El Gran Escape de la Planta

Caso 1 - Introduction to the Concept

The goals of the first week (these are Grade 4 system-wide goals) are:

  • Understand the essential things needed for plant growth.

  • Work independently to nurture the growth of a living organism.

  • Work cooperatively to begin the investigation of what plant care (care for living things) involves.

The objectives of the first week are for students to:

  • demonstrate knowledge/recognition of the words related to seeds and plants.

  • read to find answers to questions.

  • describe and record observations.

  • listen for answers and new information.

  • describe how plants grow and what they need to grow.

  • make hypothesis about lettuce and its growth (time, size, color, etc.)

There are four main concepts to this lesson:

  • Plants are made up of different parts. Each part has a specific function. These parts can also help us to identify plants.

  • Certain plant parts are edible. They are important food sources for both humans and animals.

  • There are seven basic requirements that plants need in order to grow properly: temperature, light, water, air, nutrients, time, and room to grow.

  • Plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors for food, shelter, clothing, medicine, energy, and pleasure.

Before You Begin | The Classroom | Introduction | Background | Growing Deeper | Resources

Caso 1 | Caso 2 | Caso 3 | Caso 4 | Caso 5 | Caso 6 | Glosario | Enlaces | Inicio
Home Case 1 - In Search of Green Life Case 2 - Soiled Again! Case 4 - Plantenstein Is the Suspect! Case 5 - Mysterious Parts That Surprise! Case 6 - You've Learned the mysteries of Green Life Glossary Links Inicio Glosario Enlaces Principal Caso 1 Caso 2 Caso 3 Caso 4 Caso 5 Caso 6 Guía del Maestro Creditos El Gran Escape de la Planta