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harvest time for pears

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From: Dorothy Robin
Woodstock, IL
Hello. I have one pear tree in my yard (variety unknown). I have heard that pears are supposed to be picked before the pear is ripe, and then ripen the pears in a cool, dark spot in the house. When should I be picking the pears off the tree?

Extension Message
From: Richard Hentschel
Extension Educator, Horticulture
DuPage/Kane/Kendall Unit
Guidelines for harvesting pears before fully ripe on the tree include: -When healthy fruits begin to drop -There will be a change in fruit color,green to yellow -fruit stem seperates easily from the branch 60 to 70 degrees is best for ripening If you do harvest when fully ripe, they last the longest if refrigerated. So keep an eye on them this year and mark your calendar for a reminder for next year. Good Luck, Richard Hentschel

From: Kathryn Remsen
Sorry if this is a repeat: Our tree guy says our one remaining pear tree is dying from a fire virus. Some leaves have turned black this season, but there are still a few pears. Are these still safe to eat? The tree was pruned back last fall, no chemicals have been applied. any other recommendations to save this tree?

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