing them to germinate and grow only when proper conditions present themselves.

  • Some seeds have special structures that enable them to move from one place to another, thus assuring distribution.

  • Seeds have different shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns.

  • Seeds have special requirements that must be met to achieve germination.

  • Seeds are composed of specific parts.

Before You Begin | The Classroom | Introduction | Background | Growing Deeper | Resources

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Home Case 1 - In Search of Green Life Case 2 - Soiled Again! Case 4 - Plantenstein Is the Suspect! Case 5 - Mysterious Parts That Surprise! Case 6 - You've Learned the mysteries of Green Life Glossary Links Inicio Glosario Enlaces Principal Caso 1 Caso 2 Caso 3 Caso 4 Caso 5 Caso 6 Guía del Maestro Creditos El Gran Escape de la Planta