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green looking moss

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From: Panda Evans
London, OH
Hi We have about 20 trees around our yard that have a green moss looking stuff on the bard of our trees. I told my husband I think we should get it off it might be hurting our trees. He said its fine to leave it alone. What can it be and is it hurting the trees? Thanks Panda

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From: Sharon Yiesla
Unit Educator, Horticulture
Lake/McHenry Unit
Hi Panda It sounds like your trees may have lichens which are fungi and algae living together. They are usually sort of a gray green color and are harmless to the tree and do not need to be removed. The other possibility would be that you actually have moss growing on your tree. Moss is usually a fresh green color. Again this would not be harmful to the tree, but it might indicate that there is excess moisture in the area, which in time, might be harmful to the tree.

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