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From: Jessika Homann
Hello! My name is Jessika and I live in Elk Grove Village, IL. I few years ago started learning a bit about Doug Tallamy and supporting the native wildlife through planting native perennials in my garden. I started small in a very bare bones planting space and planned to expand each year, but then we moved across town and now I have LOTS more planting space, which is great! But I was wondering if there is a program out there to help support someone like me? I'd like to be able to walk my yard with someone, identify a few things I do have, and make a plan for best utilizing the rest of the space moving forward. I know I could call a landscaper but I'd really like to learn more and grow as a gardener in the process. If you know of any programs like that around Cook County I'd so appreciate it if you could send the information my way or point me in the right direction. Thank you!

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